
176 just tough it out

The final day of the winter camp's finale arrived in the morning, and the closing ceremony commenced as scheduled.

Compared to the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony was at least 20 times more grandiose.

The ceremony was held in the grandest art gallery in Jinan City.

Because of his high ranking, Li Zheng was seated in the second row.

In front of him were numerous special guests from the Chemical Society.

Li Zheng initially wanted to sleep through it, but after glancing at the closing ceremony program booklet, he perked up.

It was mainly the guest list that caught his attention, featuring a shining name—

Ms. Xu Youyou.

China's first Nobel laureate in Medicine.

Although it was a prize in Medicine, her life's research on artemisinin was essentially a colorless crystalline substance with the molecular formula C15H22O5.

A chemistry problem.
