
White Tail pack

Cole POV:

I was back at the party trying to have a good time, Veronica was hanging on my shoulder and I looked over at her suddenly feeling a sense of annoyance, and when she whispered sweet nothings into my ear that usually gets my soldier to stand at attention I felt a sense of disgust.

Mayhem hasn't stopped growling in my ear since I rejected rose and I instantly felt the regret but she was not strong enough to handle one of the strongest packs on the east coast. All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain. Someone has crossed the boarder without permission and ultimately left the pack. I waited for the patrols to tell me who.

"Alpha a young female crossed the border faster than I've ever seen any she-wolf go."

"Do you have a name for me?" I snarked in my head I needed to know who was disobeying orders. I had been Alpha for less than a day and already lost a pack member.

"Negative Alpha no on caught a glimpse of the girl. We have a tracker coming to see if they recognize the scent."

"Forget the tracker I'm on my way." Now I was pissed.


I arrived at the border where the breech had happened and sniffed the air it was a faint smell of a familiar scent of pineapple and pine and the next thing I knew my eyes widened as Mayhem howled so loud in my head it left my ears ringing

"Mate is gone and it's all your fault"

"Shit I may have not wanted her but I figured I could at least walk by her every once in awhile to keep my wolf happy until I marked and mated a new Luna." I mumbled to myself.

"You dumb prick no one will compare to our mate and now we will die alone" I could hear for the first time mayhem sounded broken.

Our mate was gone.


Rose POV:

We continued running I trusted her to take control and carry us where we needed to go. I stopped momentarily when I heard a howl and instantly felt its power. It was Cole and he has realized we were gone. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a twig crack and turned my eyes to the bushes rumbling.

I instantly got ready to attack when a pair of green eyes glowing appeared out of the bush and a little wolf all brown with golden ears stepped out with curiosity in their eyes as they tilted their head. I backed off and shifted approaching the pup slowly so they knew I meant no harm.

"What is your name and where did you come from?" I asked as I began to kneel down so I was eye level.

The wolf paused for a moment then went behind a tree and shifted bringing me back a pair of clothes that must have been hidden behind the tree I hadn't realized I was approaching her still naked.

"My name is Chloe and I'm with the White Tail Pack" she said sheepishly.

" Hello my name is Rose it's nice to meet you" I said gently trying to gain her trust I meant her no harm.

"You smell funny. You are a rouge aren't you?" She crinkled up her little freckled nose. She was tiny and looked to be no older than 8. She had short blonde hair, green eyes and the cutest dimples.

"I am a rogue" those words cut deeper saying them out loud making it all the more clear what I actually have done.

"But you don't act like a rouge." She stated it more than questioned it this time I was seeing a little more sass as she began to relax.

"Well I have only been a rouge for maybe 2 hours so I haven't quite picked up all the mannerisms yet give it time I'm sure I will harden up." I gave her a sarcastic smile then scooted over to the tree and rest my back on it.

Her eyes widened by my statement and she shook her head "oh no you will not I'm taking you back to see my mommy she's the pack healer and we will not let you become like one of those smelly wolves"

with that she turned her heels expecting I follow and seeing as I had no where else to go I did just that.
