
Legacy of the Zero World

A few minutes later , an auctioneer approached Ink .

"Mr. De Montier has told you to pass this on to you."

- What is there? - Ink examined a bag stuffed with something.

"The clothes of the representative of Goodar Castle and sheets with instructions for the ritual," the auctioneer slowly explained. - Mr. De Montier said that you are in the know.

Ink was surprised to examine the earthy-ginger-colored pages with purple handwritings.

- Hi, you're new, right? - approached in a black robe hastened to introduce himself. "At Gudar Castle, I am responsible for communicating with the zero world." They call me that - Escort. You can walk for a while, but by dawn, find me in the Trade Union, send you to the clipboard. Right to the base. What do you have there? A set of rituals to call the Clath function? I heard Michaelon did this before, and now it will be your duty.

Ink read a few lines from the rituals describing the torture of man. It was a set of torture.

"Do you understand that this will not work?" It's just exercises for the sadist.

"You and I know this, but the head of the clan wants to check." Orders are not discussed.

"Is he a sadist?"

- I-ya ... - The guide, who for all the time did not give his real name, scaredly looked around and began to back away. - M-I have to go.

"De Montier thoroughly scared everyone," Ink looked at the hunched back of a member of the strongest buffer clan. "What awaits such people after their head leaves for the first world?"

The auctioneer gave a slight bow and also walked away.

Ink sat down and found a free shop and began to browse the contents. He understood that it was too weak and it was pointless to argue with the order. For himself, he decided that it would not be pointless to torment a person. It's better to cut your throat right away than to torture you through all the instructions described.

Ink touched the sheet with a thread of consciousness, but nothing happened.

"Right. This is not a grimoire of archdemon and not a legacy from the mark of blood "

He read the text. The words were in his native language, the presentation style was modern. Ink drove a thread of consciousness along the ink trail, trying to determine from the lines with what character the sentences were written. Somewhere the lines are smeared from the quick movement of the hand, in others it is fatter, as if the author of the lines stopped there in thought. Something got in the way several times. Like a step on paper.

"The unevenness that the thread of consciousness feels?"

Ink quit reading and quickly felt every centimeter of the surface of one of the sheets with the appendage of a light. There were seventeen burrs on it. The remaining sheets showed similar irregularities, but everywhere the number was different - from three to one hundred and eight. Rugs did not stand out with fingers - the same paper as elsewhere.

"What happens if I touch all places with the threads of consciousness?"

He decided to check first the sheet on which there were seventeen dashes. It seemed no coincidence to Ink that the description of the ritual began precisely with him. This has become a kind of replacement for pagination.

As soon as the thread of consciousness was connected to each unevenness, Ink found himself in darkness. After working with a grimoire, this did not scare, but left a smack of anticipation. Pages turned out to be a legacy!

There were no glowing words around. Ink peered into the surroundings and with great difficulty was able to notice small grains floating in space, like metal debris.

"Klata function? !!" - Ink was astounded. This thing that everyone around wanted so much was in his hands. The sheet with three burrs turned out to be empty. Whatever it was before, it was probably already taken by Michaelon.

There was a message in a sheet with twenty-three marks. The huge steel letters were unknown to Ink at the letter, but he already knew what to do with it. The thread of consciousness touched the array and knowledge flowed into his mind. A huge block of information began with the words: "The Legacy of the Zero World". The first part talked about the cinema in the form that Ink Y was familiar with according to Glam's brochures. The second described the methods of working with grains of titanium armor. These things were supposed to help correct deformed thin bodies, restore them, and then modify the physical body in a special way to match the new content. It was emphasized that this requires high control of consciousness and therefore, first you need to properly study the keenra. The third block revealed details about the different types of subtle bodies and the rules for their development - sairen.

According to the classification of the zero world, Ink was at the fifth step of the keenra and to go to the sixth he needed to achieve a constant rotation of the light. Now he received information about all stages of the art of developing the mind and knew how much this part was really important. The manual suggested using a vortex shape as a model for changing the light. Other options included a spinning ring, a star, and planets. It was important to open before this a region of the sea of ​​souls - a black space with embryos of subtle bodies. There it was possible to create a vortex or other moving image from energy, so that later it could merge with it as a light. It was a simple mastering technique for the sixth stage of the keenra.

Ink looked around. Representatives of the clans have long left. Instead, firefighters and the police worked at the site of an already closed breakthrough into the small world. Ambulances came and took away the injured, some of the doctors remained less seriously injured for first aid. One of the doctors approached Ink , asked about his well-being, and quickly ran on, making sure that everything was in order.

Ink did not dare to immerse the lamp into a sphere of white energy, given how it reacted to the touch of the lyrs. He also did not want to postpone the development process, because the sixth step of the keenra was supposed to help find any bookmarks in the mind left by others. After a surprise from Arsi, he did not want to take the risk and wait until it worked. The faster the lamp rotates, the more subtle intrusions can be seen. Ink tried to spin up in his mind, but it turned out badly. He again began to see skills and the reflections of skills received in the world. The process did not go further. Nevertheless, even these actions have borne fruit. Near the ball of the force field, something new was discovered. Ink began to carefully examine the amorphous object and was surprised to find a small instruction in it. Locked knowledge claimed to be a skill separation and if you allow him to immerse part of the light inside the structure of the clot of consciousness will change.

Ink remembered that in Arsi's mind, the light was like a giant crystal, and there were a lot of fragments around.

"For me, breaking the strand of the mind was painful, but it has a light and is so divided into many particles. Is it possible that she not only copied a force field from me, but also I copied her skill? Is this a double-edged sword technique? "

The thread of mind plunged into an amorphous clot, and the lamp Ink a began to slow down the rotation. Associations surfaced with the jelly-like body of a slug found in a small world. The tip of the thread of the mind broke off, remaining in the area of ​​the skill, but no pain appeared. Ink felt that he could divide his mind into parts, but at the same time the light would still be one. The problem was the inability to quickly change its shape or rotate in the field of consciousness.

The sixth step of the keenra, and with it the possible hidden bookmarks in the mind, remained inaccessible. With great care, Ink went into the darkness of the sea of ​​consciousness. He separated a piece of the lamp and sent it in the direction of a white ball with three spheres and nine threads inside. After touching, nothing happened, only a fragment of the lamp pulled inward and began to stretch along a strange route. No unpleasant sensations also arose. Ink made up his mind and swam with all the speed available to him to a bunch of rotating energy. He felt the light being distorted after touching the ball, but its orientation in space did not change from this at all, nor did his head spin, which he expected from this process.

The rotation speed increased, causing a desire to scratch, but at some point the unpleasant sensation was replaced by a feeling of comfort and correctness. Another bonus turned out to be satiety. Ink did not know how to otherwise describe the pleasant satiety in his light. Nearby came the dissatisfied roar of a lyrs, which was no longer washed by white particles of energy. Ink knew that she had not gone anywhere, and he could release her at any time. Right now, his lamp shredded itself, sending pollen out of the light of the mind into space. Ink felt that every small part had the same shape - a ball with three spheres and nine threads inside.

One of the streams, at the request of Ink, burst out. A blue thread flashed in space and struck an energy creature. Liers cried out in resentment and hastened to leave. Ink wanted to destroy the parasite, but he felt numb in the used stream and some fatigue.

"Wait until I master the hardening of the lamp," Ink thought to the offspring of the alien race . "After that, I will chop you into pieces."

Concentration on other layers of the mind bore fruit. Ink noticed a small needle, which made him want to have the amulet bead amulet , but clearly saw all the innate and later added skills, even the very mechanism of controlling the body with the subconscious and leverage on him. And most importantly, there are many traces of interference. Ink could not understand exactly what desires and thoughts were invested. They have already fulfilled their mission and disappeared into the space of the mind.

Particles of the light scattered wider until they filled all available space. Ink's memory was viewed almost all at once, excluding the part that was held in place by clips. Some things immediately attracted attention.

"Glam was looking for grain ... Hardly for his own sake. This could be another order from the spirit of reflection. But isn't that stupid? She sees everything that happens in the zero world. How could she not know where Michaelon gets the function of Clath? - Ink immediately recalled the dream of a white world. - Arsi complained that the grain was not grown in her ... The spirit did not help her get a new one because ... didn't want to? And that look of her then. It is as if she evaluates Arsi , checks how much the girl trusts her ... - Ink's thoughts ran faster and faster. "No, it's ridiculous ... How could she lose control of her face." To mask these changes under the continuous change of appearance. It should be a spit for her, and the creature that created and implemented such a complex plan cannot make stupid mistakes. So she did it on purpose? For what or ... for whom? She showed it ... to me? And her words are about how to use an energy creature to get rid of the mark of heritage. She accurately described what happened, but convinced Arsi that this was impossible. It can't be ... - Ink felt the movement of his light becoming faster and faster. - Did her actions leave traces of interference? And the thought of asking for an energy creature ... was it really random? If not ... an archdemon ... on her side ... Is this all part of some kind of plan? "

Ink opened his eyes. The street was empty and quiet. In the calm of the dead of night, only damage to the houses indicated that more recently a tragedy had broken out here. Thoughts and assumptions haunted. Ink went to the entrance to the small world and squeezing the heritage pyramid gave a signal to open the passage. To his surprise, visually nothing has changed. At the same time, he felt that if he took a step forward, he would immediately find himself in another space. I didn't have to jump to go - the invisible gates descended to the ground.

Ink noticed traces of battle in a small world. He hastened to climb a flattened rectangular hill to the meeting place with the archdemon. The shining gap in space was empty.

- Come out! - Ink shouted with his mouth and light. "I know that you are following this place!"

A couple of seconds passed, and the head of the black-footed one nevertheless appeared in space, and its strands of consciousness spread over the hill. There was no longer a grimoire on the fragment of the column, as well as demons milling around.

"You still came," the archdemon smiled.

"Yes, I wanted to ask one question," Ink did not take his eyes off the black-footed one, catching any changes in the expression on his face. "You said that the powerful do not need a lie, and you yourself are powerful enough and you can afford to tell the truth."

The archdemon did not find fault with the accuracy of the wording, but simply nodded.

"I went to the sixth step of the keenra here," Ink did not miss the moment when the archdemon's eyelids flinched in surprise. "And now I'm very interested ... Who is this creature, so powerful that it even made you lie?"
