
Bandit Problems

We were surrounded by bandits. All of them were wearing either a mask or a bandana and light leather armor with a small bandit symbol embedded somewhere on it.

Five of them lunged at me with daggers and swords. I blocked their attacks with my swords and pushed them back.

Their movements seemed quite slow to me. The speed stat must be increasing my reaction speed as well. This is amazing, it means I can juggle now.

I rushed towards them and knocked them out by lightly tapping them on the head with the hilt of my sword. I don't know how they got the idea that they stood a chance against us. They're just regular people who are armed with knives whereas we are basically superhumans with magic thanks to the yutri bracelet.

We easily handled the bandits. It took only one hit from us to knock them out. One of the bandits managed to get a hit on Serith and stab his arm with a dagger. He only gave Serith a small cut before getting a right hook across the face.

Five More bandits showed up, but this time they were clad in iron armor and wielded higher quality weapons. One of them aimed at me with a bow and arrow.

"Hey guys, wanna see something cool?" I casually walked closer to the bandit and left myself wide open. I was planning on splitting the arrow in half mid-air since my stats would make it possible for me to do. I may not like my life in this world, but at least now I get to live out some of my fantasies.

The bandit fired the arrow as I taunted her. The arrow reached me faster than I anticipated and I was forced to dodge it. I swiftly shifted my body to avoid getting hit in the face and the arrow pierced through my armor and into my shoulder.

I was flabbergasted. A bandit not only managed to fire an arrow that caught me off guard, but also damage me with that arrow.

Another bandit wielding a two-handed axe attacked Saliza and slammed his axe onto her. She blocked the attack with her axe but she was being overpowered by the bandit.

Serith tried to help Saliza by slashing the bandit from behind, but a bandit wielding a sword and shield blocked Serith and pushed him back.

These bandits are much more powerful than the rest, and they outnumber us five to three.

"We need to escape!" I tried to flee but two bandits wielding a hammer and two daggers blocked my path.

"We can't have Reizo create more threats to us." One of the bandits swung his hammer at me. I ducked and backed away from them. The bandit with the daggers started chasing me while the bandit with the bow had three arrows aimed at me.

The bandit's dagger started glowing and I immediately knew he was going to use a spell or a skill. I can't block both attacks at the same time, but luckily for me, they don't know that the gendion I hid behind earlier was still around.

The bandit unleashed a storm of energy daggers at me. My gendion jumped in and blocked most of the daggers. Some of the daggers pierced through the gendion and hit me, but I was still fine.

I created a barrier using a spell and blocked the incoming arrows that the other bandit shot at me. The bandit with the hammer caught up to me and tried to crush me. I rolled to the side and slashed his arm.

"I was expecting more of a challenge from someone being trained by Reizo." The bandit let out a mocking laugh after seeing that I was only able to leave a scratch on his armor and knocked me away with his arm.

Saliza and Serith were still stuck fighting the other bandits. Saliza was swinging her axe around wildly. The bandit easily dodged all of her attacks and in one swift blow, he knocked her axe out of her hand.

Saliza jumped backwards and tried to retrieve her axe but the bandit's speed allowed him to quickly close the gap between them. He tried to swing his axe at Saliza, but a radive that Saliza summoned behind him while she was swinging her axe rammed into him.

Saliza grabbed her axe with one hand and her radive's leg with the other and flew away from

the bandit. The bandit with the bow fired several arrows at Saliza and forced her to let go of her radive to avoid getting hit.

The bandit with the axe watched as Saliza plummeted out of the sky. Saliza ignited her axe with her skill and threw it at him. When he deflected the axe, Saliza appeared inches away from him. She used a spell similar to twin steps, but instead of blinking short distances two times, she released all her mana at once and blinked a long distance. She punched the bandit's head into the ground and knocked him unconscious. She stomped on his head a few more times just in case.

"Tsk, what a waste. Why did that idiot get chosen anyway?" The bandit with the bow started focusing on Saliza and shot an arrow at her. The arrow caught on fire mid-air. Saliza dodged the arrow, but upon impact, the arrow exploded and blasted Saliza a few meters off the ground. She got back up and started running around to avoid the explosions from incoming arrows.

Serith was struggling to find an opening against his opponent due to the bandit's speed and shield. He noticed Saliza and the explosions that the arrows were creating and started fighting defensively.

When Saliza got close, Serith charged at the bandit. The bandit blocked Serith with his shield to stop him. Serith grabbed the shield and pushed the bandit back with all of his might. The bandit used a skill and blasted Serith with flames from his shield.

"What was that idiot even trying to accomplish by grabbing my shield?" The bandit turned away to deal with Saliza. Serith got back up and charged at him again. His body was covered in blood and burns yet somehow he was still standing.

The bandit stopped him with his shield and blasted him with fire again but this time, Serith tightened his grip on the shield and powered through the flames to push the bandit into an exploding arrow.

The bandit stopped shooting arrows after she realized that she hit one of her own. The bandit that she hit was dazed, but still standing. "Very nice Serith. I'll take it from here." Saliza took this opportunity and slashed the bandit across the chest.

"Do I have to do everything myself!" The bandit with the bow got furious and started shooting even more arrows. Saliza carried Serith and started running away. She saw me trying to escape from the other two bandits and ran towards me.

"Saliza I need your help to distra-" Without a warning, she grabbed my arm and threw me at the bandit with the bow. "I'll handle these two, you go deal with the one with the bow." The bandit shot multiple arrows at me to stop me from reaching her. I used twin steps and avoided the arrows while getting closer.

When I reached her, I created a barrier to block her arrows. The barrier was starting to break from the continuous explosions. The bandit drew back multiple arrows to break my barrier and kill me. I quickly hopped over my barrier and created another one directly in front of her. When she fired the arrows, they exploded in her face, and I finished her off with a strong blast of lightning.

Saliza struggled to stop the other two bandits. The one with the hammer was slow but hits hard while the one with the daggers was even faster than Saliza.

Saliza tried to block an attack from the bandit with the hammer, but her axe shattered from the attack and she was left wide open. The bandit with the daggers was about to use his skill against Saliza.

"Two down, one more to go." The bandit's daggers glowed and I was too far away to save them. Suddenly, a dagger came out of nowhere and flew through the dagger bandit's head, piercing through his skull like it was made of paper. Reizo climbed out of the tunnel covered in blood.

Saliza grabbed Serith and backed away from the bandit who was frozen in fear. The color drained from his face as he stared at Reizo slowly approaching him. He came to his senses and tried to make a break for it. When he turned around, Reizo appeared in front of him and punched a hole through his chest with his bare hand. The bandit dropped dead on the ground while Reizo cleaned his arm with a water spell.

He then pulled off the gauntlets of the two bandits he just killed. He was stunned to find that both of them had the yutri bracelet.

"Are there anymore of them?" We pointed to the other bandits we defeated and Reizo went to pull off their gauntlets. All of them had the yutri bracelet. He paused for a moment to think of possible reasons as to why five bandits would have the yutri bracelet.

"This is serious. It's very rare to find a bandit with a yutri bracelet but finding five of them with the bracelet should not be possible."

He turned his attention to the three of us healing Serith from his wounds.

"Good job dealing with these bandits. Now we can get information out of them."

Even when thanking us, his voice is still monotonous and his face shows less emotion than a mask.

"We don't have anything to tie them up with. How do we get them to the headquarters?" Saliza asked.

"We don't need to tie them up." Reizo grabbed a nearby dagger and sliced the legs off one of the bandits with the yutri bracelet. The bandit woke up and started screaming in agony. He begged Reizo to stop or do what he did with all his enemies and kill him. Reizo ignored him and sliced off the arm which has the yutri bracelet. He did this for the other four bandits and used a spell to create a large box made of earth to contain the bandits. I was about to puke after watching that. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight, or tomorrow, or for the next few years. "What's with that look? We can just heal their arms and legs back if we need to."

"What about the other bandits?" Saliza hesitantly asked.

Reizo used a spell and burned all of the unconscious bandits alive. He did this without showing any signs of remorse or emotions. We watched in horror as screams of agony filled the area and slowly faded away. All that remained was melted steel and ashes.

"You didn't have to kill them! We could have just sent them to jail and not burn them alive!"

Reizo turned his head to the protesting Saliza. I avoided looking at Reizo and took a few steps back.

"Come on guys you know this is wrong so say something." Serith didn't want to say anything to make Reizo mad at him and I remained silent because after seeing what Reizo just did, I was too scared to say anything. I can't even imagine what will happen to me if Reizo figures out where I'm from. Just the thought of Reizo saying 'you're from earth' is enough to send a chill down my spine.

"I have my reasons for doing what I do." Reizo grabbed the box and walked back to the headquarters.

Just as Saliza was about to protest again, I quickly grabbed her and softly told her, "Look I know that what Reizo did was completely inhumane but please, shut up so that I don't die in the most gruesome way possible."

Saliza sighed and nodded. We went back to the headquarters. There, Meitre and many other ventgards waited for Reizo to return.

"Hey Reizo, what's with the....screaming box."

A blonde man in his 30s looked at the box and then looked at Reizo covered in blood. "Oh come on man, really? You didn't do it in front of your recruits did you?"

Reizo ignored him and broke the box open, showing the screaming bandits that were bleeding out. He healed the bandits to stop them from bleeding more. He then grabbed the severed arm of one of the bandits and showed it to everyone.

"Is that a yutri bracelet?" Everyone was shocked.

"All five of them somehow got access to it. We need to track down whoever is giving bandits the yutri bracelet immediately."

Reizo, Meitre and the captains of the other teams started discussing what to do.
