
Bringing The Chef Home!

"B-But Erina-sama! you can't just go like this! You only just met Valeron-san!" Hisako said with disbelieve written all over her face.

Erina looked at her shell-shocked secretary.

"I am not going alone, I am taking you with me Hisako." The Heiress said the 'obvious'.

Hisako mouth opened and then closed, no words were coming out from her mouth.

Eventually she just sighed. " I understand Erina-sama." She said that with a resigned look.

Raynor only shook his head he can understand her reluctance, but it's still happening...

"But what about your scheduled meetings? school? and official tastings?" But she still tried to persuade her, and see 'reason', this of course earned an annoyed look from her mistress, and slight hesitation appeared in Erina's eyes.

But, then Raynor decided to intervene...

"Such mundane reasons... I have three solution for them." Raynor said that while picking up his cup of tea, while same time earning the attention of the girls.

Seeing that no one said anything he decided to explain what he meant.

"First one is this."

With *pop* a perfect copy of Erina appeared, Hisako and Original Erina looked at the new appearance with utter shock.

"This is nothing more than a perfect clone of you, before you say anything it's not truly alive and it does not have a soul," Raynor started to explained to them.

"While it still possesses and the traits and abilities of the original..." He said that while finally able to taste the tea.

Erina slightly got over that but then she noticed one difference in this clone of hers...

"Won't people notice the hollow look she has?" The Heiress said that while finding hard not to get weirded out by the fact that there is a clone of hers just standing there.

"No, because of the simple fact that I ordered the world to accept the fact that this is a real person." Raynor just shrugged while answering that, mundane worlds have quite fragile laws.

"I-I-I see..." Erina didn't wanted to comment on 'ordering' part...

"Yes...anyway..." With another *pop* the clone disappeared.

"The second solution is probably the best one..." Raynor just grinned at them and golden silhouette came out from Raynor and turned into golden armoured being.

"Stopping time in 'The World'!" The golden armoured being spread its arms and the world just turned grey, the only ones who are not frozen in time where the people in the room.

"...Stopping time...of course..." Erina said that with very obvious and even expected look.



Whatever heat Raynor has generated evaporated, his eyebrow twitched for second and then, the time started to move once again, and his golden armoured being slowly disappeared.

"Yes, time control... anyway, last one is probably the worse one...Anyway..." He finished his cup of tea and decided to... just move on! as he doesn't want to mention last option...

"Now, the power to travel with me, will put your world into a frozen state, and that clone was just shown it to you that there are more means to make it happen," Ryanor said that with teasing smirk, earning a scowl from Hisako, who realised that he in a way toyed with her.

"That's great then!" Erina realised that there is no reason not to go then!

"Yes, so ready to go?"

His question got the Heiress off guard.

"N-Now?" She squeaked.

He just raised eyebrow for second.

"Yeah... I mean if you need time then you can start preparing." He shrugged casually.


Raynor gave her quite a bit of time to prepare whatever she wanted to take it with her, to point that she even asked Xing Tong what she would need or not.

Forgetting for a moment as with whom she will travel, not that Raynor told her that he will take her around as the way she is, not before cultivating her to a respectable level of power.

After picking everything she wanted and putting into large luggage, she returned to the living room.

Raynor just smiled with amusement seeing that, he didn't comment on this, it will eventually come to the Heiress that such preparations are not needed.

"Are you ready?" He asked Erina, who just nodded at him.

He then took her luggage and stored into his inventory for now.

"Good, then grab hold of me, and we can leave." He offered his hand, Xing Tong didn't need to be told by this point, she was already holding Raynor's shirt.

Erina did after some hesitation as she remembered something from her mangas, there was a faint blush on her cheeks, Raynor found that quite funny, he wonders how long that will last when he has several seductresses in his harem, especially the likes of Yueli and Qingyue, both of them are not just mere seductress who love teasing, their dominant laws are directly connected to that.

Raynor gives couple weeks to this Pure Erina before she gets corrupted, maybe even sooner if she decides to cultivate his main cultivation method.

Once he got hold of her hand, which was very soft and smaller than his, he activated his world travelling powers.

~~~~~~Raynor's Primal Chaos~~~~~~

Erina was very interested how whole reality/dimension power works, She never expected for it to be just simple white doors, but once they passed through she was transported into another living room.

But what took her breath away very same moment she passed through with Hisako, was the air itself! Air!

That's moment she subconsciously knew that this was not Earth... Earth doesn't give one such feeling when you just breathe the air! It feels like the whole body is humming with power.

"Welcome to my living room, Xing Tong can you take the girls and show where they going to stay? I am going to collect the rest."

The redhead motioned for them to follow while Raynor hand over the Heiress luggage.

And just like that he simply vanished, leaving the confused pair.

"What does he mean by 'collect the rest'?" Erina asked with interest and some trepidation.

"There are some... Goddesses who will want to meet you Nakiri. You are not the only one who want to have a piece of Ryanor, believe me." Xing Tong said with a knowing look.

Erina eyes widened and then she turned ashen for second, Goddesses want to meet her!?

She finally realised something, she was so into the fact that she wanted to leave and be around Raynor that she forgot that he is THE strongest being, in Xing Tong reality! meaning that there are women who want him, or already are close to him!

"W-What should I do!?" She immediately asked for help.

"Well, you already have his attention, and you possess certain advantage already, even if you don't have true power, I mean he visited your world, for sake of eating your food, that quite an achievement on its own." Xing Tong said that with barely hidden jealousy.

The Crimson Haired girl, was quite jealous of the Heiress, her cooking is at realm of it own, and that body... she is only a few years older than her!!!

Erina slightly calmed down after hearing that, but even so... she needs information!

"Can you tell me more? before I am going to meet them?!" The Heiress asked.

"Very well, there are three women which you should be wary off, Xia Qingyue, She is by means and purposes Raynor's first girlfriend, and Mistress of the whole place, She is Primordial Goddess of Yin, and is very obsessed with anything related to Raynor's well being, since he is Primordial God of Yang, they are half's of each other." Xing Tong casually explained, she was about to tell about the other two, but Erina stopped her.

"W-Wait! you said Primordials?! as in... like Izanagi and Izanami?" The Orange haired girl asked with a shaky voice.

"Oh? You mean... like Shinto Primordials?" The Crimson Princess asked for confirmation.


"You are kind of... right, they can be considered at that level, and Xia Qingyue dominant law is Yin and she is considered a 'Dark Beauty', only the difference is just how much more powerful they are, compared to mere Earth's Gods..." Xing Tong said last part with arrogance of a Princess, slipping into her old personality for moment.

'What... did I got myself into?' The Nakiri Heiress though with slight trepidation as she continued to listen to Xing Tong.

~~~~~~Back With Raynor~~~~~~

As his little sister took them away, Raynor waited for a few moments before leaving the world.

With bringing Erina here, he can now spend more time in his ATG world...

It's more like an excuse, Because tomorrow is Friday and they have double literature in very morning, Raynor dreads that class because just how boring it is! if he was a vampire then that class was like Garlic or silver or even church to him.

That means he can spend a couple days in Sect and train Erina, or... do some duties as Sect Master...

Just do something and not return home for some time.

He quickly reappeared back in his house back in home verse, and went to look for his girls.


He gathered all of them in his living room upstairs.

"So, Erina from Shokugeki no Soma agreed to join us," Raynor said to them happily

Serah and Cang Yue eyes widened for a second.

"Did you tried out her food!? Wait was that the reason why Tong'er was high on sugar?" Serah realised something when she said that.

"Yeah... perfectly honest I never saw someone of her statue eating so many desserts, she was like possessed..." Raynor said that with little worry.

"...And in truth almost lost control when I was eating as well, and she created that with mundane products!"

That... got everyone's attention and curiosity.

"Interesting! we have to meet her Ray!" Chu Yueli said with 'smile', she already decided to exchange notes with her, Erina will teach her how to make food which can get Raynor's attention, and she will teach her how to seduce him! Perfect!

While Xia Qingyue started to think how to get her under her wing, someone who a mortal and can do that to a Primordial God with normal food ingredients? That's incredible!

Not only that but Erina is very beautiful, and will be even more so once she ascent.

Oh, Xia Qingyue knows that Erina will be part of Raynor harem, she will make so one way or another...

"Well, then what are we waiting for? It will great chance to exercise and practise as well." Lightning said to Raynor, with her trademark crossed arms, she has nothing against trying to live 'normally' but she has not progressed much in her cultivation method, in fear that she accidentally destroy something...

"She is right, and I want to see Immortal Palace again." Chu Yuechan chipped in.

"Good, since everyone is up for it lets go then..."


Once Raynor transported everyone he decided to bring over his best buddy as well, and let him practise some martial arts in his Sect.

'That reminds me... he has not seen my version of Primal Chaos...' Raynor realised that.

'Hmm, I wonder If Cang Long would like to take him under his wing, it would interesting to see him trained by Primordial Dragon...' He hummed for a second and started to walk towards his friends place.

While somewhere else in the same city a certain blonde teenager felt several shivers going down his spine.

'Well, this is no good!' Arno whole body just shivered, its natural reaction one has when they feel danger to their very being.

Arno pulled out his phone and messaged his best friend.

Before he can even put his phone down he got a reply from him, saying that he is coming for a visit.

Twenty minutes later he heard the doorbell, and went to open the doors.

"Yo!" Raynor said in 'Kakashi-style', Arno just rolled his eyes at that.

"Come in, your timing is great! no one is at home," Arno happily said that, his mother was at work and he was free!

"That's great, anyway! the reason I am here is because tomorrow is Friday and we have double literature..." Raynor words instantly made the happy mood to diminish considerably...

"You have a plan then? make the teacher get kidnapped by aliens? or Zombie apocalypse? Or monster invasion from some parallel dimension?" Arno quickly offered some great suggestions.

"While those ideas sounds nice, I am thinking of going to my Primal Chaos for a month or two..." Raynor smirked saying that.

"Cool! Sign me up!"

Here is my Discord, if anyone wants to talk about my fanfics.

https://dis cord.gg/KBWJ6Hb

Dragon15681creators' thoughts