
Fatherhood (1)

Despite Bai Qingyue's callous words, Lu Qingfeng could see in her eyes that she cared about his wife. If there was something he was sure of, it's the fact that Bai Qingyue still held her child in her heart, regardless of what she said. She wouldn't have bothered to come here if she wasn't worried about her daughter.

Lu Qingfeng took a seat next to Yun Qingrong, hands clasped together as they waited. He wanted to go inside the delivery room, but he didn't quite trust himself to witness Su Xiaofei in a state of bloody mess. The only reason he wasn't panicking now was because Xi Qian promised to be there by his wife's side.

However, every second that they didn't hear anything or see someone leave the room felt like an eternity. Lu Qingfeng had always prided himself as a man with great patience, but this time, every inch of his body wanted him to go inside to assure himself that his wife was still alive.
