
Whenever You Are Ready (2)

"About what happened earlier…" She scratched her nape and glanced at his face. She knew that they needed to talk about this, else, she might lose a lot of sleep thinking about it.

"If it made you uncomfortable, I apologize." Lu Qingfeng replied, his gaze never leaving her beautiful face. "But if you're going to ask me why I did it, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to give you an answer."

Su Xiaofei blinked and looked at him curiously. "And why not?"

"Because I don't know myself." The young man admitted. "I know that I shouldn't have as I have yet to receive a proper answer from you, but I couldn't stop myself."

This earned an awkward chuckle from Su Xiaofei and she avoided his preening gaze.

"I hope you wouldn't kiss any random woman just because you feel like it." She commented.

"The only woman I would be willing to kiss is you. No one else," was Lu Qingfeng's defense.

