

Deku had just woken up minutes before he started cooking a typical Japanese breakfast, he almost forgot to get enough ingredients out for both himself and Toga after getting used to living on his own for so long.

He had already gotten into his uniform, and the breakfast was almost ready. Toga, however, had just woken up. She walked down the stairs in her usual set of clothes, yawning and stretching as she walked into the living room.

"Morning." Deku turned around and noticed that Toga was still wearing the same clothes as she as the night before, "Are those the only clothes you have?"

Toga looked confused and took some time to process what Deku had asked as she was still tired, a face of realization turned into a cute smile of exitement.

"Oh, yea! I don't bother with clothes. They just get dirty and it takes so much time to wash them all!" It seemed she was fully awake and had been brought back from the dead. She noticed the food Deku was cooking and rushed over, she almost drawled at the sight of how good the food looked.

Deku laughed and continued cooking the breakfast whilst Toga watched from behind. Eventually, the food was ready.

"Time to dig in." Deku grabbed as much of the food as possible and Toga took the rest for them to put it on the table in front of the TV in one trip. They almost failed when Deku forgot about the small step that separated the entrance from the living room, but the food kept its balance in Deku's hands and arms, they both laughed since the food was all safe.

With the TV on, and the news reporting even more victims being found in the backstreets of the Kamino Ward, Deku and Toga ate and had fun together until the last minute.

"Well, I need to get going." Deku walked over to the front door and picked up his bag after he washed all the dishes they left over, and Toga was still sitting on the couch in front of the TV. She turned around and looked over at Deku.

"Oh, and come to the school entrance when my lesson is other." Before leaving after he opened the door, Deku had a great idea for him and Toga to do.

"I was gonna do that anyways, but why are you asking me?" She already made plans to visit Deku after school so they could go home together, but she was confused as to why Deku had a reason to ask.

"I'll take you to the mall, I'll take you shopping and get you some clothes! Oh, and bring my wallet." Toga's eyes lit up with excitement to the idea of going shopping for clothes with Deku, in fact, her heart pounded.

Deku waved goodbye as he left the house and began his school day.


Deku had been asleep in the hospital for a few days, within those days, the school had been temporally closed because of the attack. Deku hadn't seen his class since that attack, and was worried about how they will greet him as he stood at the door.

He took a deep breath and eventually opened the door with a bright smile, everyone in the class stopped talking and looked over in Deku's direction. There was a few seconds of awkward silence until everyone suddenly appeared in front of Deku.

They were all praising him on how he managed to fight against the Nomu for so long, and asking what the experience was like. Everyone was talking at the same time, so Deku could barely make out a single word of what they were saying. Deku looks up at the clock on the wall and noticed that it was almost time for lessons.

"Okay!" Deku shouted to get them all to be quiet and pay attention, "You should sit down, homeroom is about to start." Deku acted like the class rep he was meant to be.

The whole class eventually sat down, except from Bakugo as he didn't have a reason to praise Deku or even greet him in the first place. Not long after Deku sits down himself, Aizawa opened the door, covered in bandages.

"Morning class." His voice was a dull as ever. However, everyone was shocked to see him still teaching despite being in the state that he was in.

"Mister Aizawa? What are you doing here?" Most of the class asked the same question at the same time, Deku just smirked at how shocked they were as he already knew that Aizawa would still be teaching after the visit in the hospital.

"Mister Aizawa, I'm glad you're okay!" Iida, as always, took the situation too seriously. Uraraka stared at Iida with a face that asked, "You call that okay?"

Aizawa walks in front of the class and begins to give the announcement.

"My well-being is irrelevant, what's more important is that your fight isn't over yet." Just by the way Aizawa phrased the sentence made the class tense, they couldn't tell if Aizawa was referring to villains or not.

"Our fight?" Bakugo highlighted the part that made everyone else worried. Deku knew it wasn't about villains as he was one himself, but he couldn't come out and tell them not to worry because he just randomly knew that they weren't going to attack.

"The U.A Sports Festival is about to start." Aizawa finished his sentence and made the announcement, that put the class at ease, but they were annoyed that Aizawa didn't just tell them instead of putting them on edge.

"Why would you scare us like that!?" The whole class shouted at Aizawa, with Kirishima as the exception since he celebrated.

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima became excited and seemed the most hyperactive in the class at that moment. However, some of the class had other concerns that they wanted to address.

"Wait a second." Kaminari spoke up first, using his hand to push Kirishima's face away from him. Jirou continued, "Is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Everyone turned their attention to Jirou as she asked a valid question.

"They could attack once we're all in the same place." Ojiro expanded on Jirou's question and caused the class to focus on Aizawa for an answer.

"Apparently the administration thinks that this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and the school is safer than ever. Plus, they are beefing up security compared to the past years" Aizawa began explaining, he then gave even more reasoning for why it can't be cancelled, "This event is a huge opportunity for all students at U.A, it's not something we can cancel because of a few villains.

Most of the class understood, some weren't really bothered. Mineta, however, was worried and didn't like the thought of being in any more danger.

"I'm sorry, but why not?" He asked this question as serious as possible, but Deku didn't take it that way.

"Seems Blackberry doesn't wanna get hurt, now matter how important the competition is." Deku chuckled to himself as he leaned back in his chair, but Mineta looked down at his desk and felt defeated.

"Our sports festival is one of the most watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games, but then quirks started appearing." Aizawa added to his comment to make it clear to the class, "Now the Olympics have been drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For everyone who cares about competition, there's only one tournament that matters: The U.A Sports Festival."

"Then let's not disappoint them, Kacchan. I'll make sure to beat you." Deku laid back with a teasing smile. Surprisingly, Bakugo went with the challenge and didn't resort to insulting.

"I'd like to see you try." His voice was aggressive, and a slight tense feeling filled the air. They were rivals after all.

"Top hero's everywhere will be watching, this is where you get scouted." Yaoyorozu brought the topic back to the main point of what Aizawa had been talking about, giving the main reason why the event was so crucial for U.A students. Mineta was commenting on everything in his head, still defeated by Deku's comment.

"She's right, after graduating, a lot of people join pro agencies as a sidekick." Kaminari was right, but there was another fact that needed to be mentioned.

"Yeah, but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks. Actually, that's probably where you're heading, you're kinda dumb." Jirou's last comment shot Kaminari in the heart, but he still kept most of his cool.

"It's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you greater experience and popularity." Aizawa continued his speech before the class ended, "That's why the festival matters, it opens a path for you. One chance a year, three chances in a lifetime, no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival." The whole class got more and more hyped throughout Aizawa's speech, "That means you better not slack off on your training."

Deku smiled with confidence, and the class became serious.

"Yes, Sir!" And with that, class was dismissed.

"That villain stuff sucked, sure. But I'm pumped for these games!" Kirishima started talking to his friends, and the rest of the class started hanging around in groups, getting even more excited for the festival. Deku walked over to Uraraka and sat on top of the desk next to hers.

"Oh, Deku! How are you holding up?" Uraraka seemed nervous and a little red.

"I'm okay. But what about you? Do you have a fever? You look nervous too." Deku was a little concerned about Uraraka, and those were genuine questions.

"Me? No. I'm fine." She quickly tried to defend herself, before letting out a sigh and cooling down. Deku was confused, but he just shook it off as Uraraka being stuck in her own world and didn't think too much of it.

"So, what do you plan on doing for the festival?" Deku quickly got into the reason why he had approached Uraraka. She was confused by the question, so Deku explained with another question, "Have you thought about how you're gonna stand out yet?" The question piqued Iida's interest as he turned his attention to Deku.

"That is an excellent question, Midoriya! I should start coming up with ideas myself!" Iida randomly pulled out a book and pen from the chair like a magic trick and started intensely writing in the book.

Deku awkwardly laughed, but Uraraka paid no attention as she was deep in thought for a few seconds.

"I don't know, how about you?" She didn't have a plan yet, so she just turned the question onto Deku.

"I could just beat everyone into the ground within the first few seconds, but that would be boring." Deku thought for a second about what he could do, that was when an evil smile came over his face.

Suddenly, Uraraka stood up from her chair and got even more motivated. Purple glow had surrounded her and an aggressive stair faded Deku's smile into nervousness.

"Deku, let's do our best our best in the sports festival!" Deku chuckled to himself as he made a comment on Uraraka's sudden change in behavior.

"Looks like her alter-ego is here everyone! Meet Ochacold,be careful or she'll kill you!" The joke caught everyone's attention and made them laugh, that was when Uraraka put her fist in the air and continued.

"Everyone! 'm gonna do my best!" Her shouting brought Iida out of his intense planning and up from his chair.

"Yeah!" Iida shouted and followed the same actions as Uraraka. Deku laughed and did the same as Iida. Uraraka then shouted it over and over again like a maniac until the rest of the class awkwardly followed.

---End Of Chapter---
