
21 : Betrayal

" Do you think they'll be mad at us? "

I can hear someone talking to each other.

* What happened... Where am I? I can hear... gunshots..? *

I opened my eyes and saw myself sitting on a chair.

* My hand is tied, I can't escape. *

" Oh, I gotta go boss. Chris' awake. "

The person said.

I can't figure out who it is because my sight is still not clear enough.

Then he stepped forward.

" A-Azul?! "

I asked him.

" Oh..you can remember me huh? "

He said.

* Why the fuck is he here? *

" Where am I? Help me Azul! "

I said.

" Why would I? I'm not gonna waste the acting that we did. The lives of my comrades. "

He said.

" What the hell are you saying? "

I asked him.

He went in the corner and carried someone.

Then he want back to me and dropped it on the floor.

" Well you see, if you didn't get caught, we're planning on a different strategy. But you did get caught like a dog. Defenseless. "

He said.

" What? What are you trying to say? Make it clear! "

I screamed while trying to break free.

" So we're planning that if you came back on the base before the attack, we'll kill you while we attack the raiders. But you get caught so I planned on a different strategy, to act until Felix's caught. Why? So we can kill you both. "

He explained.

Then he removed the cover in the person's head below me.

It was Felix.

" You bastard! "

I screamed.

" I'll escape this and I will bash your head until you're dead. "

I threatened him.

" Woah woah woah. How can you do that if you can't escape, you're trying to but you can't right? "

He said and laughed.

* This idiot will pay for everything. *

" Oh, plus Asa will marry me and I will rule the place of yours. And don't mind the attack, it'll never happen. "

He said.

" Fucking hell...FUCK YOU! "

I screamed.

" Yes, fuck you too. "

He laughed and went outside.

* Is Felix still alive? *

I tried to kick his body. He's not reacting at all.

* Fuck he's probably dead... *

I saw a knife near the frame. But it's hanged up into the wall.

* If I can just reach that.. *

Then someone opened the door.

" Huh? Who are you? "

I asked.

" Where's Felix? Did you kill him? "

She asked.

" Hell no. I'm Chris, Felix's my friend. "

I said.

" Oh, you're the leader right? I'm Sandra. I'm here to rescue you. "

She said.

" Thank god. Untie me and I'll carry Felix. "

I told her.

She went behind me but before she can cut it, someone went inside.

" You're Chris right? "

He asked.

* Who the hell is he? *

" Fucker won't answer. I'll guard you because you might try something stupid. "

He said.

" Well, I'm about to pee..can you assist me? "

I asked him.

" Hell no. Go pee in your pants. "

He laughed.

* This idiot's loyal to Azul. Sandra need to be careful not to get caught. *

" Oh who's that dead man over there? "

He asked.

" He's not dead. He's unconscious. "

I answered him.

Then I saw him pulled out a gun.

" Then I'll help him. He needs to rest forever. "

He said and pointed the gun at Felix.

* Damn it. Sandra needs to do something before anything happens. *

Then I saw her crawled behind him.

* Smart move. The desk is a big help. If the desk weren't there, she'll surely get caught and it'll be dangerous to all of us. *

" Wait, wait. What's your name? "

I distracted him.

" Uh why? "

He said.

" I need more friends... I'm an orphan you know? "

I lied.

" Oh... I'm-- "

Then Sandra stabbed his head.

" Fuck! His eyeballs.... it's fucking gone..! "

She said.

* What the hell.. *

She went back to help me and then after she removed the ropes, I carried Felix and we went outside.

" Let's go, be sneaky. "

I told Sandra.

* Where's the exit... *

Then we went through the doors and found a fire exit.

" Here, I just need to pick this lock and we're out. "

Sandra said and she started picking it.

I heard some footsteps near the room.

" Someone's coming, make it fast. "

I whispered to her.
