
Chat with Haruto

Beom Seok and Eric came to Nakano's aid and held him down.

"All the servers are coming online and the firewall is down," Tobias shouted.

Everyone was shocked and went towards his system. They looked at his screen and saw that there was a message that appeared on his computer screen.

'Who are you? What do you want?'

Tobias typed hurriedly,

'We are humans and we want you to stop harming us humans'

"What are you typing?" Baron screeched from behind.

Before he could realize, Tobias hit enter and the message got sent. Baron pulled him away from his chair and pushed him on the ground.

"Have you gone mad? If you are a human then do you think he is not? How did you even conclude that Haruto was the one who was trying to harm our race? If he is then why is the AI app trying to destroy the server?" Baron shouted and was about to kick him.

Once again, Beom Seok and Eric held him back.

"We got a reply," Liu shouted.

That made everyone turn towards the screen once again.

