
Nurturing the future

In his previous life, Arthur Kovacs became a Fae Immortal specializing in Bone Attributed and Shadow Attributed Fae.

Despite the fact that the Winter Solstice Salamander was completely different in terms of both abilities and Attribute, he still had usage in regards to its extreme environmental change abilities.

The fact that this Fae could turn an era of several square kilometres into a cold, dark freezing abyss, meant that while his enemies would have trouble finding him, he himself would have no trouble striking them where their weak point lie.

In addition, the wind and frost would make it virtually impossible for them to stay alive, without expending some of their origin essence in order to do so.

Otherwise, whoever was unlucky enough to get caught in his range would be frozen to death after a few minutes.

The Winter Solstice Salamander was an extraordinarily hard to nurture Fae, considering how useful its singular ability was. If any Sect or Clan were to find an individual with the ability to create one, they would definitely try their best to recruit them.

Or wait until the time was right, and then steal it from them.

In addition, the Winter Solstice Salamander also had another usage.

Since it could create such a cold environment, it also excelled in the production and nurturing of other Ice Attributed Fae. The area in which it can release its moonlit blizzard would experience an increase in Ice Attributed Fae over time and eventually come to change the entire landscape, even without the Fae's ability being activated.

It was extraordinarily useful.

Being able to change the environment in a specific area would be perfect for large Clans and Sects, whose members use a wide variety of different types of Fae. They would also be able to market quite well to lone Fae Masters, or Fae Masters looking to join a Clan or Sect.

Making money was easy with such a Fae.

"Nurturing Fae and creating Fae are usually only done through natural causes. The essence of the Heavens and the Earth combine with plants, animals, rocks and even natural landscapes, transforming them into Fae. While Humans, cannot influence the essence of the Heavens and the Earth directly, they can.... accelerate the process somewhat".

Arthur dropped the goat at the base of a Crimson Seed Maple Tree.

Currently, with his limited abilities, he couldn't be sure if anyone was following him, so the reincarnate walked around for over an hour, occasionally speeding up, using plants and shrubbery as cover while hiding in certain sections of the forest.

After finding this Crimson Seed Maple Tree, Arthur made sure to remember its position before coming back here almost an hour later.

Taking a cheap knife that he had purchased at some random vendor on the Parachenko Village main road, he flourished it slightly before raising high above his head and slamming it directly into the brain of the sleeping goat.

The results, was an instantaneous death.

It didn't even wake up, before it drifted off into an eternal sleep.

Wiping a line line of blood of his cheek, Arthur spun the knife between his fingers, opening the goat from belly to brain, ignoring the huge amounts of blood splattering on his body.

He had taken off more than ninety percent of his clothes before hand and placed them a few feet away.

Coming home soaked in blood was definitely not a good way of starting his new life as Fae Master, after all.

Removing all the organs and viscera, Arthur smile grew a fraction of an inch, giving them a quick sniff before nodding slightly.

"Good. If this goat had something wrong with it, then the process definitely wouldn't work".

Putting the knife directly beside him, Arthur grabbed the sack of Fae materials he had purchased earlier, taking out the 100 grams of Leaf Spirit Essence first.

It was a powdery substance that had been refined from the leaves of a Spirit Essence Tree.

Spirit Essence Trees were different to Origin Essence Trees in that they promotes the growth of the flora and fauna in the area around it, rather than the Origin Essence Trees, which directly created origin essence.

Origin Essence Trees were also Fae, however Spirit Essence Trees were considered Fae materials. The two served similar purposes, however the latter was more valuable.

Taking the Leaf Spirit Essence and a handful of leaves from the Crimson Seed Maple above him, Arthur dug a foot deep whole underneath the Crimson Seed Maple, smiling as he found a large root below.

Grabbing the knife, Arthur started hacking away at the root, pulling a large chunk out and placing down on the side. Putting the Leaf Spirit Essence and the leaves from the Crimson Seed Maple into the chunk that he had pulled out, Arthur dripped approximately a litre of blood from the dead goat, onto the open root system, quickly filling the whole he had dug, back up with soil.

"First one done".

Next Arthur reached into the sack and retrieved the petals of the Winter Flower Fae, and the Ten Year Stony Bark.

The two pieces of Ten Year Stony Bark were about a foot long each, and weighed about three or four kilograms each. The Back was remarkably tough, and resistant to both the heat and the cold.

Picking up a single petal of the Winter Flower Fae, Arthur rubbed the petal vigorously on the Ten Year Stony Bark, slowly dying this piece of Bark white, the same colour as falling snow.

Arthur, even with his body enhanced with origin essence, felt small beads of sweat form on his brow, as he brushed every single crevice and gap in the Ten Year Stony Bark, with the petals of the Winter Flower Fae.

After about an hour, Arthur brushed his forehead, letting out a small sigh of relief.

"I'll put these to one side for now. They can't be completed until after I leave this place, so I'll finish using the goat corpse and the Heat Vines for the time being".

The knife that Arthur possessed was fairly blunt at this point, but using brute force, he could still cut open the half metre long piece of Heat Vine, squeezing its juices tightly into the open belly of the dead goat.

Arthur threw the dirty, yellowish petals that he had used up into the open belly, before wrapping the stomach up, with the now juiceless Heat Vine.

Arthur didn't bother to hide or even to put the body anywhere in particular, only opting to place it close to the spot where he had placed the Leaf Spirit Essence from earlier.

Letting out a loud sigh, Arthur wiped the sweat off his brow.

"That takes care of that then. With the Leaf Spirit Essence absorbing the trace amounts of essence from the Heavens and the Earth from the blood of the goat as well as the Crimson Seed Maple, it should eventually create a couple Fae from the intersection of spiritual essence. The corpse of the goat will attract wile beasts, even small ones eventually and cause them to devour it, only to explode once they eat the Heat Vine juice in addition to the Winter Flower Petals. The dichotomy of power within their body will be too much and will explode, leading to more blood to feed the Crimson Seed Maple. All that's left is....".

To place the Ten Year Stony Bark near a relatively still body of water.

Ten Year Stony Bark are resistant against heat and cold, and won't crack or break even under intense pressure. By coating it in the petal dust of the Winter Flower Fae, it will slowly decrease the temperature of any environment it is placed into by a few degrees.

It won't be enough to form ice yet, but once Winter comes around, things might become a little interesting in this area.....

These methods, despite their relative simplicity, were extremely refined Fae nurturing methods.

These were the end result of nearly a thousand years worth of research and comprehension about Fae, and how they were created.

Humanity cannot create Fae, only the Heavens and the Earth have that right, yet, through experimentation, and a little force, Humanity can influence the Heavens and the Earth to produce Fae.

The only people who have ever created Fae, using their own skill and methods to do so were the only people in the world to reach Rank 9.

That is...

A Rank 9 Fae Immortal!
