

As Suhani sat behind him on his bike, she sat in one direction, as he told him to sit like him. A blush appeared on her face, as she put her hands on his shoulder for support and sat like that, Suhani has little fear of bikes, actually, she never sat on bikes, she is used to cars, this is the first time she is sitting on the bike, and behind a guy.

When bike started she felt like she'll fell down, so she held Neel by his waist. Neel felt his heart was beating fast. Suhani's heart was also beating so fast. As there was a speed breaker, Neel pulled the break all sudden and she bumped into him. A blush was on her face as she was trying to keeping distance between them.

Neel dropped her at her college, and waved her hand said goodbye to him, he waved back with a smile. Suhani called Jhummi as she reached college. Jhummi told her that she is waiting for at canteen.

Suhani went directly canteen and saw Jhummi was sitting there, her head was down, Suhani put her hand on her shoulder and she did her head up.

"Where were you, I am waiting for you so long, asked Jhummi, and why it took so long for your cab", she continued.

"Actually, I didn't come by cab, Neel dropped me here, said Suhani.

"What!! wow I mean how??, How did he dropped you? Asked Jhummi, there was a shine of happiness in her eyes, she feels so happy by the thought of the togetherness of her best friend and her brother.

"I was waiting for my cab, and Neel was going to his college, he saw me and he insisted to drop me, I denied him but he said it's not a big deal, then I come with him", said Suhani trying hard not to blush.

"Amm, oh! okay, how does it feel, first time on the bike, with my brother, said Jhummi in teasing tone.

"Stop teasing, or I'll not talk to you, said Suhani with a shy smile.

"Okay okay fine!! I am not saying it, said Jhummi.

"By the way why you didn't attend the class?? I told you to do that" asked Suhani, and Jhummi made an awful face. What happened, tell me, she continued?

"Actually, I went to class but Ayan sat on the seat which I reserved for you, he always tries to make me angry, so I didn't attend the class and left it.

It's okay now I am here, let's go, we will attend our next class. We did a lot of fun, and skipped classes, but now exams are coming, we have to study, for at least passing marks, said Suhani and laughed hard.

Both went to attend the next class and sat on the chair, but unfortunately or not, the seat was just before Ayan's seat. Jhummi again made an angry face, she doesn't know she behaved like this, her heart craves for his presence but her mind is being angry from somedays.

The teacher came, and class started, the teacher was asking questions from every student, it was computer science class, but this chapter was theory chapter, so the teacher was checking if students are doing a study or not, when the teacher was busy, a mischievous idea came in mind of Ayan, he pulled the pony of Jhummi, as Jhummi turned her head in his direction, he kissed her cheek.

The distance between benches were not that much, so anyone could easily touch each other, Jhummi was not expecting this from Ayan, after all the whole class was there, anyone could see them, but no, he always pulls stunts like this, he doesn't know, how do girls feel, if someone sees them like that, how would he understand these type of situation, he is a boy, after all, Jhummi thought.

Between her thoughts, the teacher asked her a question, but Jhummi was so lost in her own thoughts, she couldn't hear what teacher said, Suhani pinched her, the Jhummi came out from her lost world, the teacher noticed Jhummi that her presence of mind was not active, so the teacher taunts her, ms. Jhummi "I know you made our college proud dear, but the authorities of this college would not pass you in this semester", said that teacher to her.

"I am so sorry ma'am, ill take care next time, I am really sorry", said Jhummi and flowers her head.

The teacher was going to tell her anything else but fortunately, the ring bells and the teachers time was over. Jhummi signed her breath in relief.

Thank god! I am saved, I thought that teacher will not spare me now, didn't you see how badly she taunted me, said Jhummi to Suhani.

"Ya ya seriously, I thought that bitch will eat you alive, she was staring you so bad", said Suhani, and by the way, where the hell you were lost huh,?? she continued.

Hey, don't call her bitch baby, she is out teacher, after all, said Jhummi, and I was just thinking about our exams nothing else she lied.

"Why our next class is not together, said Suhani with a sad face.

"Come on baby, it's just one class, after that our study for today day will be over, then we will have some fun, now be a good girl and go for class, my class is free today as my subject teacher is absent today so I am going to library for making some notes, then I'll share with you, said Jhummi.

"Okay fine, see you, said Suhani and left for class, and Jhummi went for the library.

As Jhummi went to the library, she was shocked to see that there was no one accept her, she felt weird because this is the first time when the library is completely empty.

Although it was strange but she sat on her seat and started making her notes. She was busy in her notes, but all sudden she felt someone's presence and looked up, it was him, as expected.

As she looked at him, she started packing her bag, but he hold her hand.

"This place is not for you, what are you doing here, she asked, trying to be angry.

"Jhummi, please just listen to me once, I promise I'll go then said Ayan.

"I don't want to listen to anything from you, and why hell I should listen your nonsense again huh, if I am nothing other then yours... before she completes her line, he put his finger on her mouth and said, I AM SORRY JHUMMI, PLEASE FORGIVE ME.

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ruchika_mangeshwarcreators' thoughts