
Chapter 7.XX - Special Chapter (Informative Brief)

The falsity of scarcity - Haven's response to the GWA's quarantine policy

Written by Dana Harbeck - Changeling Representative of Haven

Why do we hate that which is different?

I wish I could truly know what was in Man's heart. Our neighbors to the south say that we are evil, twisted abominations that will consume all in its path. 'Suffer Not the Alien to live' implies that our very existence causes undue suffering upon the humans who were here first.

Let's think about that for a moment.

There are two ways in which Haven, with its diverse population, could have negatively impacted the growth and prosperity of Humanity.

The first argument I would like to address is that the existence of Haven will reduce the spacial growth of the Grand Woods Alliance. This is patently false.

First, Haven, as a region, is not sparsely built. It is built up, not out. It is clean, does not rile the Wild, and supports a population higher than any other single region in the Continent. In Fact, Haven's Biome region is built to ecologically support a population 10x the estimated capital of the GWA, prior to their accident.

And to alleviate the strain of having us claim the regions Haven has claimed, as well as the regions we will continue to claim, We are prepared to share our methods with any allied countries, ensuring that our success can lead to your own.

The second argument is resource scarcity. 'There is only enough dinner for us.' This is also patently false. And the falsehood has been discovered by two nations, ours and the Sarween Technocracy.

There exists in this world places that reside outside our space, where infinite resources and experience await those bold enough to traverse their depths. With this, the finite resources of our world become infinite, and our need to fight for these resources effectively ceases.

Now, I understand that Haven controls these resources within our nation, and Sarween controls the resources within theirs.

It stands to reason that any nation facing a crisis of materials can do like Sarween. Sacrifice a region to the wild. Had Haven not interceded in Ston, it would have become a Public Raid Dungeon. Had we interceded in Morat, it might have survived.

With those two points out of the way, there is only one reason why Humans might deny our right to pursue life.

They fear us.

This is an acceptable answer, and we invite anyone who wishes to learn about any of Haven's races to visit our Consulate in Ston. We give classes each day on the various races within Haven.

If at the end of this brief, you are unwilling to change how you build, how you work, and how you see the world, then I must ask you,

By what reason does your right to exist in the world supersede ours?

We know this is not the only world with Humans.

And there is one thing they all have in common.

They hate that which is different.

Short intermission chapter today until I catch up on writing.

To ensure that my new book entered the queue for evaluation I had to pass the 12k word mark as fast as possible.

To do that I leaned a bit heavier on that book.

So don't forget to check out 'The Shadow and Her Giant'!

And as always, Stay Boundless Friends

Srinlifecreators' thoughts