
Chapter 5.7 - A Flash in the Night

"How did this happen?" Serin sat at the meeting table with the representatives that had quickly gathered.

Jorvik answered, "We hadn't completed the permeter security around the mountain, and we believe the attacker snuck through around the northwestern mountain. It was almost unscalable without expertise in climbing as well as some level of terramancy."

Serin was enraged. His blue markings flaring. He looked around and saw faces of anger as well as faces of fear on the representatives present.

"What are the losses?"

"Multiple dead. The attacks went off simultaneously at the academy, the market, a skygge teashop, and the tavern next to the adventurer's guild."

Serin sighed. "Have we found who did it?"

Bilol answered, "No. The city is on lockdown, and we have the entire protectorate engaged. It is only a matter of time."

Serin spoke, his voice showing a commanding presence that demanded a ruler's absolute authority.

"I want them found. They shall answer for their numerous crimes. But most importantly they will tell us who was truly behind this attack. No doubt when they find we are fully invested in finding them they will use magic to escape such as alst time, so you have three hours until my spell wears off. Olma and Jericho are responsible for my safekeeping while it is in effect."

Serin then spoke, his hand emptying his entire personal supply of magical essence. No one had heard of the spell he said, but upon its casting everyone felt it. A sort of magical grounding that made everyone feel a bit heavier, planted to the earth but in a spiritual way.

"Dimensional Lock"

And Serin passed out from overextension of his magic.


Jackal realized for the first time in many years he had made a serious miscalculation. His plan was to set off the 4 explosive charges, find fleeing merchants, and flee the city under the guise of a caravan guard. Although he was given a specialized return stone, he chose not to use it immediately. 'I get a bonus if i return the stone' he thought to himself. However, he realized that he was slightly mistaken when he got to the gate and saw it was closed, with dozens of guards. Jackal always had a backup plan. He tucked away into a storage building and pulled out his treasured return stone.

Jackal attempted to crush the stone, but it would not activate. Then he felt a status update and checked his status screen. He saw a message he had never received before.

"Spell has failed, Dimensional Lock in place."

'That's not good' he thought to himself.

Now he began to sweat. He had a chance to look around and had noticed that many of the townsfolk did not look human. He was unaware if they were monsters or, or something else. But he did know that as a human he would have to find a way to blend in. If he could get a hand on a Soldier's uniform he could possibly sneak out.

"Found you."

Jackal turned around with a readied weapon.

"Interloper, your time for Retribution has come."

In front of him was a man holding a hatchet. A strange looking man. He had some aura of magic around him but brandished a melee weapon. Jackal smirked. This person wore a soldier's uniform, and his eyes were covered with a black sash. 'All i have to do is dispatch this one blind guard and i am home free and I am home free."

Jackal activated dash and plunged his knife into the stomach between the monster's tunic and greeves. The monster didn't move, didn't flinch. Jackal was sure as he twisted the blade this wound would be mortal. Once he removed the knife the monster would bleed out.

Except there was a problem. Jackal attempted to remove the blade but the monster was holding its pommel. Now the monster smiled. Jackal attempted to flee, but as he moved he tripped over a foot he had not seen move, and as he fell he felt a sharp pain at both of his ankles.

"You may try to escape your fate, but you who has brought harm to the younglings of our race shall find no solace, you only delay the inevitable anguish that will come to find you."

Jackal tried to stand back up but as he did he found his legs would not support his weight, as the tendons at the back of his feet had been severed clean through his boots.

Jackal then started to crawl away and as he looked back he saw that the monster, still trickling blood from the embedded dagger, reversed his grip on the hatchet and drew long nails from a pouch.

Jackal then screamed as the monster slammed down on his back. Before he could react a searing pan came through as a nail was driven into his shoulder.

"I have driven the pin severing the nerves to your arms, as well as impeding your ability to move your shoulders. You will face trial, and I will personally carry out your sentencing."

Jackal then changed tactics, "I don't know what you are talking about. I am a humble merchant fleeing the explosions!"

The monster then took blood from his abdomen and traced a symbol on his forehead, "You cannot lie. You were marked the second you slew innocent blood of my kind."

Jackal did not know, but to this blind being, he glowed as bright as the midday sun.

Ansar, Spellsword of the changelings, would always be able to find his quarry. As their Scion of Retribution, those that had done harm to his people, he could hunt them to the ends of the earth. This interloper was only the first target. Many more would come from this night of tears.


The next morning there was much work to be done. Patrols continued around town looking for those that may have been involved. The merchant caravan that had been halted at the merchants quarter was questioned about their involvement, but they had not been involved.

Of the 16 dead, 7 were younglings. Six of those were changeling younglings. The last was a human youngling. The academy had been seriously damaged. Thankfully the reinforcements that had been designed had kept the entire school from collapsing but for the time the remaining students were in Serin's home as it was the best protected.

Dozens had been injured at Jericho's tavern, but most were protectorate members that were wearing their armor.

The same was true for the town's internal market. Because of the open air and stone construction, most victims were only moderately injured.

The remaining 9 dead were at a little tea shop. The target was picked due to its lack of security and popularity. It was owned by a planetouched couple, A skygge boy, Hazim and a Lybringer girl named Clair. The other 7 deaths were customers of the day.

Liza and Rufala had been working with the other healers to tend to the wounds of those that had survived, but 16 covered bodies laid out on the town square.

Serin was still unconscious. He was not present when, among the injured, there was a sudden commotion as Ansar, scion of retribution, personally dragged the culprit to the town square and rang the town bell. He was dying as he did so, but still he fought to ensure the interloper came to justice. Immediately he was seen to, but although his wounds should have been fatal, Rufala and Liza were able to get him completely healed without him even losing composure. He simple dragged a board with the culprit nailed to it. His feet, sliced at the ankles, were unable to support his weight. He had been bound and gagged.

So, with the interloper under town guard, chained and gagged, arms disabled, Ansar called, "Where is our sovereign. Justice must be overseen." Rufala answered, "Lord Serin used high magic to ensure that the culprit could not use magic to escape. He is unconscious from the strain."

Ansar smiled and looked over to Bilol, who was his representative. "Who shall act as judge in his place?" Bilol shook his head. "Lord Serin is as upset as all of us. He should be given the right to see the perpetrator suffer."

This Answer seemed to suffice for Ansar, who then dropped the rope and grabbed a chair. He sat and began to sharpen his hatchet while staring through his black sash at the saboteur.


Serin awoke in his bed. There Olma and Jericho were waiting, having not slept. Olma was in tears. Jericho was ash with anger. Serin, brought out of his stupor, looked. "How bad?"

Jericho responded, "16 dead. Several hundred were injured but Liza and Rufala ensured that in the 48 hours your were asleep, all injured have been healed save one." Jericho then brought a felt lined box over. Inside was a magic stone. "You were right kid, he tried to escape. You stubborn boy you put yourself at risk to do that, and it worked. We have the stone."

Serin then put on his formal wear. "We have a trial to get to I assume."

Olma's snarl showed she was wanting to kill this interloper. Serin knew she was not alone in this sentiment.

We shall begin in an hour.


Welcome back my dear readers! Sorry for the hiatus. Here it is winter break and it is supposed to be a time to relax. However I have have a very close member in the hospital for the last 3 weeks. Writing might be a bit slow for a little while and I will update when I can.

On the upside I have been offered a contract for my book. Have no fear, this will not become pay to read. However, there will be give and take.

If I do go this route, there will be a slight wait for chapters to become free.

On the plus side, I will be given the chance to go back and content edit the story as it was meant to be written. Right now I am limited to a single font set, and becoming a contracted book will open up many writing abilities that will make this FREE book that much better.

And I wouldn't have been able to do it without all of you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this trying time for me. And as always,

Stay Boundless friends.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts