
Chapter 158: You Caught Me

Katelyn rolled her eyes but said nothing.

Kylie looked at her and said, "I don't think we have anything to talk about. You have made your feelings about me clear."

Nina shook her head and said, "I was wrong, and I'm sorry. Please rejoin our cast. If it helps you make your decision, I will double our initial offer. If it is not the money that you want, let me know what you want, and I'll see if I can accommodate you. Most likely, I can."

Kylie smiled and asked Nina if she would stand up to David on her behalf and put him in his place. "There is no way that I can be a part of your production," she said, "if I have to be on constant guard against him."

Nina nodded her assent. "I will do as you've asked," she said, "and you will also receive the increase in salary. It turns out that you are the most experienced person on set. Therefore, you deserve to be earning a higher salary than anyone else does."

"Where are you guys going now?" Katelyn asked Kylie.
