
Chapter 117: Comparison Between Kylie and Khloe

Once Kylie's face was on the cover of Extreme Luxury, all the people who had doubted her immediately shut their mouths. The curve of her body, the expression on her face, and her natural pose was just so impressive for someone who was doing this for the first time. In fact, someone like Kylie had not graced show business for a long time, and critics were predicting Kylie was going to be the next Gisele Bündchen.

Some photographers and entertainment journalists had even released several candid photos of Kylie, and all agreed on Kylie's outstanding photogenic ability, her pose, and just her natural aura. She was perfect from every aspect of the photographer's eye. Everyone had forgotten Kylie's unmemorable roles in the past and the fact that she had been forced to apologize to Khloe. It was the natural beauty of Kylie that remained in everybody's mind.
