
Chapter 1100: Terrifying Mortal, Continuous Onslaught

Wei Wuyin's Worldly Domain unfurled to an unimaginable extent, enveloping the three Ascended amidst their shock and astonishment. The Worldly Domain of Elemental Origin conquered the world for nearly five hundred thousand miles. If the Neo-Dawn Starfield was still intact, almost three-fourths of the starfield would've been encompassed by its authority. 

"..." Venerable Bluecloud found himself in a sea of thick whiteness, exuding a strong elemental aura that stung the senses and widened the pores. It felt as if he was brought into the world of another, forced to resist its unique pressure. There was a tightness to his forearms and legs, the World Pressure encroaching on his refined physique like sun-rising shadows. 

