
Chapter 2

~On the way back to base~

Natalia~ So Kakuzu, do you perhaps know how I lost my memory?

Kakuzu~ From what I was told, some rogue ninja erased your memory of them and how you ended up there, in that field.

Hidan~ So from what it fucking seems is that they battled you, wanting to know what that damn beast inside you can do. Then they knocked you the hell out and carried you to that damn open field and erasing your fucking memory while you were knocked the fuck out.

Natalia~ You keep saying they. How many were there?

Kakuzu~ Rogue ninjas usually go alone or in a group of 2 to 3 other ninja. And from what boss told us, was that it was a group of ninja.

Natalia stops in her tracks, quickly moving her hands to her head and falling to her knees.

Hidan~ What the hell is wrong with you princess.

Natalia try's to speak but is chocked back on her words.

Keita to Natalia~ Hey glad to see that you're up and moving again kid. He says.

Natalia~ What are you doing? Why can't I speak to the people around me? Why am I on the ground?

It suddenly comes to Natalia that her necklace isn't around her neck.

Natalia~ Is this what happens when you contact me or does it only happen when I'm in distress? And why did you do it?

Keita~ I did it to make sure you knew I was still here. And yes I only do it when you're in distress because if you fall like how you just did, it let's me know that you know I am still here.

Natalia~ My necklace Keita, where is my necklace.

Natalia moves her hands from her head and starts to search frantically for her necklace.

Hidan: What the hell are you doing? Get the fuck up. We gotta move.

Natalia~ I am not moving till I find my damn necklace, you arrogant jerk.

Hidan~ Oh, you mean this thing.

Hidan pulls a white crystal mixed with turquoise blue and holds it in the air.

Hidan~ I was gonna keep it and maybe see what happened if I broke it.

Natalia quickly stands and runs to Hidan. She try's to frantically grab it but he keeps holding it over her head.

Natalia~ Hidan please. For one my grandparents gave me that. And two it has the power to suppress Keita from getting out of hand.

Hidan~ Who the hell is Keto.

Natalia~ It's Keita and its the beast inside of me. So please Hidan give me the damn thing.

Hidan~ What's the magic word princess?

Natalia starts to glow a whiteish, tealish blue, which gives her a ghostly look.

Natalia~ I said give it back. Natalia said punching Hidan, making him fly back a few hundred feet and making the necklace fall out of his hand when he flew.

Natalia calms down and picks up her necklace and puts it on.

Hidan~ What the fuck was that for? Hidan yells.

Kakuzu~ Don't get on her bad side Hidan. She might just kill you one day.

Hidan~ She can't kill me. Nobody can kill me. I'm immortal, remember dumbass?

Kakuzu~ Yes Hidan, I know your immortal but she might could find a way and take your immortality away from you.

Hidan~ Ha, you fucking wish. Hidan says quickly running to catch up.

Natalia~ Well shouldn't we be on the move? We don't want to be late and make your boss mad.

Hidan~ Fuck him. I'll take me precious damn time making us late.

Kakuzu~ We could just leave you here and let you walk by yourself.

Hidan~ Oh you damn bitch.

Natalia~ What's his deal? Does he not like to be alone out here or something?

Kakuzu~ You are correct kid.

Natalia and Kakuzu start to laugh at Hidan about not wanting to be alone.

Hidan~ You didn't. No you tell her, you damn bastard. I will put you 24 fucking feet under the damn ground for that.

Kakazu~ I'd like to see you try Hidan. But never mind the silliness. Natalia is right, we need to head back to base.

The 3 ninja start there way back to base.
