
Voldy, food, House and inevitable future.

I moved Fluffy to the side, and we all came down the stairs.

After that, as we got down, I saw that there was only one path. And in our way was a plant. But as it was just a plant, I left it to kids. I didn't want to interfere too much with them, but I wanted to meet Voldemort face to face. Especially as he was weakened and will get defeated by Harry.

Coming through the Devil's snare, without it being able to do anything to me surprised Harry, as he was the only one who turned around to see if I am through.

And I made a gesture for him to keep quiet.

As we arrived at the flying key's room, I decided to interfere.

" Hey. Harry. Let me help you in here. " I said, Flexing my head and hands.

" What are you going to do? " Hermione asked, looking annoyed. Why is she annoyed?

" How will you get the key? " Ron asked, searching for a key that Hermione pointed them to.

" Heh. I don't need to. " As I said so, I walked to the door, stood in a comfortable position, and just KICKED THE FCKING DOOR out of it's hinges. It flew out straight at troll's face, making him look at me.

" Ohoho little troll. You mad? " I laughed, as I finally can hit someone and not care about killing them accidentally.

As I walked straight at troll, with my hands spread wide, while imagining how cool I look, kids began casting spells to save me.

" Hey. You don't need to do anything with him. And he is adult troll, not young one like the one you defeated earlier. " I said, looking at how they stole the club and dumped it on troll's head.

Troll, being stronger and older than the one earlier, began getting angry and rushed at Harry, ignoring me.

" You ignore me? Bad choice!" I said, being cringe as heck, but in spite of a moment not understanding it.

As troll ran past me, kids spread out and as troll was not really agile, he crashed in to the wall.

After that, before he could turn around, I took his leg and yoinked it back, making him fall on the floor.

As he fell, I lifted my right leg high, and smashed it at his ankle, successfully breaking the bone and making troll shout out loud in pain.

After that, as Troll struggled to smash me with his hand, I caught his hand mid-swing and proceeded to break his fingers to make him unable to retaliate from the pain.

As he began spasming in pain, I shouted at harry an co to move back, while I walked to his head and began smashing it with my fists, until troll stopped moving and breathing.

" It was too cruel ! " Shouted Hermione, as she shuddered from the sounds of pain that were coming from troll.

" What? You think it would've let live? It would've eaten you without thinking. Don't try to be good after you decided to do something illegal. Especially don't try to be good to enemy. " I said, cleaning myself with couple of spells.

After Harry and Ron came out of stupor and calmed Hermione down, we proceeded to the room filled with chess. And as they wanted to finish a game, I intervened.

" Well, why would you try something so suicidal? " I asked before Ron could climb on to the chess pieces.

" How else would we go through these huge metal gates? Metal and wood are different things " Hermione butted in, not waiting for me to begin.

" Who said that I have to break metal gates using physical strength?" I asked, getting close to the door and inserting psi energy in it, breaking enchantments after putting a certain amount.

After that I casted " Alohamore " And opened gates with my hands.

" Here you go. " I said, strangely being satisfied with showing this girl her place.

And after that came the room filled with fire. At this point only one of them would be able to go, and it was decided that it would be harry, as Hermione was tired, and Ron was, let's just say, not good.

As Harry walked through the fire I saw Dumbledore standing on the other side of the fire, looking at us. At that point, I went and touched the fire with my finger.

It was not hot enough to hurt me, and shouting Hermione was not enough to stop me from just walking through.

I don't know why they even let these traps to be passable. Let's ask the one who should know.

" Headmaster, Why was it so easy? Shouldn't it protect very important item? " I asked Dumbledore, as he made a surprised expression.

" You can see me? " He asked.

" Oh, yes. I can see you perfectly. So, why did you let harry in, if you know that the one who tries to steal the stone is in there? " I asked, looking at him and following Harry inside, being followed by invisible Dumbledore.

" Harry is in there? I just arrived while I saw you three stopping in front of fire. We Should hurry to help Harry! " Dumbledore said, rushing to the front with speed hardly imaginable for his age.

Entering the room I saw Quirrell with no turban, Dumbledore waiting to save harry if needed, and harry who talked with Voldemort's damaged face.

Imagine falling all the time, who wouldn't have it damaged. And he couldn't go to Poppy to get healed. So, he had a dark spot on his left eye, couple of small purple spots, and one small cut below his mouth.

" Oh hello mister Voldy ! " I said loudly, for them to notice me.

" Who are you? " Voldemort asked with his ugly face, pointing wand at me, while Quirrell's body turned to me.

" Oh me? I am just a passerby. But, let me ask something. Why do you talk with a child in a dark room? Ate you pedo? " I asked, smiling.

" How dare you!! " He shouted with gritted teeth, shooting bombarda at me. While he might've been strong in his own body, he was not strong enough while possessing Quirrell, so I just smacked bombarda away, making it explode after changing course.

At that point Dumbledore intervened, destroying Quirrell's body in seconds and making Voldy's ghost rush at Harry. And as I didn't try to stop it, Dumbledore didn't have time to do it.

And so, Harry got protected by the ritual of her mother. The one that saved him as a child.

It pushed Voldemort out of his body, just like an insane amount of magic, and made him flee.

After that, Harry fell down and was taken to the Poppy to get healed.

As for me, I was called to the headmaster's room.

" Hello Antonia. " Dumble said, as he tried to give me his lemon candy.

" Call me Anton. I don't know why book called me that, but You should know from teachers that I am Anton. Not Antonia. " I said, looking at the bowl with candies and taking whole bunch of them.

" Alright. So, how did you see me down there? " He asked, while throwing candy down his mouth.

" Oh. This? I just have a good sight " I answered, knowing that it is not sight issue.

" This have nothing to do with good eyesight. Please, answer truthfully. " He said, as he looked at me seriously.

" Well. I don't want to. What will you do? Nothing. It is a secret of mine. " I answered.

" Fine... " He said, as I interrupted him.

" Oh, did you think about changing drinks and food like I suggested? I am tired of eating all these chicken and turkey legs. " I asked, as I mainly used my own drinks.

" Yes. Elves were sent to learn new recipes and to buy new drinks. Next year we will have something new. It was really hards to push for approval, but after trying this new and different food I managed to do it " Dumbledore said, getting in a more comfortable position, as Fawkes flew to his legs to get far from me.

Oh, yes! I have some feathers from his tail.

" He is still scared? " I asked, pointing at Fawkes and recieving a shudder from the bird.

After that we talked about few things and I left to the dorms.

Do you want to hear what I noticed?

Magic seems to be collecting in my body just like psi energy.

Yep. and it is changing me too.

My muscles were always invisible. They were hidden by the skin and were not seen.

Now, I can definitely see the changes in my body.

Muscles begin to show themselves, making me look more fit.

Chest are for some reason got smaller, but I can feel how psi energy began filling me in other places.

It is interesting phenomenon. I should pay more attention to it.

Well, now, as the year is almost over, I should plan my holidays.

I will need to train in psi energy, as it was not possible to do in Hogwarts, maybe buy a land somewhere out of sight, so I could practice freely. Also, it wouldn't be bad to do like everyone else does in my situation. Invest a little in businesses that most probably will be successful.

You know. Apple, Microsoft ( already pretty successful, but still... ) and maybe some others if they are existing.

Ok, And the last thing that I should do is to get inside the shops and copy all their books. They have some restricted and forbidden books, so it would be necessary.

I might need to find my way in noble families. So I could get to their books.

Why? Because the more information my computer can process, the better. It is currently working on modifying books from restricted section, as there were so much books that I don't even know how would I even dare to try to read them all.

Thankfully, I will be reading compacted version. Highly optimized and generally better version. Somehow, computer, using all the available books even found some unnecessary parts in spell casting.

~ After getting ready to get back in London ~

Oh. They were pretty fast.

" Finally, something new " I said out loud, looking at our new train. This time, they took new highly advanced train and modified it.

So, as currently I won't affect it, I went in without a worry.

Ahh. what a bliss. They chose an elite train. It is fast, comfortable, and it is wider than previous one.

Perfect. I can lie down in full height.

So, this was the thing that I've done, right after buying all the frogs from trolley lady.

Yes, I kinda liked chocolate that was used in them. Highly milky and at the same time chocolatey taste. Tasty.

After getting back to London, I went to Gringgotts and bought a little house in the middle of nowhere. Why from them?! because I was not registered as being born in this universe, and I couldn't just buy a house or land out of nowhere.

As for why did I even care to buy it, because I would like to have a house for myself. With the house, I bought two house elves.

House that I bought was near a mountain, in the forest. Covered by simple charms that made muggles unable to see them. As these charms were only anti-muggle, and were placed far from house itself, on the borders of my land, I could use psi energy in here.

One thing that I need to learn, is the ability to use psi energy without destroying magic.

Literally, magic was being destroyed by psi energy easily. I don't know why, but only strong magic was not destroyed or affected by my psi energy.

And I needed to do it.

After a month of experiments, and a help of house elves in enchanting random things, I theorised couple of things.

Psi energy and magic are using related types of energy. And as enchantment and spells are using strictly constructed ways, influx of different type of energy, in my case - psi, disrupts the balance. Disruption results in destruction of spell or enchantment. Sometimes in explosive ways.

Force, on the other hand is absolutely different from anything else, and nothing can sense it for some reason.

In this month, additionally, I began feeling that changes in my body were speeding up. Psi energy began spreading out from the chest and as the result, chest was getting smaller.


But still, size of the chest was bigger then F+...

Yea, I am BIG.

And for some reason, the more I use psi energy, the bigger it gets, while the more magic I use - the smaller it gets.

What the fuck is wrong with my body?

Well, as there is nothing that I can do, I continued learning magic, increasing my psi and magic control, and experimenting with them.

After another month, I finally reached the point, where my psi energy could be used with average enchantments and not destroy them.

Don't ask how much money did I spent on all of things. Elves couldn't enchant so much. I already had a two-storey sized pile of broken things. Mostly cheap ones, but with thus number - it was not cheap.

Currently, some weak and unprotected enchantments would get destroyed if I am not accurate.

I could still use psi energy to disrupt the spells, as unlike magic, I could feel it outside myself.

Magic, on the other hand, could be felt inside my body. it's interactions with psi energy allowed me to barely feel how it spreads inside me.

And yes, I couldn't feel magic outside of myself while it was not concentrated. If it is used in spell or enchantment, I could feel it easily.

Wards were the only thing that I couldn't easily feel. Because wards were using outside magic without concentrating it on themselves, unlike enchantments.

After another two weeks I felt the feeling that I knew perfectly well. The feeling of imminent evolution.

Just like before, It would take time for evolution to happen. And by my estimation, it should happen in one or two years. And evolution would require a lot of food. Not only a lot of food after evolution, but also a lot of it in the process.

So, I ordered house elves to buy a lot of food and store it on my land. As it would need to be fresh for a long time, creation of big zone for my food storage was ordered.

Currently, as I still had a lot of galleons with me, I gave house elves to go and buy trunks that they would use to transport food.

In these last two weeks, a huge space in the mountain was cleared and enchanted. And as enclosed space was better for food storage, especially enchanted one, I paid a lot for fast work.

My 10 cubic meters of gold and gems were pretty much enough to live lavishly for a couple of generations.

I don't know whose vault I came from, as Goblins didn't answer me about it, but It was for sure my good luck.

At last, as I finished my last training with psi energy, and left a little bit of creep to spread out among the food, I left.

Sadly, creep couldn't spread on land without specific organisms, but on food itself, on flesh and other things like that, it could slowly spread while using it as food. And as creep was one of the most potent foods for me, I decided that it was worth it.

Ot might be not extremely tasty, but for the purpose of evolution it was better than just food.

Coming back to the train station a little later than I planned, I saw Harry trying to go through the wall.

Oh. fucking Dobby.

Trying to go through, and being unable to, I smashed the wall with all my strength, feeling how I was not feeling bricks, I kicked it, successfully breaking the blockade.

" Ok, let's go in. You guys should hurry and not stand there with your mouth open. " I said, thinking about them still being surprised at my way of doing things.

Yes, I was brute forcing my way. so what?

Is it wrong?

Coming through, I noticed that no one came through from behind, and clock ringed the time to depart, so I ran to the auror, and said that two students were outside and were blocked from entering the station for some reason.

As train would start five minutes after entrance closes, I just got inside the train, while Auror went out to check my claim.

Coming through the train, I could feel how I affected the angle of the train, but as it was low compared to the previous one, I didn't care.

Coming through the train, I saw only one empty compartment, so I just used it.

Sleeping through the travel, I left the train.

Missing the trolley lady was not a big problem. I visited Diagon alley and many other places to buy out their chocolate frogs and some other things. While I had more space in my own storage, freed thanks to buying a lot and leaving a lot to House elves, I bought a lot of alcohol and non alcohol drinks.

Uhuh. I would be making cocktails. And whisky+cola is the one that I would be drinking first. Simple and tasty.

Obviously, after leaving the train, I went to the carriage with Thestrals. They were looking interesting. While yes, you could see their bones, but also you could see flesh created by whitish hue around them. So, as I touched them, they turned around to look at me. While I was caressing their backs, I saw Harry getting closer to me.

" Thank you for helping us to get on the train. " Harry said, while Ron just looked at me and Hermione just said her own thanks.

" Not a problem. " I said, finishing playing with these gorgeous white beings with transparent bodies.

" You can see them? " Hermione asked.

" Yes, I can. " I replied, sitting in to the carriage.

" Why do you ask this? " Harry asked, following me and sitting down.

" Obviously! These are Thestrals! Only people who have seen Death can see them! " Hermione said, being followed by Ron.

" What? There is something like that? I don't see anything! "

" Why do you see it? " Ron asked me, and Harry, while Hermione sat down in the carriage.

" It is not a good question to ask, redhead " I answered, looking at Ron getting redder while sitting down.

" I am not redhead! I am Ron! And what is wrong with the question? " He asked.

" Ron, Thestrals can be see only by someone who has seen death. It is not polite to question about it " Hermione said, as we lifted off.

Thestrals, as they lifted off, spread their enormous whitish wings that even clipped through each other while swinging them.

They are interesting.

After that, we talked a little bit.

After getting to the hall, as Ginny Weasley sat down at her table, I felt the journal. Yes, I specifically used psi energy to feel it. And as I found it, I used Force to steal it.

After stealing, I used Force and placed it in my backpack.

As nothing could feel the force, and no one paid attention to the book flying below the tables, no one noticed.

After getting out of the hall, I went to the bathroom where Myrtle lived. While closing in on to the bathroom, I took journal out and released psi energy with full power, destroying this great dark artifact, while leaving the book intact. While it was a good idea at the moment, in the next moment, it was not.

" Hello Headmaster " I said, turning around to him, while he stood ready with his wand out.

" What were you doing out here? Why did you use all this power? " He asked.

" Oh, this? I just was trying to destroy this artifact " I said, throwing him journal of famous Tom Marvolo Riddle.

" I see. And it seems You failed. " He said, making me confused.

" Why? I am sure that it is destroyed " I answered, not feeling any reaction to the psi energy.

" Ohh. Antoni... Anton. Only if it would be that easy to destroy Dark artifact as evil as this one. How did you even get your hands on it? " He asked, looking at me in suspicion.

" Wait. but, why can't I feel anything from it, while before I could? " I asked, being interested in a situation that I didn't expect.

" Well, You see. When you reach a certain point in magic, You can hide the emission of such. And it could be applied to enchanted items too. While you might be able to feel it somehow, but in this situation, something more needed to destroy it " He said, not willing to reveal that it is horcrux.

After that, he left.

Well. I forgot to tell him that I wanted to hunt a little snake today. It would be interesting to see his face second time today.


Thank you [ Grey Knight ]


Donations are appreciated.



``` Author's note ```

`` 135 +- words ``

` 3541 words in chapter `

Thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Well. Harry potter world, was planned to be pretty short.

There would be times at which I would spend more time, but not yet.

Also, while mc is still growing, I can make his emotions grow with him.

But later, as he will learn many things, his abilities, science, technology, and much more, He would finally be able to be himself.

To do anything he wants. Anything. Sometimes, it wouldn't be good things.

Well, it doesn't matter, as his learning phase still have a long to get finished. Especially considering that it is only his second world.

p.s. Wanna donate? Any amount is appreciated. even couple of cents ;)
