

Checking his 'Status', the first thing Kyouya saw was that his race was supposed to be Angel now. Shocked, he laughed sarcastically as he didn't know what to think about this.

"Seriously, I expected to be human, why Angel?"

At his words, the System quickly replied

[The Wheel chose for you. Be grateful as you could be a rat if you got unlucky]

Its words actually made him flinch as he understood that his Luck stat, even though it wasn't specified in the status, was really high.

"...The real question is, why my Wheel had the Angel race in the first place, aren't I what the world would classify as Evil? I mean, it even says I'm neutral."

Sighing, the system knew he had no choice but to answer him, but, it chose to let the 'real' part of the System to speak for his behalf.

[Everything in the Universe, can be considered neutral, evil, and good. There's no exception to this universal rule. Your fate, heavily pointed towards goodness as all you wanted was live your life with your Mother, but, evilness was so inflicted on you that you had no choice but to transform in evil itself. Instead, all you did was become heavily neutral, and that's something the Wheel wanted to reward. You weren't lucky. Another possibility, was to get reincarnated with the power of a ***** God, yet, you got reincarnated as a lower-level Angel]

Hearing some kind of interference as the mechanical voice spoke the supposed level of the God, Kyouya gulped as he understood the difference between the two Systems that resided in his head.

'To simplify, one System is this one who can give me information, while the second can add some minor things or help me with my transmigration..'

Thinking about this, Kyouya knew it was very confusing like this.

"Can I rename the entity as I wish?"

His question, brought the mechanical voice to reply

[..Yes, it's possible]

Nodding, he thought about it as he wasn't good at giving names.

"What if I call you Ruphiel?"

Hearing his words, the entity sighed as it asked

[I have just one question. Why you want me to have this name?]

Expecting such question, Kyouya was dead serious as he replied

"Because I am an Angel, so I decided that you should have an Angel-like name as well"

Sighing, the entity slightly changed voice as the name "Ruphiel" was for females.

[Fine. I don't have a problem with changing sex, you know, I can just change my voice however I like. If I have to be a female angel, then I'll be a female Angel. From this point onwards, call me Ruphiel]

Even though the voice couldn't actually be called a 'male' voice before, the fact it changed so suddenly made him flinch as he understood that his 'joke' didn't work.

"...I guess you really want to get reincarnated if you are so willing to change your sex like that"

Without receiving a reply, Kyouya sighed as he added

"So, when I have to refer to the system, I can just say Devour..?"

Hearing his words, the system immediately replied.

[...Yes, I am the essence of the Devour System. My only purpose is to be the link to help Kyouya receive the quests, and some other minor things..]

Understanding this as well, he nodded as he still didn't trust both of them, but at least now he knew why they are here.

'I should hurry, I have to complete the quest..'

Thinking this, he decided to put such matters aside as he saw there was a mirror in the room..
