

"Lance, wake up! Breakfast is ready!"

A shout coming from downstairs made its way throughout the church making its way till the top. On the top of the church, near the bell, a small net hammock, and a desk filled with books made it seemed a rather poor but peculiar sight. There a boy reading in a very focused state, oblivious to anything that may be happening in his surroundings, only when he heard the voice resounding calling for him for breakfast did he put down the book.

Lance stood up and went in front of a mirror to fix his image. He had a very handsome figure with a few traces of a childish demeanor but it couldn't hide his handsomeness. It had been 16 years since he had been reborn in this world and he was surprised after finding out about this new world. This world was completely different from his former world where technology was the apex, but in this one, he found out that the apex of this world was something that didn't exist in his former world: magic.

On the contrary, what most people that wrote stories in his former world, in this magic was something inborn and couldn't be upgraded. That means if someone was to be a weak mage even with all the effort in the world, at least through magic, he couldn't become a strong mage. However, if someone was born with a large capacity of mana and didn't make any effort to tap in that potential, he also wouldn't become a strong mage but only a weak mage with a very large capacity of mana. The catch was that although someone couldn't alter his inborn capacity of mana if someone didn't learn about the next spells and tapped into its potential, that someone couldn't become strong.

Lance also found out that he could remember very clearly about his past life memories. He assumed it was because of the space-time travel, his soul became stronger than the average person in this world and that wasn't all. He could learn things faster and his 6 senses were far stronger than the normal person.

After fixing his appearance, Lance ran downstairs towards a little kitchen in a corner of the church. There he saw a man, probably in his fifties, dressed in the black attire of a priest with an apron on it while he cooked. This vision warmed his heart while he thought about all of the years after his coming to this church.

In the beginning, he was still very confused about what was happening and what made him come to this world. As the years were passing his extensive knowledge began to do some injuries to his mind because no brain of a child could accommodate knowledge and experiences that his former life had harvested throughout his life. Concerned about the condition of the boy, the priest Caius, run all over the village in order to find a doctor to cure Lance. Even with measly earnings from doing odd jobs everywhere in the village, he could only hire a doctor after spending all of the money he earned over his fifty years.

After healing Lance, Caius began to do more odd jobs because they didn't have any money to sustain for themselves so he had to work more. Some years after this episode, Lance found out about why did Caius seem skinnier and malnourished. From his memories, he knew that in his former life the times he cried could be counted in one hand, but on that day he cried so much that the next day his eyes were swollen. Since that day, he from the bottom of his heart accepted Caius as his father and without letting Caius knowing he began to work at a mine to ease the burden out of his father's back.

Caius smiled when he saw Lance sat at the table in the middle of the kitchen. The breakfast was a simple piece of bread with scrambled eggs with a glass of milk. Although the taste wasn't 5 stars, Lance could almost feel the love in them when he took the first bite, almost beginning to cry as his eyes turned red. Caius sat next to Lance and looked at the teenage boy with love and some hidden concern. After some awkward silence, Caius sighted.

"Lance as you probably know, you are the age where you will know if you the potential to be a mage. So by tomorrow, we need to depart to the closest city, Hambright, and go to the temple there, where you will take the Awakening Ceremony with all the other applying children."

Lance listened quietly while he thought about the possibility of being a mage. Although he didn't really aspire to be a mage he was still very much curious about magic since it could be a mage he could provide better conditions to his father.

In this world and probably all the world where there are civilizations there exist differences in treatment between people who could use magic and one that couldn't. The mages in this world had all the privileges that those that weren't mages had, so all parents prayed till their knees had wounds so that their child could be a mage even if it was one of the weakest.

Since learning that there existed magic in this world and find out that what it means to have a family he didn't really have any kind of aspiration in this life. Even considering all the knowledge in his mind, he firmly believed that if released any of it to the world he wouldn't bring fortune but misfortune to them if not to the whole village. So because of that, he was happy to live a simple life with Caius.


The next day, Caius informed the chief of the village that he and Lance would go to Hambright City for his Awakening Ceremony. They took a carriage with other villagers that were accompanying their children to the city. Throughout the journey, that would take about a day to get to the city, Lance noticed that the eyes of the parents were filled with hope while their children were filled with anxiety and a bit o fear of the final result of the ceremony. He, on the other hand, was feeling a bit in hope of being a mage, because he could think and argument all he could but coming from a world where there wasn't any magic he couldn't help but feel a bit expectant.

After a day passed, a teenage girl looked through a whole in the carriage and screamed.

"We are here! We arrived at Hambright City!"

When the other teenagers heard her they hurried to see the magnificent view of the city while Lance remained sited thinking.

'Finally, we are here.'
