
Teaching Lessons-II

"She is not my lover," Edward made it clear and Elise saw how the vampire's eyes launch a gaze to her.

"We are not indeed but I am trying to create a bridge between us," answered Daphne. She knew that suddenly behaving silence will only make other raise brows at her. At times like this, Daphne who had faked her entire life knows what to do when it come to being like a normal person. 

"Oh I see," Ian chuckled when he saw the vampire having a difficult time speaking or denying it outright. "Miss...?"

"Daphne," Elise helped him name and Ian nodded in reply, continuing, 

"I am sure Edward us very happy to be the center of your attention. Look at him, all smile, I can tell he is delighted," Ian tipped his chin describing the very opposite expression that Edward had on his face currently. The vampire didn't have the chance to speak again as Daphne returned her answer before Edward could.
