
The Beauty of the Han River

From now, come to me if you need friends to talk. "Jeha's expression becomes serious while saying" Don't care about people who don't like you because it will only make your heart restless. But focus on those who like you because they are the power that will take you forward".

"You are what you think, and what you think then that will become reality" continued Jeha while holding Nana's shoulder.

Nana pensive hear all the wise words that come out of Jeha's mouth, she never thought that Jeha could say that wisely.

"You mentioned the name of God, did you know about my God?" Nana asked suddenly after a long thought.

Jeha nods "Yes"

"So you believe God exists?" Nana asked with a curious expression.

"Yes, because someone once said to me. If we believe in God then wherever we are, we will never be afraid and feel alone," explained Jeha.

"Does that mean you are never afraid of anything?" Nana asked.

Jeha nodded "Yes"
