
That's not Love.

Soon it was the end of their shift, which went like a test of will for Sam, Judy was trying her best to get close to her which she found hard to deal with.

And the burning heat in the centre of her palm didn't help at all, she found herself many times looking at it or touching it gently while in an absent-minded state.

What's worst was that she even found herself once looking blankly at Judy's lips, almost giving herself a heart attack when she noticed, fortunately, Judy didn't catch her.

While thinking about all of those and having a mini emotional breakdown, she heard fast footsteps coming from behind her, turning around as expected, she saw Judy walking towards her with a beautiful smile.

"Hey Sam, I've never asked you before but in which part of the city do you live?" She asked as she stood in front of her.

"The Eastside, and you?" Asked Sam with a fearful heart, she was worried that Judy might take the same road home as her, which would become a big problem if Brittney saw them together.

Fortunately, Judy sighed in disappointment before saying:

"I live on the Northside, that's unfortunate..."

Sam released a silent sigh of relief than said:

"Than I'll be leaving, see ya tomorrow."

Before she could even take a step away, Judy held her by her sleeve.

Sam turned around and looked at her questioningly, wondering why she stopped her.

Judy on her part was surprised too, her action was mostly done without thinking, she just felt that she didn't want to separate from Sam yet.

So for a few seconds, which seemed like ages for Judy, the two of them just stood there, looking at each other without blinking.

"..Emm, do you want to grab a coffee.." It was Judy who broke the awkward silence between them, her voice was soft and uncertain.

Sam froze for a bit, a part of her wanted to say yes, but thinking about how Brittney never liked her spending time with other people alone, especially pretty girls, along with Judy's feelings for her, she decided against it.

She was going to just refuse her, but suddenly she realized that it was a good chance for her to stop Judy from continuing with her advances.

Before she wanted to tell Judy that she already had a girlfriend, but putting it out just like that with no reason will probably hurt her, it felt totally wrong, so she had been searching for the right moment for her to deliver it harmlessly since the beginning, and now it seemed that the right time was finally there.

"Sorry I can't, I have an appointment with my..."

"Sam? Is that you?"

Before Sam could finish her sentence a voice was heard from behind her.

Sam's body shook when she heard the voice, it was a voice she never expected to hear there.

Turning around shakingly, what she feared the most happened, right there, a few meters away from her stood a young man.

He had short black hair, and dark brown eyes, his face was a normal looking face, but he had a refined and gentle temperament.

Judy's first impression of him was a good one, but looking at Sam's face she knew that something was wrong.

Sam had a shocked, guilty, and painful expression on her face along with many other emotions hidden deep in her eyes, it seemed as if she didn't know how to deal with meeting that person there.

Without thinking, she caught Sam by the arm and hid her behind her, she didn't know what was happening or what that young man's relationship with Sam was but from Sam's expression she, at the very least, knew that Sam was reluctant to meet him, which was all she needed to know.

The young man has been just studying them for the whole time, he didn't say anything after calling Sam, and only when Judy hid her and acted as if she was protecting her did he show a hint of surprise.

Then he smiled gently and said:

"Is this your new girlfriend? She seems good, at least better than the last one."

Once he said that, Judy felt he arm being held and she was pulled, turning around she saw Sam getting ready to start running while still holding her.

She didn't understand what was happening but she didn't struggle, she allowed Sam to pull her as they ran.

"Sam you can't run from this, deep down you know it don't you? that's not love, you know that don't you? THAT'S NOT LOVE..." they only took a few steps before Judy heard the young man's voice again, the last few words he said were shouted so loudly yet they had a hint of hopelessness and pain.

Turning her head for a last look she saw that he was getting ready to give chase but was stopped by a few people who came out of a shop nearby, they seemed as if they were with him.

Sam run for a while, it wasn't till Judy could barely keep on going that she stopped her, she felt as if Sam wasn't in the right state of mind, she was running without thinking, as if she wanted to get as far as possible from something.

"Hah... Hah... Phew, Sam what happened to you, are you alright?"

After taking a few deep breaths she asked Sam, who seemed to be still in a muddle-headed state.

Sam took a while to answer, but she finally lifted her head and said in a trembling voice:

"I... I have a girlfriend..."

Those few words stunned Judy, and she just stood there frozen, without understanding how things turned like that, and how would her question lead to that kind of answer.

Seeing her like that, Sam's lips trembled and while fighting the tears in her eyes, she mumbled 'I'm sorry' before moving away, leaving Judy frozen where she was.

Judy finally returned to herself and looked at the moving figure of Sam whose shoulders kept on trembling as if she was crying and she didn't know what to think or do...
