
You Are Still The Same Person Who Wholeheartedly Loves Me

Kyoya opened the door, revealing the small entrance of the treehouse. He glanced behind his shoulder and gently led his dearest wife inside. Both of them took off their shoes and stepped on the wooden floor.

A lounge directly awaited once they entered through the entry deck. Shouko saw a comfortable long couch was placed close to the wooden wall. A small coffee table stood opposite the couch.

At one side of the lounge, a window was built to enable ventilation. Occasionally, Shouko heard the sound of the night breeze howling by. Her face brightened by the warm vibe coming from this treehouse.

As Kyoya saw how happy his wife was, he felt a sense of pride inside him since Shouko showed a pleasant acceptance to his surprise.

"This is just the lounge. Let me show you the rest of this place," said Kyoya.

"Okay~" Shouko agreed. She immediately followed him.
