
I Just Want To Go Home To My Wife

In the end, Kyoya chose to follow his conscience.

Well, actually he really wanted to go home but his wife forbade him from abandoning his work when he had so much to do.

"What are you doing, playing around ah?" Shouko playfully berated him when Kyoya mentioned going home for lunch during their call, "Do you think I could be fooled easily? Once you're home, you'd feel more reluctant to return to work."

"Love, are you chastising me?" He asked in a low voice as if he was being wronged.

"It's not that I don't want you to come home but, a certain birdie has reminded me of this possibility," Shouko chuckled hearing his dejected tone, "You have so much to do today. You'd delay them just by the time spends on the road coming home and going back to your office. Do you want to finish all of them at night? Or, do you plan to finish them during the weekend tomorrow?"

"Was it Ryota who called you?" Kyoya sighed in displeasure. 
