

While Grim and the rest of the clover kids were dealing with Licht's departure and Lumiere's body breaking, over at the Heart Kingdom Queen Lolopechka sat upon her royal throne watching the scene with teary eyes.

Dressed in a manner unbefitting of a ruler, the spectacle wearing young woman balled her eyes out while her guardian and mother figure; the water spirit Undine held a hankerchief to her nose.

"There there." She comforted.

"Its just *sniff* so sad *sniff*"

Smiling at Lolopechka's compassionate heart, it took a minute for Undine to calm her down and move the conversation onto a more serious topic.

"Do you think they stand a chance?" She asked looking solely at Grim and Asta.

"I *sniff* I don't know." She said wiping away her tears.

After spending several months spying on the Clover kingdom, Lolopechka had gained a good understanding of the Black Bulls and the kingdom's current magic knights. But out of all of them, only Asta and Grim were able to grab her attention. The magic-less boy who humbles the magically gifted and the battle driven commoner who makes those bow to him through charisma or force.

Both extraordinary in their own ways. And both capable of killing devils.

"What do you think of the half elf one?" Lolopechka asked. "Is he arcane?"

Staying quiet for a minute, Undine thought about the question before eventually shaking her head.

"Honestly, I don't know. Looking at it from a normal perspective, his magic is definitely weird but not really arcane. But then knowing the name of his magic and seeing what it did to that devil, it obviously has some arcane qualities to it... I think it'd be more appropriate to say that his magic borders between arcane and the normal stages."

"You mean he's half arcane?"

"Mmm, I guess you put it like that. But what worries me isn't his magic nature. Its his actual nature. He's way to volitile for us to deal with. There's a high chance that he'll attack us just to see how far he can go."

"I know." Lolopechka nodded before smiling and bringing up a live video of someone else. "That's why we'll have Gajah suppress him."

Looking at the image of their kingdom's zero stage mage, Undine made a surprised sound.

"Gajah? But with his current rate of growth Gajah won't be able to keep-

"I know." She interrupted. "But putting all our trust into Asta isn't a smart choice. Even with anti-magic abilities it isn't guarenteed that we'll win. At least with Grim on our side our chances of winning are much higher... Besides, that rate of growth is what I'm counting on."


Back at the Clover kingdom...

"Well that was anti-climatic." Grim yawned impolitely after Licht's figure vanished.

Seconds after saying those words, the eyes of the remaining elves locked onto his figure with a not so friendly look to them.

"What?" He tilted his head and looked at them. "You want me to help you join him?"

Despite losing his Elven form and returning to his normal state, Grim's arrogance didn't deminish in the slightest.

Angered by his words but remembering their promise to Licht, the four reincarnated elves clenched their fists tightly and held themselves back from saying anything. Forced to swallow this indigination and keep quiet, it was only when Asta stood inbetween them and their half elf junior that they felt slightly better.

"Pussys." Grim mocked before suddenly feeling a sharp pulse of familiar mana emerge in the distance. Eyes widening, his head snapped in the direction the mana was pulsing from.

'What the hell is that.'

Seeing as how no one else besides the elves were reacting, a particular thought started to form in his head.

'Is something targeting those with elven blood?'

Feeling the pulse again, Grim realized they weren't being targeted for an attack. No. They were being called. Summoned.

And whatever it was that was doing it was sending out a signal.

Seeing the faces of the other elves all turn to look over in his direction as if to probe him, he couldn't help but smile in their direction and let them know that they weren't special. He got it to.

Understanding the meaning behind that smile, the curious faces of the elves fell.

'That's right you fuckers, you weren't the only ones to get it.'

"Erm Grim." Asta suddenly spoke up.

"Are you okay? You're smiling weirdly."


'Am I?'

Unable to hide it, he simply said "Ignore it" and carried on.

"Oh, okay. I was just surprised is all."


"Yeah." He nodded. "I thought you'd be angrier since you can't fight Licht anymore."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I'm obviously gonna fight him again."


Clearly not understanding what he meant, Grim explained it as best as he could.

"Sooner or later I'm gonna leave this world and go to the realm of the devils. I'm guessing that by that point I'll posses the ability to freely travel between realms. So going to afterlife shouldn't be that much of an issue. Besides, if I can't do that I'll just force that necrophilia guy to ressurect them somehow."

"Necrophilia guy?"

Pointing his finger at Rades from the eye of the midnight sun, he explained what necrophilia was.

"In short, the creep likes to stick his junk in cold crusty corpses."

"Ew! GRIM!!"

Tuning him out, for the life of him Grim couldn't remember the necromancer's name no matter how hard he tried. But then again why would he? Afterall, Rades was just a small fry that he could crush without the use of magic.

"Um guys, our ancestor is saying his final goodbyes and you're kinda being loud."

Seeing Lumiere looking at the two boys with a kind smile on his face, Asta and Grim quickly apologized to Noelle and Mimosa.

"Oh shit, sorry Noelle." Grim said looking sorrowful.

"Here, take this. I hope its enough to convey my apologies." He held his hand out towards her.

Stretching her hand out to take the object, a confused look surfaced on her face as she raised her head.

"There's nothing here."

"Sure there is. Look closer and you'll see the amounts of fucks I give."
