
Witch Queen

"Wow..." Looking at the magnificent sight before them, Noelle and the others were at a loss for words as the sheer sight of the forest blew them away.

"Welcome to the witches forest." Domina introduced them.

"Its amazing..." Finral muttered thinking about the vast amount of girls inside.

"Y'know... now that I have fire magic, I have this weird desire to set this place ablaze." Grim said while looking at the trees.

"GRIM!!" Noelle turned to him obviously displeased with what he said.

"What? I've never started a forest fire before."

"That doesn't mean you should!"

*Sigh* "Listen Noelle." Grim said placing his hand on her shoulder and looking into her eyes.

"If you had fire magic like me, you'd understand where I'm coming from. But since you don't, I don't think you have a right to tell me what I can and can't burn."

"What about Domina! That's her home!!"

"A home is a place that you're allowed to come back to. According to her own words, witches that have left the witches forest aren't allowed back. Therefore her opinion has as much relevance to me as yours."

"Grrr.." Clenching her teeth together tightly, Noelle was about to blow a fuse.

"Guys!" Domina called. "We have to focus. Don't forget why we're here." She motioned to Asta.

"Right, I'll burn this place down after we've done that." Grim nodded.

"...Anyway." Domina continued. "From this point onward we have to be really careful. Since the witch queen can sense magic in her territory we'll be using these invisibility cloaks to sneak in."

"Invisibility cloak?" Finral raised an eyebrow before inching closer to Domina.

"When you say invisible... How undetectable are we?"

"Heh! I'm glad you asked, these cloaks of mine have the ability to not only conceal your body, they're also strong enough to mask your magic and presence from someone as powerful as the witch queen."

"Yeah yeah, but hypothetically speaking, if someone were to use this to sneak in a place that lets say they would normally be prohibited from entering, would they still get noticed?"

"Of course not!" Domina stuck her chest out proudly. "My cloak is the perfect presence inhibitor tool!"

"Cool cool. So it evens works in an extremely steamy environment?"

"I haven't tried it yet, but it should be capable of doing that."

"Right right..." Finral started mumbling to himself before speaking again. "So how much would it cost to procure one these cloaks? I'm asking for a friend."

Before she could answer, Grim barged into their conversation.

"Is it for Gauche? Because I know he's been trying to find ways to spy on his sister lately."

"What?! Why the hell would I get it for that sister loving freak when I could you use it to spy on Van-" Realizing that he had said to much, Finral coughed loudly before trying to cover it up. "Van- Vanilla waterfalls!"

"Vanilla waterfalls?" Everyone turned to look at him.

"Yeah." He nodded and started to sweat profusely. "Legend says that who ever finds it can get a new type of magic."

"REALLY!!" Asta asked jumping up from his position.


"Whoa! Maybe if I find it I'll finally be able to use magic!"

Seeing that things were starting to get out of hand, Domina called everyone's attention before explaining the plan.

"Unfortunately I only have two cloaks on me at the moment so we'll need to share."

"Is it big enough?"

"We'll manage. Now then, lets go!!"


Flying through the insides of the witches forest, Finral and the rest marveled at the sights of so many witches. Grim on the other hand had one question in his head: Why do they like wearing pointed hats so much?

"Hey, what's that?" Noelle asked pointing to a cute looking floating earth model.

"Hmm?" Domina said before looking in the direction she was pointing at. "That's one of the forest's security golem. They're small but annoying to deal with in groups. So whatever you do, don't draw attention to yourse-


Having just heard Domina's explanation, Grim's group flew past another tree and accidentally caught the cloak on a branch causing both the cloak and Fanzell's clothes to (somehow) get pulled off alerting the golem which in turn called its little buddies.

'Oh for fucks sake!'




Everyone screamed as an army of security golems swarmed them while firing deadly lasers.

"INTRUDERS!! WE HAVE INTRUDERS!!" One of the witches screamed after seeing getting chased.


Dammit! We're gonna have to force our way in!" Domina yelled. "Keep flying everyone!"

Using his magic to help with evasion, Finral provided support by spamming open portals.

"Tch." Switching to [Breath of Flames] Grim held his hands up high and started firing off [Rengokus] and left the flying to the others.

"Hell yeah Grim!" Asta cheered.

"Don't distract me!" He yelled back and focused on defending.

'Dammit! Doing this without my swords is way weaker.'

"There!" Domina yelled. "Aim for that hole in the wall!"

"Hole in the wha-

Not having enough time to answer, Grim turned around only to be greeted to the sight of him and others about to crash into an unfamiliar floor.


"Ughhh... Nice flying Finral." Grim grumbled while dusting himself off.

"That hurt..." Asta groaned.

"Ouch! No need to pinch me Domina." Fanzell yelped.

Getting up off the floor, Grim wanted to look around the room and figure out where they were, unfortunately something in particular caught his eye.

Standing mere feet away from them, a pink haired woman in an ugly green outside stood before them with her heel pressed down on the head of an unconscious Vanessa.

"Vanessa!!" Asta and Noelle yelled.

"Hey you!!" Asta called the woman's attention. "I don't care who you are, but you better get your foot off Vanessa right now!"

"Don't know who I am?" The woman slowly turned her head to look at them. "You break into my forest and then have the audacity to say you don't even the know the person who rules over it? You truly are imperfect beings."

"Domina, is that-

"Yeah." Domina nodded cutting Noelle off. "That's the mother of all witches, the Witch Queen."

Putting a name to a face, the group of clover kingdom mages shook as they realized just who they were facing.

"The Witch Queen eh." Grim's voice rang out as he took a step forward.

"Grim..." Noelle said with concern after seeing the look on his face.

"A queen's royalty right?" Taking another step closer to the queen, an orange glow surrounded Grim's body and everyone felt the temperature around him rise. "Allow me to show you my disrespect." He grinned before releasing a powerful wave of mana.

Lol, Grim meeting royalty again. I wonder how that'll go down.

Aradacreators' thoughts