
Public display of affection

Madam Wang was still boiling with anger when the doorbell rang.

She quickly called out to one of the maids to get the door, while she settled down in the living room and thought of the best way to handle Lijuan. As far as she was concerned, she was never going to let anything happen between her son and that disrespectful thief.

 Maybe it was time to get him a new woman. If he had one that would sweep him off his feet, then maybe he would completely forget about this one who would bring them nothing but shame and embarrassment. Sighs!

Her husband had gone inside his bedroom had shut himself in earlier, so as not to hear her complaints or explanation. So she was by herself. It would have been nice if she at least had someone in the family to back her up in this. Her husband, Jinhai and her father in-law were all firmly supporting Yun. What a useless family she had!

"Who was it?" She asked with a raised brow when the maid returned with an envelope.
