
You evil witch!

"I thought you said everything was going to end today?" Yun asked Lijuan immediately the call between Lijuan and Shan ended. 

"That was the plan! I don't understand what is going on. This whole news was probably Chairman Yang's doing." Lijuan said biting her nails.

"This is messed up!" He said before placing his head on the steering wheel. 

"What are we going to do now?" Lijuan turned to ask him. He was the only one she could depend on now, for a reasonable way out. 

"Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to be his fake girlfriend in the first place!" Yun said sounding slightly annoyed. If only she had continued sticking with him, none of these would have happened and he wouldn't be so worried about his brother right now.

"I know! I know that already. This whole thing is my fault." She paused to catch her breath but quickly turned to look at him.

"Wait a second. How did you know?" She asked him.
