
Poor girl...

"How have you been?" Madam Wang asked her father in-law, Chairman Wang.

"I've been healthy. Seeing as you're here to see me without prior notice I take it you're not here to ask about my welfare." He said looking at her intensely.

Ever since the moment she decided to remarry after his son's death, their relationship got strained. He hadn't been impressed at all by her decision and her choice of a husband had disappointed him even more.

"I'm sorry I haven't been visiting more often, it's Yun... he is uncontrollable." Madam Wang complained.

"What is this about?" Chairman Wang asked uninterestedly. He trusted Yun to always make the right decisions... Yun was the replica of his father in both his looks and action. He had a sound mind.

"Did you watch his interview on TV the other day?" Madam Wang asked. She was going to start from his worse offense and turn his grandfather's heart against him before bringing up the latest issue that involved Wang Corporation.

"Yes I did. What about it?"

"You're not curious about the identity of the girl who was mentioned?" She asked with a frown.

"Should I be? Like he rightly said, it's his personal business and being the vice president of the company doesn't mean he doesn't have the right date whoever he pleases...."

"She is a Kleptomaniac! If he associates himself with her it's going to give this family a bad name and I'm sure none of us wants that.." Madam Wang exclaimed in frustration. Why was everyone making light of her worries. Was she the only reasonable one among all of them?

"And what's that?"

"It's a medical condition..."

"That's good enough then. I just wanted to hear you say it's a medical condition. As long as you know it's not something that is done deliberately I think you should let them be." The Chairman said with a tone of finality. He wasn't one to involve himself in other people's private lives even if they were his family. If he was that type of person, he wouldn't have allowed his only son to marry her.

"Did he also tell you he moved out of the house?" She asked trying to keep her anger in check.

"Didn't he tell you I recommended the real estate agent who got him the place? He is an adult and as such requires his privacy."

Madam Wang sighed. She should have known the old man wasn't going to be reasonable. He always took sides with his son in the past and now he was taking sides with his grandson. It was going to be pointless bringing up the issue that had actually made her pay him a visit. From the look of things, he was going to support him no matter what she said. Especially since it had been his late son's dream.

"Is That all you came to tell me? If that's all I'll be excusing myself now. I need to rest." He said before rising up and moving to his room leaving her alone in the sitting room.


Since Shan didn't have anything she was currently doing, Lijuan invited her to her home.

Shan sat of Lijaun's bed. Both were quiet as they tried to recall everything that happened the previous night and how they ended up in Yun's apartment.

"When did he show up at the club? He wasn't there when we entered the club." Lijuan said thoughtfully.

Shan nodded. She also didn't remember seeing him when they entered. "Oh... wait.. I think I vaguely remember us talking about calling him." Shan said with wide eyes.

"What? We called him?" Lijuan asked before quickly taking out her phone to check the call log. When she saw his name on her call log and checked the duration of the call she closed her eyes and hit her head against the headboard of the bed.

"I just want to die right now. What did I say to him? What did we say? Oh no!" She cried as she kept hitting her head lightly against the headboard.

"Seeing as he took us to his home and even apologised to you, I'm guessing you didn't say anything unforgivable." Shan said giving her a bright smile before adding... "But... I really do think he likes you."

"Don't even start Shan." Lijuan said while glaring at her. There was no way she is going to make the same mistake twice by believing them.

"What? I mean look... he took us to his house... they made us breakfast and..."

"Wait a minute!" Lijuan suddenly interrupted. "I think there is one way to find out about all of this."

Lijuan suddenly said raising her head to look at Shan.

"Why do I feel I'm not going to like that?" Shan asked with a note of trepidation in her voice.

"I think you should give Jinhai a call. He is the only one who can tell us how they met us at the club and took us home." Lijuan said with a firm nod.

"You want me to call Wang Jinhai?" Shan asked raising a brow as a knock came on the door.

"Yeah come in!" Lijuan said guessing it was the maid there to take her laundry.

"I don't think it's a good idea calling Wang Jinhai..."

"Why should Shan give Jinhai a call?" Jiaying, who was dressed to go out asked with a frown as she entered inside the room.

Lijuan looked at her in surprise as she hadn't expected Jiaying to be the one.

"None of your business." Shan said with a smirk.

Jiaying looked at the both of the suspiciously until Lijuan frowned at her and asked why she was in there.

"Father said to take the black card from you. Need to go shopping for tomorrow's party." Jiaying said as she continued to eye Shan.

Shan also matched her glare and didn't break eye contact until Lijuan handed her the card and locked the door after she left.

"So back to Wang Jinhai..." Lijuan said as she joined Shan on the bed.

"You know he likes you and will answer your questions without hesitation."

"I don't want to lead him on. Besides, I'm obviously older than him but... I will call him for your sake." Shan said before taking out her phone from her purse.

"Wait a minute." Lijuan whispered to Shan before tiptoeing to her door and flung it open, making Jiaying jump.

"Why are you still here?" Lijuan asked with an unfriendly smile.

"I.... returned to ask if there was something you'd like me to buy for you" Jiaying said with a nervous smile for having been caught.

"Oh.. aren't you so sweet? But I don't think I need anything. Thanks" Lijuan said with a smile and didn't close the door until she was sure Jiaying had left the hallway.

She turned around and Shan began to giggle.

"What's up with her?" Shan asked.

"I think she is interested in Jinhai. She mentioned it sometime back."

"Poor girl...." Shan said with a laugh.

Jiaying frowned deeply as she took the stairs down. Was it her Jinhai they were planning to call? Had she heard Lijuan correctly? Had she truly just said Jinhai liked Shan?

She wasn't going to stand around idly and watch Shan snatch her man from under her nose. She had to come up with a plan to get Jinhai for herself as soon as possible. She was glad neither Lijuan nor Shan was going to be that the Yang 40th anniversary. She was going to use that opportunity to flirt with him at the party as she was very sure he was going to be there.

For now she had to hurry up and meet up with Rong at the spot they were to try out their outfits for the party.


Jinhai lay on his bed bored out of his mind as he counted the ceiling and waited patiently to hear from Shan.

His phone suddenly started ringing and he sat up hurriedly to check the caller's identity. He held his breath when he saw it was an unknown number and quickly received the call.

"Hello!" Shan greeted with uncertainty.

"Shan?" Jinhai asked hopefully.

"Yea, Shan... Lijuan's best friend." She said making Jinhai release the breath he had been holding.

"I thought you'd never call." He said cheerfully.

"I just did. But... I'm actually calling because I need to ask you something." Shan said honestly.

"You can ask me whatever you want to know. my favourite color is indigo, my shoe size is--"

"No no. Not any of that." Shan interrupted him, giggling in a way that made him smile.

"I know. I just wanted to make you laugh." Jinhai said grinning broadly like she could see his face.

"You sure did. And I don't think I told you this earlier...Thanks for breakfast, I really enjoyed the meal." Shan said with a smile when Lijuan rolled her eyes.

"Are you going to ask him the damn question or keep flirting?" Lijuan whispered making Shan giggle. So much for not wanting to lead him on.

"You can thank me by going on a date with me." Jinhai suggested.

"About my question... How come we woke up at your home? How did you both find us at the club?" Shan asked quickly while deliberately avoiding his question.
