
Thanks for Teaching Me This Technique

"Alright, listen carefully." Jyorta shouted as he craned strength into his legs, "I have one shot of my basic aura beam. It can give us a time buffer. But as for the rest, I'm the weakest of the team now. When we are near the goal and are blocked by Frenzy Beasts, even if you have to throw me towards the goal, do it."

"Alright," Sreshta shouted, "We'll take care of it."

The four of them immediately formed a protective cover around Jyorta. Rishana covered the front and Duvic covered his back. Sreshta and Bilena covered his left and right respectively. The Graduation Ceremony had started the moment they landed on the ground.

"We'll make a path, follow us!" Jyorta bellowed as he and his team shot forth without a second's delay.

"Follow Jyorta! He'll make a path!" Dalna Doppler shouted, trailing right behind him.
