

"If I get your head, I might even win the favour of Ancestor Warlord." Vu He Su Warlord cackled, using the language of the Floating Spiders, unwilling to expose their knowledge of Modern Rodawri without a reason.

If Rhachis Ancestor Warlord was the most hated Floating Spider among the humans, then Jyovic Bone was the most hated human among the Floating Spiders, outclassing their hate towards Rhachis Ancestor Light.

It was all thanks to a single feat of Jyovic Bone, the outcome that concluded the Flying Throne Raid.

Rhachis Ancestor Web, the first Tier 6 Frenzy Beast among the Floating Spiders had many children, with most of them at Tier 5. One of them stood head and shoulders among the Tier 5, strong to the extent labelled as the strongest Tier 5 in the history of the Floating Spiders.
