
How long we should stay quiet?

Mark's POV:

Mark: I want to end this...

I want him to take his punishment as early as possible...

I want to speak to Anna about this...

(I said with my furious tone because I can't bear her anymore if she stands against to Ria's case...)

Mona: Mark, please stay calm...

Anna will definitely not support her dad if she finds her dad is also one of the culprit. So...

Mark: When Mona?

When it will happen?

When she will realise about her dad?

How long we should stay quiet and try to convince her, Mona?

Are you still supporting her even after Tom said about the complications of the case?

Mona: Mark...


Tom just interrogated her and we find all the answers to our unanswered questions, and till now we all think in a wrong way by blaming Anna for no reason...
