
Mr. Mark

Mark's Pov:

I am Mark, and I am 25 years old...

As usual, I wake up at 5:30 a.m. and do my workout and freshen up and come to the dining room to have breakfast...

While I have my food, I ask Nanny about my sister (Ria) that does she has her breakfast or not?

Nanny said no, and she informed me that she didn't come outside of her room from yesterday evening, and she didn't have dinner, too...

Mark: "Is everything ok?"

Nanny: I knocked on her door for four times, but she didn't respond, and she didn't open the door...

Mark: "I will check her,"

I said to Nanny and went near to Ria's room and knocked on the door; she didn't open.

I called her; she didn't respond as Nanny said. I make a call to my Personal Assistant and told her to cancel all my appointments and schedule on that day.

I sense something is wrong and never in my life; Ria didn't behave in such a way...

Now, the time is around 10.30 a.m., and I still am waiting for Ria to open the door, but she didn't...

I am worried about her, and what if something may happen to her?

The moment I got the thought I decided to break the door, and I break it after a few punches; and the door was opened by failing the lock system, and I immediately entered to check on my sister.

I am shocked by looking at my sister with a suicide cut on her hand, and she sat on the corner of the room and fell on the wall unconsciously, and the floor was filled with blood..

I am shocked and didn't understand what had happened to my sister...

Is it true that what I saw..?

Nanny entered the room, and she shouted and started crying the moment she looked at Ria, We immediately call for an ambulance, but it's too late..

They said she is already dead and it's been hours since she left the breath...

I am shocked by the incident and went into trauma, thinking about my sister's sudden death.

Why she committed suicide?

As far as I know, Ria is very strong, and she is not the type of girl of suicide, but why she did this?

I don't even cry, and my mind was blocked, and can't digest her death and thinking about what might be the reason behind her death.

After two days of her death, I got the postmortem report that clearly stated a gang attacked her. I immediately went to Nanny and asked her about Ria's Sunday schedule..

Nanny said she got an application for admission to the University, and she is very happy that she and her friend Anna got admission to the same University, and she went to meet Anna that evening to surprise her.

After listening to Nanny, I led to Ria's room and sat on her bed and shouted loudly, "Riaaaa.... Please come back..."

"Don't leave your brother alone...

Please, Ria," I cried loudly, and I cried a lot; I didn't come out of her room for days...

Why did she leave me alone?

My parents died in a car accident and left both of us alone; Ria and I overcome this situation slowly..

It's been two years since my parents' tragedy. For the past six months, I am busy with my business work, and I don't have much time to spend with her due to hectic work...

I am getting flashes of my sister again and started crying. By the evening, I found an envelope in her bag in the wardrobe, and it's her college admission letter...

In that envelope, I found another letter written in Ria's handwriting to her friend Anna.

After I read that letter, my blood boiled, and I want to kill Anna's entire family for my sister's loss.

I make a call to Anna on the next day morning and ask her to come to my home, but when I saw her in Ria's room trying to touch my sister's picture beside the bed, I can't control myself; I ran immediately to her and grabbed her by gripping her hair...

I saw her before, but not this close..

With one of her hands, she holds my hand and pleading to leave her hair, and with her other hand, she is trying to push me away..

I immediately gripped her Wrist tightly with my other hand. I grabbed her Wrist tightly, and something is digging into both of our skin and looked at the blood on her Wrist. I got a flash of Ria's hand, which is flooded by blood, and I can't control my anger and shout at her. 

I didn't care how much she hurts, but I feel something magic when I looked into her eyes..

Her eyes are filled with full of tears, and her face is turned to red, and her chest is almost close to my body.

She is crying and pleading with me to leave her, so I left her and gave her one-day permission, and she left by crying...

On the same day, at night, around 11.40 p.m. I got a call from Anna, and I shouted and warned her to don't try to escape from me....

In the middle of our conversation, I can hear that she is giving some warning to some other men. I am still on the call and understand their conversation. I can clearly hear the gang of people conversation that they want to touch her boobs..

My blood boiled by listening to their teasing and I hear Anna's scream, and I didn't hear anything next, maybe she left that phone and trying to escape from them...

I understand she is in danger; luckily, I asked her where she is, and I remember she said she is in the same area near to my villa...

I immediately called to the cops and started by my car to reach her as quickly as possible...

I reached the 10th lane and got out of my car, and checked her in the entire street, but I didn't find her.

I called her again, and I saw her phone is ringing nearby the bench..

I again got into my car by holding her phone and started searching for her in every nearby lane.

After a few minutes, I entered a gloomy street where I increased my car speed to check on her.

Suddenly I saw Anna in the middle street...

With the help of a sudden break, I stop the car a few inches before her, and she stays still like a statue as if she wants to give up her life..

I can see bloodstains on her shirt, particularly on the left side of her boob, and on the neck, it's still bleeding..

Her hands are shivering, and her face is red, filled with tears. She is still staring at my headlights and didn't notice me..

Meanwhile, I saw someone put a hand on her shoulder, and she started crying like a baby girl...

I can't control my emotions towards her by looking at her in this state, and I don't know what happened to me..

I don't know why I am possessive of her if someone kept a hand on her...

I immediately came out of my car, and I chased them and beat them to death, my martial arts helped me fight against them..

Cops enter the scene, and they take care of the gang, and I reported them..

I turned around to check Anna. She sat on the road before the car headlight and crying by cupping her hands on her crying face. Her body is filled with sweat...

When I am staring at her from her backside, I can see her bra line from the back of her white shirt..

Her shirt was torn on the left side of the chest and filled with blood strains..

I went near to her and tap on her shoulder and said everything would be ok...

Is that me, I told her she is safe?

She raised her head and looked at me with her teary eyes.

Again, I feel the same magical feeling when I looked at her eyes, and something happened in my heart...

I don't want to lose her, and I don't want to hurt her anymore; I got the feeling that she's mine from now on.

She recognized me the moment she looked at me and spelled out my name in pain and relief, "Mark"..

And she immediately stood and hugged me tightly...

I am shocked by her reaction and understand that she is scared about the incident just happened.

She hugged me tightly, that no space to enter between us. I just hold her back with one of my hands and tap on her back to console her and said, "it's ok, to her.

I can sense her bra line when I am touching her back..

Then I imagine how her boobs squeezed to my chest when she hugged me.

It aroused me, her hug aroused me, but I need to control myself...

She is taking deep sobbing and crying..
