
14: Children and Father Island.

"Come here, boy!"

An excited voice was heard in the grass filed. There, Harold was running around in an inhuman speed, but something behind was following without much effort. "Bak, come here! Here you stupid Dragon!" Alexandra's voice echoed in the grass field as she walked calmly and elegantly towards what was chasing Harold down. A giant and green dragon! Bak is a European Dragon, walks on four, has two wings on it's back... "Shush Alex! Can't I play with my own dragon?" asked Harold with indignation while walking back towards the giant green reptile that was getting patted by Alexandra with delight. "Shur up, he likes me more. Don't you? Bak-Kyun?"

Bak's full name is Bakkyu, he was named by Markus who was bored and when he saw the dragon for the first time he simply said: "It looks stupid, let's call it Bakkyu." And everyone besides the dragon agreed with this. "It's not fair Harold, Father has Xiao Zhou while you have Bakkyu, and he is so cute!!!" Alexandra fell in love with Bakkyu when she saw him, she said he was extremely cute... Sure thing, an 8-foot lizard with wings and tooth with the size of a banana is cute. It's been more 5 months since Byron brought his children to see the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki since then Byron had been making research over radiation, Rune Energy, and Cosmic Energy. He also used some sea monsters as subjects to collect samples of blood to analyze their DNA.

After six months Byron finally made progress and could do something amazing! He created a dragon, a Chinese Dragon to be more precise. Red scales, long cat-like things in the face, Snaky body, can float. Byron named it Xiao Zhou because it had the ability to shrink and become snake size! Byron made so much progress over genes that he even detected the past owner X-Genes in his body, but they were permanently deactivated because of the Rune Energy in his body. His research over Rune Energy, however, didn't have anything worth mentioning... Cosmic Energy was half of both, progress and drawbacks. The first progress is that Byron can control Cosmic Energy more easily now, so he can enchant things with runes without them exploding in his face! The first thing he did after discovering it was to create a portal to Tartarus Base in New York.

The drawback is that it consumes too much energy of him to maintain control over the Cosmic Energy while enchanting something! But its list made him more excited, it was a barrier that he wanted to break. Now about drugs, this also was something that Byron had progress in. He created several medicines that can both poison and good things, however, he will only sell specific ones because he wants only his people to have this kind of privilege. All four islands of his children have now the population that Byron wanted, so he created each one of his children a palace in their islands. They were Kings and Queens, so they deserve to have this kind of thing. Everyone in the islands is separated by rank, commoners, soldiers, captains, and nobles.

Soldiers can become Captain if it gets permission from a Noble, and Captains can become Nobles is it get the permission of the King. But to nobles becoming a King they need the permission of the Emperor that is Byron. Everyone knows about the Kings/Queens father, they told them that the islands, the food, even the air they breathed now were a gift of their father. And it is no exaggeration! Byron cleaned the air because it was too poisonous for Noble ranks below, they could get corrupted by the Cosmic Energy but Byron put a barrier around the main island that made a lot of Cosmic Energy continued in the main island and only a little bit could leave the island barrier. This was also necessary for the species of monsters that lived in the Children Islands.

Byron's island is called Father's island while the other four are called Children Island. Harold's island is called Tech Island, Evy's island is called Fantasia Island because everything has Mana and can use magic there, Evy even created a Magic Academy to teach her people how to use magic... Markus' island is called Military Island because almost all the residents were from the army and Markus comrades and also their families. Alexandra's island is called East Island because what is predominant in that island is the eastern culture, principally Chinese culture. Now I'm going to explain everything about their island:

Alexandra's has a huge amount of sea monsters and dragons, but the dragons were later removed from there because Byron said it didn't combine with the decoration of the island, after some days that Byron created Xiao Zhou Byron gave several dragon eggs to Alexandra and said to her to give those to those living in the island so they can take care of those dragons. Alexandra's island appearance is pretty simple and interesting, the center of the island is where the residents live, surrounding the center there is a huge amount of trees. Trees of different colors and elements. Those were both plants that mutated from Cosmic energy or plants that Byron enchanted to have some kind of elemental magic inside it. There were several fruits that Byron created or hybrids of them, like the Cold Hear Apple that has the same effects of the Warming Apple and Freezing Banana but it depends on the one who eats it if male than it burns but it is female it freezes.

There are also the buildings on the island, red roofs, wood as a base material, Jade Coin is the coin used there and it is literally made out of pure jade. For Byron to make gold, diamonds, or even pearls is very easy because of his [Create Rune] that if he uses together with some runes combinations can create those things! I will write more detailed things later...

Markus Island is different from Alexandra's island because of its culture. Western Culture, American Culture to be exact. So yeah, it's pretty messy but Markus can handle things because no Commoner can have weapons, only Soldiers rank and above. The design of the island is very good, there a river that turns into a lake in the center of the island and it's the only source of water on the island and is where the city is built, there are buildings that are connected to the ground by magic (just to be sure), besides that the city is pretty much like New York City with big buildings all around the place. There is no forest on this island, but there's something very interesting! Caves, several caves with a lot of crystals... The animals on this island are... Moles, Worms, and Bugs. But giant, very big.

Harold's island I already explained how it is very futuristic, the whole island is covered by a giant rainforest, the animals on this island are giant frogs, snakes, scorpions, and other poisonous animals. The poisons are very interesting and useful, for medicine and others.

Evy's Island is different from all the others, first, it is a floating island. All the other islands are attached to the ground, but Evy's island floats through the air, defying gravity! The design of the island is like other islands, there's a beach, a volcano, and a tropical forest! The city is in the center of the island near the volcano, Byron made sure that the volcano would be inactive for all eternity, so he floated the island up, cutting off the supply of lava. The animals in Evy's island can use Mana, just like the plants! There are dragons, unicorns, phoenixes, and other fantasy animals that are the birth of Mana + Cosmic Energy mutation. The Magic Academy is built on the volcano, where Evy that is the director and queen teaches the kids and adults magic.

Now, Each Island needs each other. Evy's island has magic, but for some reason, the earth is very infertility... Alexandra's Island produces a lot of food, but there are dangerous creatures. Markus's island produces the crystals that Harold's island needs to proceed with the research to create new tech... That's how balance is acquired. When each one helps the other! To cross from an island to another, you need to pass by the Father island for the shortest route and safest or take a detour that is more dangerous and take more time to accomplish and you need both a good ship and good companions.
