
Truth unfold(3)

Yan Mei stared at the door as the words of Lei Zhao kept ringing in her ears. Her brain stuttered for a moment as every part of her body went on a pause while her thoughts caught up.

"You manipulated her best friend….." 

She stood there in a trance as her body forced her to listen to the cruel truth. As they say, truth hurts. Her heart smashed into pieces as the words of Lei Zhao echoed like a sad melody in her ears.

Her fists clenched at her side as the dull ache in her heart gradually spread to every fiber of her body. She felt like her heart was being ripped out, it was gut wrenching, like a slap in the face. And when she thought it couldn't get any worse she heard the angry roar of Mrs. Leng.

"She deserves someone better! She deserved my son who loved her more than his life!"

Yan Mei blinked as the realisation struck her like a bolt and she just stood there, stupefied by the words said by Mrs. Leng.

Her son…

Leng Shao loved her….
