

Kishin gave Rukia a look of triumph while she gave him a pleading look. Kishin just grinned and walked inside causing Rukia to let out a sigh of defeat following behind him. The moment they entered into the compound he noted how large and spacious the place was. An entire courtyard neatly paved with smooth stone and trimmed green grass with a giant koi pond nearby was the first thing that entered his line of sight. As the both of them followed Ayumi further into the compound Kishin scooted a bit closer to Rukia and asked with a soft whisper, "So...who is she exactly?"

Rukia just whispered back to answer, "That's my aunt Kuchiki Ayumi. She's the biological daughter of my grandfather, the 27th Head of the Kuchiki Clan, Kuchiki Ginrei."

Upon hearing that, he immediately thought back to his conversation with Isshin a long while back.

Oh? If that's the case then she's the one who married that Koga guy right?

He gave Rukia a questioning glance and replied, "Then she's also Byakuya's aunt right?"

Rukia nodded. "That's right. Onii-sama's parent's passed away a long time ago in combat and grandpa Ginrei passed away decades ago from declining health. It was before I was brought into the family."

Kishin furrowed his brow and asked in seriousness, "She isn't bullying you is she?"

Before Rukia could answer, Ayumi halted her step and chimed in, "I adore Rukia-chan. There's no way I'd do something like that."

Kishin just turned to glance Ayumi in the eyes for a few long moments before he said unbelievingly, "Either you're very good at lying or you're telling the truth."


"OW!" He shouted as he rubbed his shin where Rukia had kicked him.

"Don't just accuse Ayumi-obasan like that." She scolded him.

He gave her a hurtful look as if he had been wronged. "Senpai...that hurt."

Rukia just let out a long drawn out sigh. She really had no idea what was going on with her anymore. She was back in the Kuchiki Manor and should be showing her graceful and calm demeanor, but she couldn't help letting her playful and unrestrained side surface when being near Kishin. Unknowingly her lips curled up into a smile. She usually felt lonely and stressed when here, but to her surprise she didn't feel that way knowing Kishin was beside her.

Ayumi just let out a laugh again interrupting the two of them. "Hahaha! Oh my, my apologies. I meant no harm just now. It's just that I find you both very amusing and refreshing. You see, things in the Manor can be quite stifling and for the most part, very serious. And Rukia-chan, I've never seen you act like this before. It reminds me of how Byakuya was back when he was a child. I'm happy to know that you have someone you can laugh and relax around with like this."

Rukia's cheeks heated up again in embarrassment. "Ah...no, uh, Ayumi-obasan. I...ahem." In the end she had nothing to counter with so she simply bowed her head in respect and said, "I should go apologize to my teacher."

Ayumi just nodded. "Mn. But…"

Rukia paused in her step as she could tell Ayumi had more to say. "Ayumi-obasan, is there something wrong?"

Ayumi smiled and pointed at Rukia as she responded, "Rukia-chan...I won't exactly pry into your private life but...I believe your current attire might spark some...rumors around the Manor."

Rukia looked down at herself and immediately widened her eyes in shock. She had completely forgotten that she was still dressed in Kishin's shirt and someone else's shorts. Her face instantly heated up in embarrassment. "I-I…" She stammered out not knowing what to say.

Ayumi just let out another small laugh before taking out the purple colored Haori she was carrying with her and draped it around Rukia's smaller frame. "Here you go. Now go and get changed and pay a visit to your teacher. Don't worry about your friend here. I'll take care of him until you come back."

Rukia nodded in thanks. "Mn. Sorry to have caused you so much trouble." She then turned to Kishin and commanded, "You. Listen to Ayumi-obasan and don't go off on your own. And don't cause trouble for Ayumi-obasan." She then dashed off leaving only Kishin and Ayumi.

Ayumi smirked and glanced over to Kishin with a look of curiosity. "So...what is your relationship with little Rukia-chan?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Oh? Are you wary of me?"

Kishin just grinned relaxedly. "I think you have it the other way around."

She raised her eyebrow intrigued. "What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that if I find out that you're actually hurting Rukia-senpai…" His reiatsu then slightly flared up around the two of them causing Ayumi's skin to crawl in fear as he continued, "I definitely won't leave you unscathed." His eyes reflected a cold darkness in them that told Ayumi he was speaking the truth. He then reigned in his reiatsu letting the atmosphere return to normal, however Ayumi felt inwardly conflicted.

I...have misjudged this person. He's extremely dangerous. His aura is even more threatening than little Byakuya's...but there's no way I misread the way he looks at Rukia-chan.

She took a few moments to calm her beating heart. Her noble spirit reignited her confident and elegant stature giving no semblance of ever being shaken up. "You care for her, don't you."

The look in Kishin's eyes became a bit more gentle as he thought about it. After a minute passed by, lost in his thoughts he replied, "Yes...I think I do."

Ayumi just turned and stared at Kishin with an incredulous look in her eyes.

What the...this guy! Don't tell me he doesn't even realize his own feelings towards Rukia-chan? And his crazy ominous presence...does Rukia even know what kind of dangerous person she's getting close to? Sigh...oh youth…

As the two of them simply stood in the middle of the open garden they were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a calm apathetic voice. "Ayumi. What are you doing out here?"

Both Ayumi and Kishin turned around at the same time. What he saw was an elegant looking man. No doubt a noble. They had gray eyes, long black silky flowing hair tied up in a kenseikan, fair white clean smooth skin, an expensive looking white scarf wrapped around their neck, fingerless tekko gloves, a standard shihakusho, and a sleeveless white Haori signifying their status as a Captain of the Gotei 13.

Kuchiki Byakuya?

Kishin immediately discerned who they were.

"My, Byakuya. What are you doing here?" Ayumi responded with a question to Byakuya's previous question.

Byakuya just narrowed his eyes at Kishin and said, "I felt a presence I did not recognize in the Kuchiki Manor. So it turns out to be the Lieutenant of the 13th division."

Kishin grinned and waved his hand as he greeted, "Yo! Captain Kuchiki. This is the first time we've met since the time when I reported to the Captain Commander about that Hollow incident right?"

Byakuya furrowed his brow disapprovingly of Kishin's lax attitude, but otherwise didn't make a comment about it since he still properly addressed him as a Captain. "Why have you come to the Manor unannounced?"

"Hmmmm...because...I wanted to?" He attempted to give a valid answer.

Ayumi just let out a giggle while Byakuya remained unamused.

"What is the purpose of your visit?"

Kishin just shrugged his shoulders. "I came to escort Rukia back from the 13th division."

A silent pause hung in the air for several long moments before Byakuya closed his eyes and began walking away. "I see. So Rukia has returned." Before he could walk too far he paused and said, "Lieutenant Chigetsu, come with me."

Kishin raised his eyebrow in curiosity but shrugged his shoulders and followed. It wasn't long before they ended up sitting in a guest room with tatami mats and a round wooden table with a giant open screen door looking over a river that ran through the Kuchiki Compound. Kishin couldn't help but awkwardly scratch the side of his cheek at the realization that the Kuchiki Compound was so large that it could even fit their own personal running river through it.

Byakuya took a seat and stoically commented, "You are the Lieutenant of the 13th division."

Kishin gave Byakuya a curious glance and took a seat opposite of him as he sarcastically replied, "I know."

Byakuya ignored his sarcastic undertone and asked with an unemotional tone of voice, "How is Rukia doing?"

Kishin smirked and couldn't help but wonder if Byakuya actually cared for Rukia's well being. "She's doing well, but she's also struggling internally."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that you should be more attentive to what goes on in your clan."

Byakuya slightly frowned at his words. "What are you talking about? How would you know what happens in our clan?"

"I know because Rukia has to deal with the constant abuse that your clan members give her."

"Abuse? I have heard of no such things going on in the clan."

Kishin narrowed his eyes disapprovingly at Byakuya's unfazed attitude. "That's why I told you to be more aware of what happens in your clan. Don't you even know that Rukia is being subject to harassment here? Don't you care?"

Byakuya's face somewhat scrunched up a bit at Kishin's words. "There is no evidence to prove what you are saying. Furthermore, even if what you say is true, while it is unbecoming of someone in the Manor to act this way towards Rukia, I cannot simply watch over her at all hours of the day. She is a Kuchiki. She too should have her own pride and not need my protection."

Kishin gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists. There's no way he accepted Byakuya's off-hands approach. Rukia was important to him. He still didn't know exactly to what degree, but there was one thing he did know. And that was that he liked being around her and he felt comfortable around her and he hated when she wasn't happy. She already seemed so fragile to him that he feared that one day she'd just crumble into the wind. He never had someone in his life that was important to him before and for the first time, he felt that he might have found that with Rukia.

He scowled at Byakuya and darkly replied, "While Rukia has her pride, she is also hurting and needs support."

Byakuya furrowed his brow at Kishin's aggressive undertone and sternly replied, "You are not a member of the Kuchiki Clan. You need not mind that which does not concern you."

Kishin slammed his fist on the table causing a loud noise to echo out from the room.


"Anything to do with Rukia concerns me!"

A still silence hung in the air. A palpable tension filled the room between them for several long moments before they were interrupted by the arrival of Renji. "Captain! Are you alright?!" Renji then took notice of Kishin's presence, the tension in the air, and the awkward silence that permeated the area. "Uhh...ahem...did I interrupt something?"

Byakuya just closed his eyes and ignored Renji as he replied to Kishin, "You have already fulfilled what you came here to do. I believe it is time you take your leave."

Kishin just furrowed his brow and ignored what Byakuya said. "Why don't you do anything?"

"There is nothing to be done. The people of this Manor are already aware of the status Rukia holds. As someone who bears the Kuchiki name she will also bear the pride of one as well. There is no need for me to intervene."

"Tch. I should have expected an answer like that from you."

Byakuya slightly frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"Status? Pride? Those are things you speak about as the Head of the Clan, but what about your feelings for her as her older brother? Doesn't that come first?"

Byakuya could only grit his teeth at Kishin's words. "And what would you know about something like that?"

Kishin was left speechless since there wasn't anything he could say. He didn't have siblings and didn't really have a right to speak out on that part. He just felt frustrated because he felt Byakuya wasn't even aware of what Rukia was internally going through. "Do you know about Shiba Kaien's death?"

Byakuya was a bit taken aback at his sudden change in questioning. "What about it?"

Kishin just clenched his hand into a fist. "Are you aware that Rukia is suffering because of what happened?"

There was a momentary pause before Byakuya answered, "That is something that she must come to terms with."

"You! ...Even if that's the case, have you even asked her if she's okay?"

"There is no need. Should she need something she need only ask."

"Tch. You think that she doesn't want to? With your attitude how could she? Do you even know how it traumatized her? In fact, being in this Clan has driven her farther away from her friends. You all force her to isolate herself, to put up a wall, to-"

He was suddenly interrupted by the sound of Rukia's voice. "Kishin?"

He immediately turned his head to see that she was standing next to Renji. A conflicted look in her eyes. He couldn't help feeling like he wronged her.

"Rukia I-"

She had a hurt look in her eyes as she stared back at him and softly asked, "Do I...seem that weak to you in your eyes?"

He couldn't help feeling his entire body freeze up. The sound of something shattering in his heart echoed in his mind at the realization that she had heard the things he had said. There was no way he should be feeling guilty about wanting to tell Byakuya to better protect her right? However, when he realized that she thought he saw her as a weak and fragile soul, staring at him with a pained look knowing that he was the cause, he didn't know how to respond. He didn't know what to do. It was easier when he didn't have anything he deemed as important. He could say, do, kill, act, pretend, and play around all he wanted without caring, but ever since he confirmed that he really cared about Rukia…

He grit his teeth. He didn't know that he could feel such strong emotions. He didn't even know that such strong emotions like the one he was currently feeling even existed. In the end he stood up and excused himself. "I...have overstayed my welcome."

He gave Rukia one more glance, a look of guilt reflected in his eyes, but he was more hurt by the look that she currently gave him.

"I'm sorry…" He whispered out to her before disappearing in a quick blur.

Byakuya stared at the spot where Kishin had just stood before turning to look at Rukia. He noted the pained expression in her eyes and so he simply stood up and began walking away. Before he completely disappeared out of sight he paused and asked, "Are there people bothering you within the Manor?"

Rukia slightly flinched at Byakuya's question, but she recalled the entire conversation that she had overheard earlier and also recalled the part where Byakuya said that she was a Kuchiki who had her own pride. In the end she simply clenched her hands and replied, "I will be okay, Onii-sama."

Byakuya glanced over his shoulder at her for a long moment before closing his eyes and turning away. "I see." He then disappeared into the distance.

This only left Renji and Rukia. Renji felt nervous and awkward since this was the first time in decades that he and Rukia had actually been alone like this. In fact, they haven't even talked in decades even when they weren't alone in a room together so he struggled on how to react. Just as he was about to pat her on the shoulder and say something he halted his hand when she moved away. A tear fell from her eyes. Without saying anything to Renji she simply dashed off to her room.

She didn't know why she felt so hurt. In fact, she also felt happy. She was happy that Kishin actually confronted Byakuya and knew that she was hurting inside. She was happy that Kishin wanted to do something to help ease the pain in her heart, but she was hurt because she realized that she liked him. And she didn't want to be seen as some sort of broken fragile damaged good in his eyes.

"He...does he see me as such a weak person? A burden? Did he tell Onii-sama all of that because he doesn't want to deal with me anymore? Is he leaving me? Does he not want to see me anymore? Is that why...he left like that…"

She simply remained in her room for the rest of the day. Her emotions were running all over the place.

3 Weeks Later

Kishin woke up early as he always did and immediately dashed out from his living quarters for a morning run. Ever since that day in the Kuchiki Manor he and Rukia haven't talked to each other. Their eyes never even met. He felt...lost. Dejected. He didn't know. He had no idea that he could feel this way about someone. What was worse was that he had no idea that these feelings could last so long. Weeks had already passed but he didn't feel any better. He felt like he just lost a piece of his soul. He had confirmed not long ago that he didn't care about the complicated little stuff and that he just wanted to be around her. He confirmed that he liked her presence and he'd deal with the other stuff as it came along, but now he didn't know what he was doing. He was doing the exact opposite of what he wanted to do. He ran away. And it was simply because she gave him a look like he had betrayed her. It unsettled him. It made him...angry at himself, but he didn't know why he was angry at himself. He ran and ran and ran for five hours straight before returning to his quarters. He was drenched in sweat and immediately removed the top of his shihakusho exposing his bare chiseled chest to the cool air. His breathing was a bit heavy from his workout since he ran harder and faster than he ever did before trying to get rid of his gloomy mood and thoughts.

Just as he walked back into his living quarters he paused and took in the scent of food in the air. His stomach involuntarily growled signifying his hunger.

What's...going on?

A look of confusion was plastered on his face as he cautiously strode forward, but the second the kitchen came into his line of sight he immediately froze in place. What he saw was Rukia in his kitchen cooking breakfast. She was wearing a light purple colored t-shirt, some white shorts, and a red apron. He watched for an undetermined amount of time until he was snapped back to reality by the sound of her voice.

"Hm? Ah! K-Kishin...ahem...y-you're back…" She nervously commented.

He just stared at her in confusion, in shock, with warmth, guilt, want, longing, hurt, he didn't know anymore.

She awkwardly shifted in place at his silence. Her gaze was stuck on the floor as she asked, "Why aren't you saying anything…"

"I...what are you doing here?" He quietly asked.

She slightly flinched at his question and felt her heart break a little inside.

He...doesn't want me here. I must have made a mistake.

Without looking at him she immediately bowed and apologized. "S-Sorry! I just wanted to apologize for troubling you. That's all. I was wrong to come here without permission!"

She immediately began to run towards the door, however in that moment something clicked back in Kishin's head. The soft glow of the sunlight on her body, the gentle playful atmosphere surrounding her aura, the delicate icy features of her eyes, the milky gleam of her soft skin. He recalled the words that Isshin once told him.

"Just one day when you meet the one you'll suddenly just think, 'Ah...I want to be with this person.' Something like that."

As that memory resurfaced in his mind he couldn't help but actually have that feeling right at that moment as he watched her slowly run pass him.

I want to be with her.

Before she could step even a foot away from him he immediately gripped her arm and pulled her into his chest.

"Ah! Ooft!" She cried out from the suddenness.

Kishin just hugged her close to his chest, not letting go for fear that she'd run out again. "I missed you." He whispered out.

Rukia immediately felt her eyes tear up. Her heart began to palpitate faster and faster. She didn't really know what to expect when she came here. In fact, she was never really angry at him. After taking a few days to cool down from that incident in the Kuchiki Manor she had realized that she didn't really care about the minor details. She had missed his presence. She just wanted to do something to repay him for his kind intentions and so during these past 3 weeks she attempted to learn how to cook a proper breakfast. The reason she didn't meet Kishin for so long was because she didn't want to give away what she was up to. When she had finally succeeded she planned to meet him here like this and apologize for troubling him.

While things didn't quite go the way she had imagined, being held in his arms right now and hearing him say that he missed her was better than anything she had hoped for, so she simply buried her head into his naked chest, some tears fell from her eyes as she whispered back, "Idiot. I thought you didn't want to see me anymore…"

Instead of responding to her verbally, Kishin simply tore away from her and placed his hands on the sides of her soft milky cheeks. Before she could even say anything he dipped his head down and kissed her. It was far from gentle. It was a bit rough and wet, but it was filled with want and longing and emotion.

"Mmpf!" Rukia hummed out from their interlocked lips in shock, but she soon began to fall into his rhythm as what started as a rough wet kiss had slowly turned into a smooth, gentle, and passionate one.

Kishin's body was on fire. Her lips tasted better than he could have ever imagined. His tongue slid through the crevice of their interlocked lips and into her warm cavernous mouth. It soon found its own mate and pushed down against her soft silky tongue. She simply responded in kind and soon their tongues were dancing, pushing, and pulling locked in a feverish war of dominance. Their bodies had unknowingly begun to move as Kishin strode forwards, pushing Rukia up against the wall of the kitchen. With her no longer able to tilt backwards his lips had gained more force pushing and parting hers open.

She was a bit taken aback at everything that was happening. Her body was tingling all over the place and she was beginning to lose air. Finally she placed her hands onto his chest and pushed him away.


Huff. Huff. Huff. Huff.

Both of their chests heaved up and down as they sucked in a deep breath of much needed air. "Kishin...huff...wait...huff…"

He just growled and gripped her hands pinning them on the wall beside her head. He laced his long fingers through her tinier ones and lowered his head, nuzzling into the nape of her neck.

"Rukia..." He deeply breathed out her name. "I don't care anymore. I don't know what I'm feeling. I only know that I want to be with you. I'm sorry. I never wanted to hurt you."

Rukia's heart nearly leapt out of her chest as she listened to his sudden confession. For several long moments they simply remained in place. She was still backed against the wall, her hands pinned beside her. Kishin's fingers still laced through hers. His head gently resting on her shoulder. Then the memory of what they just did came rushing into her head. The soft touch of his lips. The rough and forceful wet kiss.

And god...

She shuddered at the memory of how his tongue had massaged against hers.

"Kishin…" She softly whispered, her breath winded and rapid.

"Mmm…" He simply hummed out burying his head into the crook of her neck. "Don't leave me." His voice was deep, soft, and almost desperate sounding.

Rukia blinked a few times at his words and smiled at his almost childlike request. "As long as you don't want me to, then I won't."

He nodded against her shoulder. His hair slightly tickled her neck. "It's your last chance to leave."

She cocked her head to the side slightly confused. "What do you mean?"

Kishin slowly lifted up his head and rested his forehead against hers. His golden crystalline eyes stared deep into her soft violet ones. "I just realized that you are irreplaceably important to me. I've never valued anyone as important before, Rukia. So I don't know what I'll do if you disappear from me. You know how I am. I might get violent, or angry, or want to kill someone, I'm so damaged you don't even know. Are you sure you would accept me? You really won't leave me?"

Rukia felt a bit of pressure weigh down on her shoulders. She never knew he had these kinds of insecure feelings, but as she gazed into his eyes that showed his sincerity and vulnerability, she realized that she too, had many insecurities. That she too, was a bit damaged. And yet...he accepted her. All of her. She firmly stared back at him and replied encouragingly, "I won't leave you."

A sense of relief washed over him and he immediately claimed her lips once more.
