

I know I Can't love anyone if I took step with anyone other than you then it will only meant to ruin mine and his life, if even we both agreed to just be companion of each other for whole of our life then may be in future one of us will crave more, we will think that as love but that is need which will lead to another thing expecting more, if one of us can't give anything more than the need then life will be filled with disappointment then it will lead to crack in the so called relationship

Rather than ruining other person's life just to get rid of and your once love then it will be disaster in three lives and I am not very much interested in doing so also I don't know about other person but as much as I know about you, assume maybe you also married someone else then also same thing will happen what I said above because every person always crave for something more that is forbidden that is human nature also they want to feed their ego 
