
Ch.43 Blessings

"You have got to be joking with me right now Myira." she said astonished.

"I'm not." I responded.

"Myira and I went there together." Anyira added.

"Please mother, it is our only hope to defeat Aveegoh." I said anxiously.

"I never said that I wouldn't bless the sword," she said smiling. "You have my blessing."

She stepped away from the sword and put her hands into the shap of a triangle and closed her eyes. "Sprits of light, bless this sword with your power to repel evil." she opened her eyes again, a golden light resonated off her eyes and seemed to transfer to the Sword.

A golden light seemed to glow around the sword. The sword disappeared slowly. I over at Anyira, I couldn't read the expression on her face, I refrained from asking her anything.

"There, now you have the blessing of light." my mother said.

"Thank you." I said bowing.

She looked at me worried.

"What?" I asked her.

"I am just worried that you going to have trouble with Lord Darbuse." she answered.

I looked at her blankly. "Me too, but we can't think of the bad things. No matter how big of a fight he is going to put up, I will win. I promise." I said reassuringly.

She smiled and hugged me "I believe in you Miyra. Be safe and be careful." she said letting go of me.

"I will." I said nodding.

"I looked at Anyira shall we?" I said in a brave tone.

"Yes." she said nodding.

"Goodbye for now mother, also do you remember our promise?" I asked her.

"Yes, I do, now get going before Aveegoh returns." she said reassuringly.

I nodded, looked at Anyira and smiled she smiled back and we began walking towards the trees.

"May the spirits of light protect you." my mother said through telepathy.

I turned backward to see a worried look on her face. "It will be okay." I said back to her.

She nodded and watched us disappear into the woods. I began to feel nervous, what if Darbuse wasn't cleansed from the evil power binding him.

Eventually we reached the beach again. I wasn't ready to leave but I knew I had to.

"Are you ready to get the final blessing?" I asked Anyira staring out into the water.

"Yes, we must end this fight. Forever." She said walking closer to me. "We've got this Myira!" She said encouragingly.

"Yes." I said looking at her. "The road ahead is a rough one but it must be completed."
