
Ch.19 Return

The boom rattle me to the ground, my wings flapping open, it was time to fight. I stood back up, pick the sword and swung it down hard, it began to vanish from my hand, I looked at Anyira.

"How do we get it back?" I began to feel nervous, did I just loose the sword?

"Try snapping." she suggested.

I snapped and with in a second the sword was floating in front of me. I looked back at Anyira, she looked astonished, her beady blue eyes bouncing back and forth between me and the sword. I gabbed the sword.

"Lets go." I said walking toward the tree line.

Anyira kept a steady pace. Once we got to the water, I could see Aveegoh off in the distance, knowing we had to get there fast I asked Anyira

"Are you ready?" I asked as I lifted my grey wings.

"Yes." I picked her up and took off towards the city.

I landed us near the beast, Anyira looked for the nearest building and remembering our ability, she started up the side of the building and jumped off and on the the back of Aveegoh.

I joined her, took the sword and stabbed it into the back, it didn't work. A barrier of darkness covered Aveegoh. I felt the beast shift below us and flung us off.

"Catch us Anyira!" I yelled.

"I can't!" she yelled back.

I seen her eyes widen, I knew we were going to hit the ground soon, I braced myself for the impact. I hit the ground on my right side so hard I felt myself slip from consciousness. Now a beautiful woman was walking through the realm on the island of Shadow.

She looked like an older Mieryia, still alone but only with a beast, a very small beast. She kept walking, a dark shadow appeared behind her, she stopped.

The shadow made itself into the form of a man. Darbuse!

"I banished all of you from this realm how did you enter?" Mieryia asked.

"It was quite easy." Darbuse replied.

Mieryia turned around her left eye had a scar over it now.

"You have stayed away for ten years, now you decide to come back and kill me?" Mieryia said in a bold tone.

"If you would like to put it that way." Darbuse replied with his signature smirk.

He drew his sword, Mieryia snapped her, sword appearing, 'just like me' I thought to myself. The beast walked slowly off to the side, they moved closer to each other, sword ready.

Finally Darbuse launched at Mieryia she blocked him, the beast tried to intervene but Darbuse knocked it back with dark magic possessing it.

"AVEEGOH!" Mieryia screamed, maybe this is a vision of the past I thought to myself.

Darbuse knocked her to the ground. She got back up within a heart beat.

"I am tired of the fighting I just want to live in peace!" Mieryia said as she held her sword skyward.

"May I be reborn in the human realm, may everyone be given the chance to return to their lost and forgotten home of Shadow!"

She pleaded. The same blue marks covered her body, and with that Aveegoh, Darbuse, and Mieryia faded.

I felt myself regain consciousness, sat up and looked around, Anyira was looking toward the city, Aveegoh departed from the realm. I looked back at Anyira.

"Why didn't you catch us?!" I said with anger.

She looked frightened by my words, she looked toward the ground took the shoulder off the top she was wearing. I was surprised at what I saw. Her wings were cut off. I looked at the stubs of where her wings used to be.

"How did that happen." I said blankly.

"In my tribe if you fly away from the village your wings will be cut." She said, her voice cracking.

I couldn't speak, my tongue wouldn't let me.

"When I was younger I would always fly around the village, knowing it was against the rules. One day a guard caught me and told me that if I were to be caught again I would have my wings cut off. I didn't fly for a few days but I couldn't resist the urge to. So I did I flew and got caught. The next day my wings were gone." She spoke softly with slight rattle to her voice.

"How did you get down here?" I asked hesitantly.

"Darbuse. He invaded our village.

"I don't know for sure but I think he is controlling the beast from the Heavens." She said.

"Come on, lets go back to my apartment, we should get ready for tomorrow." I said standing.

"Tomorrow?" she questioned.

"Yes, we are going to go to Sky island." I said smiling.

Anyira stood up and we started toward my apartment. As we reached my apartment complex, I seen a familiar face, Zack. What was he doing at my apartment?

I slowed my steps, Anyira did as well, she seemed confused. I felt myself grow numb, I kept looking around making sure he wouldn't see me, even though I knew he would.

I looked back at the door we locked eyes, his shimmery blue eyes pierced my soul. He started towards us, I stopped and took a few steps backward. Anyira stopped and looked at me weird she didn't say anything.

"I have been looking everywhere for you." He said in a caring tone. "I am sorry for the way I acted." He continued.

Anyira looked at him and moved off to the side.

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I said trying not to tear up.

"Why am I? Because I made a mistake. I know you better. I acted like a fool." he spoke gently.

"I forgive you. But why do you waste your time?" I said feeling a tear slip from my eye and roll down my cheek.

"It has been bugging me." he said.

We stood in awkward silence for what felt like forever.

"We have to go." I said as I stepped around him.

"I am sorry." He said letting me leave.

Anyira followed me into my apartment, once we got in I locked the door...
