
The crows- Part 2

Belle took two steps backwards before she staggered behind as her feet stepped on something and when her eyes moved to look down at what it was, she saw it was someone's skull. She didn't know what kind of creatures these were.

"Who are you?" asked Belle and the creatures cackled at her again. 

"You come here and ask us who we are? Would you like your skin to be pulled, dipped in hot oil or to peel away?" asked one of the creatures. Why was it that every single creature of the dead wanted to feed on the other creatures and were always hungry! All they thought about was food!

Belle gave them an awkward smile, "I am already booked to be someone else's food. You need to find someone else," she said to the creatures when one of them stepped forward, Belle stepped back and she heard the crackling sound not too far behind her to let her know that there was another creature, blocking her way from escaping. 
