

Abi and Alex arrived at Abi's house that morning. 

Her family immediately welcomed Alex warmly. They treated him much warmer than before. Abi took Alex with her early so she could spend the day with him while they prepared everything. This was the 9th to the last day so she was determined not to waste even a second. 

"Alex, dear, do you know how to cook?" the old grandma asked him and as always, the first thing Alex did was glance at Abi. 

"He's not good at it, grandma," Abi replied and the old grandma smiled at Alex. 

"That's okay, dear. You can help by preparing these avocados," Abi's grandmother said as she gave him a knife. 

Abi pressed her lips tight to stop herself from smiling. She didn't bring him here to help but she thought that it wasn't bad to make him experience doing ordinary things.  Besides, she didn't like to have him just sit there like godly statue. 
