
What the what now?

Alsayf POV

We woke up to the sounds of other dragons, but, we were the only dragons here, why are there suddenly other dragons? Then it got me, other dragons might've seen videos of us here, AND THEY WANT TO MAKE A COLONY WITH US! We went out to see six other dragons, only one was female, whew, now I won't be the only female, as we were introducing ourselves to them a bunch of men dressed in white coats appeared, they tried to sneakily get to my nest, but I knew there were no eggs yet, after they got in I knew they looked in my nest, right as they did so River went in with a grin on his face, for breakfast we had rosted meat, what was the meat? You dont want to know, I noticed that the other female, her name was Sabj, it means Obsidian, she was as black as the night sky, but despite her coloring she was as sweet as honey, she seemed to be crushing on Tumtir, Tumtir name means Rain, he was dark blue with light blue scales here and there, the other males were Áhmar, his name means Red, and red he was, he had a short temper too, Nifti was the next male, altho I thought he was a female by his size and colorings, Nifti means Niffty, despite his size he was faster then us all at everything, his colors were Red splotches here and there, with hot pink as his base color, Aleadad was a white base colored dragon with red as his secondary color, his name means Issii, Dhahab was a all gold color dragon, I thought that he was a Royal Dragon too but he is just a normal dragon it seems, Dhahab means Gold, i expanded the cave to fit us all and maybe a few more full grown dragons, Sabj made a nest, all of the males, except Nahr, battled for Sabj, Tumtir won by a hair, Nifti almost won but he wasn't strong enough, Sabj was happy and I was happy for her too, three males went out to get food for the rest, me and Sabj went out to talk about girl stuff, as we were walking in our dragon form we noticed that humans were coming towards us, we got in our defensive stance and made sure we looked as menacing as possible, what we saw though made me shocked, it was a bunch of humans with weird machines, me being curious and dumb went towards one of the machines and nudged it with my nose, the humans looked shocked, Sabj looked at me like I was stupid, I continued to be stupid and looked around and nudged the machines every now and then me and Sabj, and probably the humans, heard the males call for us, it was dinner time, we started to leave and I made sure to break one machine "accidentally", i laughed on the inside when i heard the humans call out unhappy, I mean, i broke one of their weird machines, when we got back I noticed that all of the food was high in calcium, I love my new colony, after we ate we went to our respective nests, the other males made their own nests, the males decided that a three of them would become females tomorrow so that they can all mate, it was smart and the males will have a chance to actually mate, Nifti, Dhahab, and Albnfasiji, Albnfasiji is one of Nahrs' brother's, Albnfasiji means Purple, Albnfasiji is dark purple with light purple splotches, the other ones name is Daw' Alnujum, it means Starlight, Starlight is all black with white scales sprinkled under him, he is a perfect hunter at night, anyway, those three are becoming females tomorrow, and after a day or two the males will fight again, then after a day or two after that they will fight again, it will continue until there is no females left, we were getting ready for sunbathing when a bunch of humans surrounded us, I was irritated by this, but then I realized, I dont get irritated by such small things, I was so happy, it was a sign that I was successfully impregnated, I told Nahr the good news and he looked very happy, but then he got so protective, he told me that I'm not going to be fighting, I huffed at that, but complied, I layed in our nest and watched it unfold.

3rd Person POV

As Alsayf laid down in her nest Nahr and the rest of the colony stayed upfront, the humans noticed that Alsayf stayed in the nest so they thought that there were eggs, so the simply got their machines and split In three groups, the biggest group stayed in front of the dragons while the other groups went to Alsayf, the second largest group distracted her and the smallest cheked the nest, they saw no eggs but they noticed that she had a bigger stomach than the other female, they were happy to know this, they left the dragons and took this data to the government, the dragons were confused, Nahr went to Alsayf's side and checked her, she was fine but he kept on fussing about her, they went to sunbath and relax, after an hour or two, ok it was four but they liked it, three different males, not the ones that left for the lunch, went to hunt for dinner, in the group was Tumtir, Sabj fussed and made Tumtir promise to come back safely.

Summer's POV

I rolled my eyes at Sabj's fussing, nothing could kill us easily, only mages could, and even then it takes ten of them, as we were lazing about I made sure to snack on high calcium foods, the others were confused as too why but when they found out they understood, me and Sabj were thinking of names for the hatchlings, the males looked at us like we were crazy, we told them this "it's never to soon to think of the names" they were still looking at us like we were crazy but it wasn't as bad as before, the hunters came back, and then I realized, we dont have leader, I told Sabj and she looked at me like I said something stupid, she told me "your the leader, your stronger, older, and your the starter of this colony" I was surprised, I told the others the same I told Sabj and they had said basically the same thing as Sabj, I was surprised, but I went with it, after we ate, it was three boars, and five cows, we made sure that they were from places where they were sent to die at, after we ate we sun bathed again this time only for an hour, we then went to our cave and got ready to sleep, I made sure that all of the nests were soft from either the hide of boars or cows, there wasn't enough so I went out with Nahr to find some boars, I was hungry, we found a small pack of them and took three, we took the hide off and ate the corpse, I made each of the remaining nests soft, we got ready to sleep but I made sure to cover the entrance with boulders, we all agreed that we should, I mean, the humans might come back and try to kill us, although they won't be able to they would still be able to wake us up, and I get cranky when that happens so we slept.
