
Life in full bloom

After finishing the recording, Zhang Guan and Liu Feiren returned to the Temple of Heaven apartment. The next morning, they followed the brigade to the Capital Olympic Sports Center Stadium for a rehearsal of the "Same Brother" large-scale song party.

Liu Feiren and Hong Kong singer Ju Ji sang "Thinking and Thinking" together. Coach Li from Badminton and famous singer Sun Nan sang "Hongqi Yi Piao Piao", Xinke Tennis Women's Doubles Champion will sing "Friends" and women's volleyball players will sing "Sunshine is always after the storm", the four swordsmen of the fencing team will sing "True Hero".

As for Zhang Guan, Wang Feng was also seen in the background.

"Teacher Wang Feng, hello!" Zhang Guan said while extending his right hand.

At this time, Wang Feng still had elegant, long hair, but his square glasses did not change much from that later, but he was not used to Zhang Guan calling him "Teacher Wang Feng".

"Don't be afraid of me, don't call me teacher, just call me Wang Feng." Wang Feng said.

After a few simple chats, the two entered the topic.

"Have you ever sang the song: Flying Higher?" Wang Feng asked.

"Yes, I like this song very much." Zhang Guan nodded.

"Otherwise, how about I sing it with you first?" Wang Feng asked.

"Good!" Zhang Guan nodded, then Wang Feng turned on the accompaniment machine and took Zhang Guan to sing "Flying Higher".

This is not a formal sing, and Wang Feng does not need to sing high notes. He just sings with the usual practice of entertainment, so there is no majestic feeling on the day, but it still has a feeling of shocking the soul. On the other hand, Zhang Guan, the treble does not go up and the bass does not come, it is not as good as the KTV singer level, so he was barely out of tune. However, Wang Feng is already quite satisfied with Zhang Guan's performance.

This kind of co-production was originally a form of greater content. Wang Feng also knows that although it is a song club, the protagonists are those Olympic champions. These professional singers are only the background of the Olympic champions, and they have to help the Olympic champions sing well. But when it's time for the actual performance, no audience will care about the singing skills of the Olympic champions, so just sing it down. Even if the Olympic champions sing out of tune, the audience will not be too harsh.

Next, Wang Feng gave guidance on what was not good for Zhang Guan. Of course, if he was picky with professional high light, none of the notes Zhang Guan sang was good, and Wang Feng would not ask Zhang Guan to sing as the same level of a professional singer, so he just slightly pointed out the vocal and singing skills of Zhang Guan's treble part.

Then Wang Feng took Zhang Guan to sing again, and Zhang Guan's grasp of the song gradually improved.

"Let's take a break first! Drink some water and moisten your throat. Let me play a piece of music." Wang Feng handed Zhang Guan a bottle of water, and then opened a bottle of his own, and then played a piece of music in the accompaniment machine.

"This is ..." Zhang Guan found that the music was a bit familiar as if it had been heard before, and as the music gradually played back, especially at the climax, Zhang Guan finally knew what kind of music it was.

"Isn't this the song: Life in Full Bloom? If you listen carefully, it's a little different from the "Life in Full Bloom" I heard later, probably Wang Feng hasn't improved this tune yet.

After the tune was finished, Wang Feng said, "This is a piece I just composed, and I only got a good composition today."

Suddenly there was a touch of emotion in Zhang Guan's heart. He suddenly remembered the two different lives he experienced. The first time was so ordinary, but the last time was blooming like flowers.

Two different lives, two different journeys, Zhang Guan has a feeling, he feels that this "life in full bloom" may be more suitable for him, so he said: "This song is good, let just sing this! "

"Sing this?" Wang Feng smiled, then said: "This is not good, I have to change this song, and there are no lyrics, right?"

"The lyrics can be edited! I don't think so. If you repeat it, I'll write it for you." Zhang Guan said.

"You write me words?" Wang Feng smiled more and more brilliantly, but he is a musician who is very good at composing and composing, and the level is very high. So he thought that Zhang Guan was playing a joke to enliven the atmosphere.

"Then let me give you a second." Wang Feng turned on the accompaniment machine.

After the prelude, just listen to Zhang Guankou sing:

"How many times have you fallen on the road,"

"How many times have you broken your wings,"

"Now I no longer feel anxious,"

"I want to go beyond this ordinary luxury,"

"I want life in full bloom,"

"It's like flying in the vast sky,"


"It's like walking through the bright galaxy,"

"Have power beyond ordinary!"

Wang Feng's face was still full of smiles at the beginning, but when Zhang Guan began to sing, his face gradually became serious, and when Zhang Guan sang the phrase "I want a life in full bloom", Wang Feng suddenly stood up, his face was full of excitement.

Although Zhang Guan's singing skills are still terrible, and even many of the tunes are wrong, but in the mind of a professional musician such as Wang Feng, a song has been formed!

"Great, this is the feeling I want, this is the lyrics I want! Life in full bloom! Good singing! Life in full bloom! Zhang Guan, are you an athlete? You are a poet!" At this moment, Wang Feng found that he seems to have caught the tail of his dream.

"Quick, quick!" Wang Feng took out the paper and pen from the bag, handed it to Zhang Guan's hand, and said, "Quickly write down the lyrics, don't forget!"

Zhang Guan wrote the lyrics and handed it to Wang Feng. Wang Feng took the lyrics and the music in his hands shivered.

"How many times have I lost my direction and how many times have my dreams been broken! I want to have my life in full bloom and have the power to break free! It seems that the lyrics are just like me!" Wang Feng couldn't help but recall a hard time of the year, and the content of the lyrics makes him feel the same.

At this moment, he felt inspired.

He didn't care about Zhang Guan anymore, took out the sheet music from the bag, and quickly modified it. It didn't stop until ten minutes later. Then he carefully read the sheet music, opened the lyrics again, and closed it. eye.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes ...

Zhang Guan did not disturb Wang Feng, and Wang Feng kept his eyes closed as if brewing something.

Suddenly, Wang Feng opened his eyes and then spoke.

"How many times have you fallen on the road,"

"How many times have you broken your wings,"

Wang Feng sang this song with slight vicissitudes of voice.

"I want life in full bloom,"

"It's like flying in the vast sky,"

Wang Feng seemed to start shouting!

Although it is a cappella, Zhang Guan next to it can feel that Wang Feng seems to have entered a state of ecstasy. He is completely immersed in music. Although Zhang Guan does not understand music, he can feel that Wang Feng's singing is full of emotions. It seems to be talking about his past and his persistence.

At this moment, Wang Feng is singing with his soul!

"It's like walking through the bright galaxy,"

"Have power beyond ordinary!"

Wang Feng finally finished singing, he took a breath but was still immersed in the music just now.

"Pappappap ..." Applause suddenly sounded from the side, pulling Wang Feng from the ocean of music back to reality.

A man in his fifties stood there and was applauding.

"Professor Zhou. Why are you here." Wang Feng immediately greeted him.

This man is a professor at the Central Conservatory of Music and a master composer himself. He has been studying pop music since the 1980s and has a unique insight into the development of pop music, so it can also be said to be a figure of the domestic pop music school. At that time, Wang Feng also graduated from the Central Academy of Music, so strictly speaking, Professor Zhou was also Wang Feng's teacher.

"Don't have a singing meeting, CCTV invited me to give music guidance." Coach Zhou looked at Wang Feng with a smile, and then said: "Wang Feng, is that song just your new song? Is this song good?" Ah, it is a rare product. "

"Thank you, Professor Zhou, for complimenting, I was just sentimental just now." Wang Feng pointed to Zhang Guan and said: "These are Zhang Guan's lyrics which are well written. When I saw the lyrics, I was inspired."

"Zhang Guan? Olympic champion Zhang Guan!" Coach Zhou suddenly surprised.

"Didn't you say that sports athletes haven't read many books? Why is the word written like a poem!" Thinking about it this way, Professor Zhou stepped forward and said, "I can't think of you as an Olympic champion who will write words. It's both civil and military!"

"Professor Zhou, you praise me. I am also a blind cat who meets a dead mouse. I am blinded." Zhang Guan said.

"I listened to the lyrics just now, and I was quite touched. I thought it was Xiao Wang's lyrics, but I didn't expect it to be yours. But you are an athlete, you may feel more frustrated than we do in music, and you will understand better than us." Professor Zhou's voice continued and said, "I heard that you are going to sing "Flying Higher", so come and see. "

Wang Feng hesitated and said, "Professor Zhou, I don't want to sing" Flying Higher "at the singing club. I want to sing this song just now."

"Oh?" Professor Zhou stunned for a while. Ordinary singers put new songs in new albums, which can increase the sales of new albums. Rarely sing so easily.

I saw Wang Feng explained: "The lyrics of this song were written by Zhang Guan, and I also got a lot of inspiration from it. This is our common work, so I think it is most appropriate for us to sing together."

"Okay, this is indeed an excellent song. But is it ready to start now? Although the melody and lyrics are available, it needs to be recorded, and it takes time to find a special musical accompaniment. This singing will be available immediately if it's going to be held here." Professor Zhou asked.

"It's not too late. Don't forget that I still have my own nest, and the recording is fast." Wang Feng said. Wang Feng once formed a band. Although these years, Wang Feng has become red, he has kept a band. The place where he played music has always been preserved. This is something that is known in the music circle.

Then Wang Feng turned his head and said to Zhang Guan: "Zhang Guan, your words, please name this song!"

"How about life in full bloom?" Zhang Guan continued to copy the lyrics.

"Okay, it's called the life in full bloom!" Wang Feng said affirmatively.
