

Ah, its been a while- webnovel that is. Im not continuing the series unfortunately- its been half a year? Maybe a year, and I have no interest in continuing the series, MAYBE- maybe, I will add another chapter or two sometimes just so people who view this story arent devistated- but it will be not as often as it use to be since, well- im all out of ideas for a dragon and some girl! Im really sorry I havent updated the chapters in well, again a while but thats just what happens sometimes. So deep apoligies! Yikes that was mature-..Also! I might update the chapters more..proper? I dunno, more better in words and maybe remove that uhm- ya know..chapter with a period? I barely remember most of the book so..- apoligies about the strange probably things that shouldnt be shared things..-

Haha. Just kidding! I have a huge idea for the series introducing a new character! Anyways be prepared for that, it will be in like a 40th-50th chapter in further of the story! I am fully aware that these chapters are extremely short. The schedule is going to have a new chapter atleast in 1-2 weeks since im busy! Or shorter if im lucky for uploading!
