

Clark hadn't asked what I'd done or if it was even me who did it but after he made sure Lana was safe and our parents were ok, he seemed to lose his abilities as the sun started to set. I'd given him the phantom zone portal wristband and told him what I could understand of it and he'd hidden it away while helping me clean up the meteor rocks as they no longer effected him anymore.

He did mention leaving Chloe in a small town hospital in the Yukon but by the time I arrived, Lex was already there picking up Chloe. Three weeks later the house was rebuilt and I took some time off school to help rebuild the town.

Clark and Lana seemed to have hit it off much to Chloe's char grin. She'd caught the tail end of Clark's power fest and when he'd finally told her about himself, he'd lost his powers the same day. I did however tell her about my meta human abilities and having all of Clark's powers plus a lot more once Clark agreed to explain it all to her.

She'd only asked if there was a way for me to help Clark regain his abilities to which I shrugged and honestly told her. "I've no idea. Besides, unless he asks, I'm not gonna go looking. He may be from space Chloe, but he's still my little brother."

Clark smiled at that and said he'd pass. That left him hauling up barn sections like normal people while I rebuilt houses and barns all over town at supper speeds. When he snuck off on a supply run with Lana while I was helping on this particular barn raising, I told my parents we should go check on them to make sure they were coming back.

They agreed and that led to a confrontation with three meta human breakouts from Belle Reve. One shot an electricity ball at dad and I stepped in front of it, taking the blow before holding up my hand and throwing one back after I mimicked the power.

Lana saw it all and after I blew the meta human through a wall and he passed out, I told the twins. "That's right idiots, you picked the wrong family to screw with. I can mimic all your powers and become immune to them so there's no winning with me. Now, think clearly cause I ran into a telepath a while back, who set you free because I sure as hell know you're not the brain trust."

I growled and fired an energy ball at the twins and the tried to block it with a forcefield, giving me that power as well to my happiness. I blasted them out cold saying. "So Lex was behind it all. Figures. He wants something and you lot were a means to and end."

I opened my phone and called the sheriff to pick up some breakouts from Belle Reve. When I hung up Lana asked. "What are you?"

I sighed. "I'm a meta human like these idiots only I don't go around terrorizing people. It happened durning the first meteor shower. A meteor hit our truck and flung me from it onto a meteor rock. I broke my arm and the blood mixed with the meteor rock. I became a mimic man of some sort. Any ability used against me in any way I can copy permanently. Listen, I don't go around publicizing my abilities and I'd appreciate it if you could keep them a secret."

She nodded and hugged Clark's side while I erased the brain trust's minds. When I finished, I thanked her and my parents did the same. Clark however said he had someone to see and I agreed so long as he gave him an extra punch for nearly getting dad electrocuted. With his bad heart the last thing he needed was that.

Clark agreed and took off in his truck while I cleaned up and waited for the cops while I came up with a cover story for how it went down. When we agreed on one and the sheriff showed up, I gave them my statement on how I tricked twiddle dumb into shocking the twins before laying him out before he could recharge.

With my military training and background, the good sheriff hadn't questioned it and had them cuffed in power suppressors before being hauled away. After the cops left I repaired the damage with a spell and Lana asked if I could teach her.

I told her she'd have to find a power source to draw from as I draw mine from my own powers and Isobel's was a dark dimension of corrupted energy that could turn her evil. She said she'd get back to me on that and asked if I could teach her self defense as well.

That I agreed on easily and told her I'd have Clark give her a set schedule to come to practice with. She left a bit later and headed home while I heard later from Clark that he's busted Lex's mouth and punched him a few times before Lex punched him back and saw him bleeding.

Two weeks later I was in a class when I got the call from my parents informing me to come come because Clark was dead. I'd excused myself from class and left in a hurry saying my little brother was shot and in the hospital.

The professor hadn't even blinked as he waved me out. I got home just as Clark had himself and he looked a right mess having experienced atmospheric re-entry after saving Smallville from a nuke.

Lana showed up a few minutes later and they shared their moments before she thanked me for whatever I did to bring him back. I told her since Clark wasn't willing to get that he'd be different and have abilities from now on as a price for his return.

She accepted that he wasn't exactly normal to begin with and he thanked me as well. I brushed it off while they went and made like bunnies. A week later I took the weekend off to go to crater lake with Clark and the rest for a decent vacation.

I only had another month of work before my thesis's went before the school panel for review on my masters degrees and my doctorate anyways. There I relaxed in the sun in nothing but my swim trunks, absorbing good ole solar power.

It wasn't until Chloe mentioned Lois being in the water to long that I got up and ran to the water before diving in and moving at flash speeds. I got to her just after Arthur Curry, this worlds version of Aquaman.

He brushed passed me and took her out of the water and gave her CPR while everyone watched. I dried off and sat back on my beach towel while Lois woke up coughing. Seeing she was fine, I closed my eyes and laid back down telling Clark. "He's like Bart but in water instead."

I didn't care any more as I'd gotten his ability to manipulate and breathe under water when he brushed passed me. I left the heroics to Clark and the self dubbed AC.

While they were stopping Lex from destroying the eco system with his submarine destroying technology, I was visiting the Tri-delts at their sorority. They invited me in well enough and once I was in fact in, I let them bite me as it was the only way to find what I was looking for.

Their teeth were meta human enhanced as they began drinking my blood. I felt myself growing stronger as I found what I was looking for and shifted into my vampiric form, before draining them and leaving husks.

I spared no one as I polished them all off including Jules Verna, aka Buffy Sanders from the tv series that Chloe had changed her name to protect. When I left, I burnt the house down to destroy the evidence before going through Lex's vaults at LuthorCorp and stealing the cure for the rabies strain Jules had caught from the vampire bats infected with meteor rocks.

After curing myself of the rabies enhanced crap, I was happy to find my vampire side was still available to me. It had taken what it needed to be apart of this cruel hard reality. Thinking on my wolf side now I located where the Kawatche tribe laid their heads and took DNA samples from both them and their chief.

After that it was simply a matter of drinking blood which I was in fact fine with to unlock my wolf form. I found I could turn into the big wolf form but not the halfway mark so I figured I needed something else.

While I was doing a bit of spring cleaning of sorts, I dropped a stack of LexCorp files off at the Daily Planet. Thankfully I wore gloves as the reporters descended on the stack of files with caution. Seeing it would be a turn down for LexCorp, I had shadow sell the stock off he'd bought from it.

Several days later LexCorp's dirty secrets about level three, human experiments at Belle Reve, the leviathan project and it's EPA problems as well as project 1-1-3-8, also known as the Buffy Sanders project.

It was a publicity nightmare for LexCorp as the first and last projects were using LexCorp funds to sponsor off the books projects on a college campus and a psychiatric facility. The news went global before Lex could stop it and he was being dragged into court hearings all the while a certain Professor Milton Fine had suddenly gotten a visit from some very pissed off private security types.

They'd gone missing of course while he'd remained untouched. I'd watched it all from a distance and invisible. An amusing byproduct of my more mischievous ways. While Lex was dolling our hundreds of millions and his stock was dropping, I had Shadow buy up as much as possible as I knew it wouldn't last. He was a billionaire with little compunction for being bad.

As if I was a seer, he came out with just fines and a stern warning as I suspected the jury was paid off. Still, it out a pretty dent in the Luthor's name for once. They were now known to break the law and do human experiments on students and the mentally ill.

A fact which professor Fine seemed to enjoy a bit. I had gotten into LexCorps vaults looking like him and not caring about the cameras. I'd even knocked out a few guards for the funnies, by knocked out I mean killed brutally with my metal sword arm powers.

It looked rather like a Brainiac kill on camera, hence Lex sending his men after him. I even had Shadow upload a virus that erased all the copies of the video after Lex saw it and he'd been watching.

I ignored that little fun side show and listened to the news about LexCorp donating millions to charity and blaming the projects except Leviathan, on his father's time at the company. He publicly said since they were off the books projects, they're a lot harder to track down and shutdown.

As for project Leviathan, he said it was in it's initial testing phase when a group of eco terrorists derailed it with explosives. In the end it left the public with mixed feelings while he constantly worked to change his image back into the white knight persona.

A month later when dads old friend senator Jack Jennings was caught in hot water, Lex made his announcement he was running for senate. When all that stuff blew over after Clark, Lois and Chloe had a fiasco with a seedy strip club and a diplomatic representative, Jennings dropped out of the race.

He tried to convince dad to run next or risk Lex running unopposed. In the meantime, Clark ended up infected with silver Kryptonite and I'd stopped by the house to catch it and pull it out of him with a painful summoning spell while I used X-Ray vision on him and held him down.

He'd already made a scene at the Daily Planet and with Lana so I figured I might as well prevent him from possibly hurting mom and dad. When it was out, I put it in my inner galaxy to analyze next to the green and red kryptonite I'd amassed.

Seeing his plan fail so spectacularly, Fine moved into to trying to hurt mom which I stopped by shoving her out of the way and ending up infected with whatever disease Fine was planning on using on mom. She'd yelled just as I'd fainted.

I felt like my nerve endings were on fire while my body tried to fight it's effects. The lightning stuck line appearance gave away that there was something seriously wrong with me even while I gritted my teeth and let the pain wash over me.

It was like getting electrocuted without the electricity. Even so my healing factor seemed to be staving off the worst of it, thank you Wade! As I had that though, I heard a strange (Your welcome) sound in my head. I flipped the fuck out until I realized it was Lucifer's voice.

I had to wonder if it was normal or sane to hear the devil in your head like he was sitting on your shoulder. After all he could literally do both if he wanted I'm sure. While I was stroking out on the couch a bit later, Fine showed up and spewed lies while Clark tried to help me with green meteor rock by his suggestion.

It didn't stop the assault on my nerve endings but it seemed to push off the pain a bit, or at least enough that I blasted Fine with heat vision and roared at Clark. "His not a Kryptonian, use your X-Ray vision! He's a robot made of crystal nanite particles!"

Clark didn't hesitate for all his credit and a serious battle ensued and ended when I got off the couch and used a blade of red Kryptonite or Red-K as I called it, to stabbed Fine. I used a Green-K blade to do it again and he seemed to overload and phase out.

I knew better as I saw a bit of his nanites escape into the ground. I caught both blades and put them away as the sickness left. I blurred away and checked, finding the spaceship Lex had was gone now. I came back and told Clark. "He was some sort of AI robot. I hacked Lex's security cameras and found a video of a spaceship and Fine coming out of it. My guess is that it was some kind of robot weapon from your people's world sent to prepare for a hostile takeover. I was going to deal with it myself but I ended up getting sick and was to busy fighting the feeling of electrocution to speak up."

Clark nodded and we left the distant field we'd fought him in for home. I repaired the house and yard with magic before telling my parents what was going on. I also told Clark. "I don't think he's gone for good. I saw a bit of the nanites escape before the rest went critical. Odds are he's weakened and the spaceship at Alex's warehouse is gone as well, probably taken remotely as a fail safe in case of things going wrong."

Clark asked. "What do you think he wanted?"

I shrugged. "He seemed to be buddying up to you so I figure he was either after something you have or something Only you can do for him. Since he mentioned Jor-El and the fortress, odds are whatever it is, is there."

He agreed and said he'd ask Jor-El when he got a chance. I on the other hand asked if I could tag along as I'd get to see the fortress and I was interested in this great knowledge Jor-El wanted to give to him. Clark only asked if I was up to it which I agreed as I was fine now.

He asked about the blades I used and I chuckled. "I made those with meteorites and magic on the fly while I was running to your fight. I figured if they affect you, they might effect Kryptonian technology as well. They're already gone but I can make more on the fly if you want me to."

He shook his head. "It's just good to know there's something and someone out there that can stop me if I ever turn dangerous."

I sighed. "I'd never use them on you little brother. I don't think I have that in me so you'll have to hope I can knock some sense into you if you do."

He gave a wry smile and I chuckled. "And I hope you'll do the same for me of course!"

He nodded solemnly before blurring while i followed him to the caves. There he took us through a portal to the arctic where he showed me his cave. I looked around it in wonder before hearing Jor-El speak. "You have come back my son."

Clark told him. "I was attacked by some Kryptonian machine that tried to trick me into coming here. My brother and I stopped him it he's still out there."

I didn't expect Jor-El to get snarky but he said. "I'm sorry to say this Kal-El but you have no brother, at least no true brother."

I growled. "Shut your pie hole old man or whatever you are! I'm his brother and his name is Clark!"

Clark gave me a smile before saying. "This is Jake Kent, my adoptive brother from earth. He was effected by the meteor powers and became what we call a meta human. He can copy powers and his blood mixed with mine so he has all my powers as well."

Jor-El spoke up. "Kryptonian powers aren't meant for humans. If they're in him long then he'll die from them."

I chuckled. "I've had these powers for over almost two decades, ever since we found Clark."

That shut the AI copy of his father for a minute before he ejected a crystal from the alter of spiky ones and spoke up. "Put a blood sample on this for analysis."

I frowned. "Are you sure? I have green meteor rock juice in my blood."

Jor-El sighed. "It will be fine as I'll isolate it from the rest of the fortress for analysis. Kal-El, I'll need your help."

Clark agreed and followed his instructions as I bled on a crystal with a spelled knife I summoned and made. My blood turned th crystal red, black and green while the black was dominant and keeping the green in check.

After a while Jor-El spoke up. "Your blood indeed does have Kryptonian DNA mixed in and not a little either as your body seems to be producing and adapting it while it seems a foreign unknown alien DNA is mixed in as well, protecting your body from the negative effects of both your Kryptonian powers and the meteor rock infected powers. I cannot say how this came about, but you seem to be evolving to adapt to anything, a perfect blend or unnatural combination that is meant to survive anything."

I grunted. "Are you saying I'm part alien?"

He was quiet for a second before agreeing. "Correct Jake Kent. You are indeed part alien and so much more it seems. Your DNA seems to be in a constant stabilized flux as it evolves and adapts to protect you from all negative side effects of whatever traits you take on. My mortal self would be fascinated to study your gifts more. What's more you seem to have actually become Kal-El's brother in a round about manner as your body is indeed now part Kryptonian."

I sat down, stunned that it had worked. Lucifer had truly given me a gift I was eternally grateful for. Clark looked at me worriedly but as soon as he went to say something, I hugged him. "You're not alone little brother. Whatever I am or not, we'll always be brothers."

He gripped me tight and I'd swear he shed a few tears. I released him after a while and asked. "What does this mean for my future? Am I to learn like you want Clark to?"

The AI was quiet until he answered. "That will depend on Kal-El's opinion and his permission. The knowledge here was only ever meant for him, but it will be up to him whether he shares it with you and allows you to learn here."

I turned to Clark who agreed right away. "Then I give him permission. He's my brother and I trust him with everything, even my life."

Jor-El asked. "Then Jake Kent, when shall you like to start?"

I sighed. "I'm completing my college courses right now but in two months at most I'd like to start learning all you can teach me. I don't want Clark's destiny but I'll do my best to support him come whatever may."

Jor-El replied. "Then Kal-El has found a great treasure the day he arrived here. I shall speak to you again when you're ready for your own training. As for you Kal-El, your training needs to begin soon or the dangers ahead will be far worse if caught unprepared. It is your destiny to lead these people after all and your brother however genetically impressive is still only one man."

Clark replied. "I'll join him in learning at the same time and stop by when I have free time but you must understand I can't nor won't give up my life to learn things all the time."

Jor-El agreed. "As you wish Kal-El, but I must warn you, the being you spoke of is the brain interactive construct. He is a disciple of Zod, the man's who is responsible for destroying our world and if he is here then he is a herald of worse dangers to come. This fortress has a portal to the phantom zone and can indeed bring back the likes of Zod if used in that way. He would be a catastrophic threat and danger to this world and it's people."

Clark agreed that was a bad thing and said he'd be back for the weekends to learn what he could then. Two months later I completed my degrees and decided to put all my liquid capital behind my dad's campaign. We did photo ops and I adds as well as family interviews.

My background in the military came to light as I was a one star general and now a genius doctor in engineering of nearly all sorts. My masters in business came in handy as well while I worked with Lois on the campaign management.

With the veterans and the farmers and middle class votes, dad was up in the polls by five percent as opposed to Lex. Clark and Chloe had played Santa over Christmas two weeks ago and may have found the actual Santa or whatever it was, but that wasn't nearly as important as the fact that I stopped two guys from beating dad down in the barn and tied them back to Lex's campaign.

It was a political nightmare for Lex as dad was banged up a bit. I'd released the connection to Alex's support group to the press and his polls took a serious drop by twenty percent while dads went up fifteen percent so he was now winning by a landslide.

Soon enough the last of Lex's fan group took a shot at him and I pushed him out of the way while being winged. The assailant was caught by Lois and Clark and tied back to Lex's campaign as well while he tried to deny any involvement.

It didn't look good for him at all as his poll points practically vanished except the political money grubbing ten percent. The rest seemed to favor dad now and Lex was forced to try and come up with false trails.

I of course had a public appearance as my shoulder was wounded and the only blood that came out thanks to my magic and a bit of power was my human parts. I got stitched up and dad was there with me the entire time after I explained to him that I wasn't going to just reveal my powers in front of a crowd and that magic was the only answer that worked.

My blood was clean and no questions were asked that were otherwise inappropriate. When Lex was accosted and he was stuck in his panic room two weeks later, I visited him with a legitimate proposal so he could check out the prediction algorithm for himself as I'd put in the campaign information.

I wasn't armed but when I saw the two police officers and the dead body while hearing them threaten to outlast him, I went in with a candle stick holder and used it to knock the gun out of the females hands while I disarmed the male and knocked him out.

I then knocked the female out and cuffed them before Lex came out seeing it was safe. I called the police and the sheriff came while requesting the video recordings of the events in question. He was forced to turn them over while I asked for a copy for General Lane to show his recruits.

I also used said video as a bit of showing that while a Luthor hides, Kent's stand up and fight for what's right. That sounded the death knoll for Lex's campaign while I did in fact give General Lane a copy of the video. Unfortunately the audio was taken out by Lex but it didn't matter.

Two weeks later in the early new year, Clark told me he'd told Lana his secret and asked her to marry him. That same night dad won the election and Lana was killed in a car accident. I woke up the next morning and time had rewound itself but I felt different as I knew it was the fortress's doing.

I went there and finally agreed to study, sticking my head in the piranha pool as it were. Maths, sciences and languages as well as history and technology from twenty eight galaxies was shown to me.

I blew through the tests as the information was seared into my brain. I'd finally learned some of the laws of this universe and what this reality was built on. They were fundamentally different and more complex then any reality is been to before as some of the concepts were fluid and others solid.

Tidbits of information on the five basic principles of the speed, sage, strength, still and forever force were studied by a several advanced alien cultures while all but the speed force was locked away here in this reality.

I learned the histories of Kandor, Mars, Tamaran, Apokolips, Thanagar and so much more. I learned the chemical makeups of the unique metals from the first to the Nth, as well as what the crystals of Krypton and their uses were.

All this information was dwarfed by all the technology, religion, laws and basic information they had on each race and world. It was the single largest information download I'd taken in at once and it was accompanied by tests both moral and factual as well as training in Torquasm Rao, the meditation aspect and mental defense of the Kryptonian's and Torquasm-Vo, the mental offensive martial arts aspect that went along with it's counterpart.

Last but not least was Klurkor, the Kryptonian's physical martial arts that had many levels. I passed the fifth level before stopping as I felt something bad had happened and knew I needed to get back. Jor-El commented. "Your learning process and speed is beyond any Krytronian I've ever heard of or seen before. You have gone beyond Kal-El's learning, why stop now?"

I grunted. "Something's wrong, I need to get back. I-I gotta go-"

I blurred away and ran to the house only to arrive when Clark and mom caught dad as he passed away from a heart attack. I moved them aside and tried to heal him. I thought I'd avoided this mess by funding the campaign myself but instead it's happening even when it shouldn't.

My spells failed and even my own revival magic's failed I'm not afraid to admit I cried, scream and yelled as I unleashed a burst of magic and heat vision that lit up the night sky as it was aimed at the stars themselves.

Mom held me while Clark held dad and we cried together as the power faded and I closed my eyes. I spent the night at the hospital hearing them medical report and made it known to the press that he'd died of a heart attack set on by his excitement of winning.

I made the funeral arrangements and three days later we put him in the ground. Clark tried to blame himself until I smacked him upside the back of his head. "This was never your fault Clark. This was a natural death that couldn't have been avoided no matter who you wanted to blame. The truth is he's been sick, sicker than usual and I kept it quite like he asked while he visited the doctors in secret. He didn't want to worry you or mom but the campaign was a lot to handle, to much it seems."

Mom slapped me but hugged me afterwards while I continued to tell him. "Even if the universe was looking for a balance little brother, it still wouldn't be your fault as any one of us would've happily taken your place just like I know you'd do rn he same. That's what family is Clark, those willing to go above and beyond to protect those they love and care about."

Mom released me and hugged Clark while crying and telling him. "He's right Clark, Johnathan wouldn't have wanted you to blame yourself. It wasn't a choice any of us could have made, it was a part of nature itself."

A few days later I went with mom the the clothes donation place and gave away all dads old clothes because she couldn't handle the reminder anymore without falling into tears. Two thugs tried to rob us on the way out and I broke their arms before turning their guns into scrap metal.

When we got back home Clark mentioned thinking about quitting school but I stopped him saying. "Stay, do online courses if you need to but at least get a degree, it'll help for later in life. I'll handle the farm work while you're at school. Leave the bills and farm work to me. Both of you need to keep busy or you'll go crazy, I know, I've seen a lot of people in the military lose those that they cared about. Many more were sent back home less for it. Don't push the pain aside but use the repetition to work through your feelings. Scream, cry, talk about it with me or with a therapist, but don't shut out the pain. Work through it and you'll come out eventually. It won't make it go away completely but it's like a wound, it'll heal over time, leaving a reminder that you're still alive."

They both heard me and mom asked. "How are you so calm?"

I sighed. "I'm not, not inside. I released my emotions when it happened and if I'd been careless I'd have killed you as well, so I'm working through them inside instead of showing it on the outside. It's how I deal without losing my own mind. Some people talk, some cry, some drink, I internalize to protect those I have left."

They both hugged me and cried a bit more before heading to set their lives right. A couple days later mom was offered dads senate seat and Clark was off to school. I took over the farm work and sold the back forty, cutting the work and cost of the farm down by two thirds while the profits only went down by ten percent as it was mostly an extra garden and my meditation area.

I gave the check to Clark and mom for their personal pocket money while I had the elves take care of the plants and animal farm work while I fixed the tractors and harvested while selling the vegetables and foods stuff at the markets.

I stopped by the Talon and had the corpse in the wall accidentally revealed while the police came and took it away after taking samples and all that fun stuff. Lois was a bit freaked but the ghost that tried to posses me found itself expelled and the man responsible, Michael Westmore, was arrested after I convinced him with a handshake to confess to the police and to Chloe who got her first front page article about a serial killer.

A week later Clark brought a robotic ex-football star by the house. He was leaking fuel from a wound he got from a new age gun meant to take him out when Clark asked if there was anything I could do for him. I smirked and repaired the damage with magic before telling Victor Stone, aka Cyborg. "If you ever want an upgrade, just let me know. I can have you doing all kinds of things. Repairs are an easy thing. I could even upgrade your power source and possibly give you full cyber human flesh and limbs. Though they would still be super strong with cybernetic capabilities."

Victor frowned. "You mean you can give me real arms and legs without killing me?"

I nodded. "Though they'll act like cybernetics they'll be mostly nanites with a liquid metal form capabilities, the blood and flesh underneath will be very much real. Though synthetic lab grown after a fashion."

He nodded easily. "Fine, get this crap out of me!"

I smiled and grabbed my laptop before taking out a pill and set it on a slide hooked to my laptop while I reprogrammed them to do what I envisioned. When I finished I handed him the pill and grabbed him a glass of water. "Say ahh and down the hatch it goes. The nanites will use the materials already inside you to grow and build flesh with a nanite shell casings that will act towards what you desire. Any technology you wish to hack can be done wirelessly unless it's a closed circuit and even then you can always jack in."

He took the pill and I swallowed it before drinking the water. When I took the glass, I tapped his head, knocking him out. Clark asked. "Why'd you do that?"

I sighed. "Regrowing and connecting nerve endings and flesh isn't exactly a fun trip Clark. I put him out so he wouldn't experience the pain. It shouldn't be long, maybe twenty minutes and he'll be better then new. Hell, he'll even be able to have kids and all it'll be like is that his outside layer of skin will be like a liquid smart body armor with technopathy capabilities."

A silver like substance came out his pores and covered his skin like a cocoon. I set a timer and tossed dads watch to him. "Keep it, dad would've wanted you to have it. Once it goes off he should wake up just fine or better than ever."

I went to do my chores and after a while Lana showed up injured. I'd trained her in mixed martial arts over the passed year. She'd failed to come up with a way to use magic safely but her martial arts were exquisite and I'd rank her at a first degree black belt in jujitsu mixed with sambo and judo.

A truly impressive feat if I do say so myself. She was a natural at hard work and determined not to be weak and helpless again. On an even footing she'd kick Clark's butt any day of the week. Unfortunately she wasn't practicing with me much anymore as she and Clark were in a sort of rough patch and Lex was whispering in her ear.

When I came in to check on Victor, he was up checking out his body. I'd used the sliver of silver Kryptonite which was apart of Milton Fine, to figure out how Kryptonian's gave him powers like theirs. I'd used it to up Cyborg's physical strength to Aquamans level and his speed up to Captain America's level.

He was liking the upgrades, especially the fact that he had real skin he could roll back the nanites to see. I told him. "Careful. If you die they won't save you and they can't regrow organs or repair fatally flawed ones. They're necessary to keep you alive on the inside so don't let your outsides get too damaged. They're made of a special material that I call Vinth metal. If used right you're a force to be reckoned with now."

"As well they're unhackable and your skull is now uncrackable. They couldn't change much in there I'm afraid. Whatever LexCorp and Cybertronics did to you, it's kind of on the permanent side inside so your left eye and all that is still pure electronics. The nanites have coated both sides of your skull to protect from any outside signals that my try to track you or power you down as well. Best I can do without cracking the hood myself and I'm no surgeon I'm afraid."

He waved that off. "Nah man, you did what you could and I appreciate it thanks."

I nodded before handing him a tablet. "Keep this safe. It can reprogram the nanites in you and can be used if you find any technology you might want to add to their capabilities. The instructions to use it will download into your mind once you turn it on. Remember, safe, hidden and out of everyone's reach but your own. This is dangerous proprietary technology after all."

He took the tablet and thanked me again before putting it in a backpack Clark have him. He, Clark and Lana left after a bit and I got back to work. I heard from Clark that Lex tried to recapture him by using his girlfriend as a hostage.

Clark had stopped Victor from killing Lex albeit barely as the metallic needle arm head been moments from plunging into Lex and the doctors was inches from Lex's unconscious form. Victor and his girlfriend had left town a little while later.

Some three weeks later Fine was spotted in a Honduras and Lex went after him while leaving behind a woman named Simone Chesterman. She had a magic hypnotic necklace that caused Clark a big problem. I ignored it until after Lana caught him and Simone making out in the loft.

After Lana left I appeared next to her and ripped the necklace off and clocking Clark hard. After a bit he got up and looked at me dazed he asked. "What was that for?"

I smirked. "Cognitive reset. Basically I hit you really hard in the head to knock the hypnotic effects out of you. Can't be too careful after all."

He turned to Simone and asked. "What do we do with her?"

I grabbed her hand and forced her to tell why she was sent here and who sent her. Clark wasn't happy to hear her reasons. Lex had sent her to break him and Lana up as well as find out his secret. I told her to go to the police and confess her crimes before forgetting we exist except what Lex wanted.

She left and I turned to Clark. "Your friend is becoming an issue. He's clearly got a thing for Lana or he wouldn't have had her break you both up. And snooping around and making accusations is one thing but sending mind controlling murderers to find out your secret is a whole other thing. Say the word and he'll disappear. I'll erase his mind and drop him off in Europe with a different face."

He shook his head. "That's a bit extreme-"

I snorted. "He literally sent a woman to bend you to his will and break you and Lana up, what I'm suggesting is the least I'd do to him if he harmed you Clark."

Seeing he wouldn't budge I sighed. "Whatever, just don't let him off easy."

I gave him the pendant and he crushed it. I nodded and left him to think on his life while sending Chloe and Lana a message about what happened. Where magic was involved both understood well enough.
