
No attachments

Ch33 [Mr.Fool–"No attachments"]

Restless and uncomfortable, Luwen opened his eyes as he stared at the white ceiling. He blinked his eyes, his pupils look around randomly.

Luwen try to ease the sense of sudden wrongness that has arisen. It was uncomfortable. For Luwen, It feels that he can't escape and his action are always watched. Someone is watching. His secrets and everything about him is known. There are countless eyes watching his every move and actions– This was a unique feeling that only came from a certain someone; the familiar person, a hated yet respected person. Luwen took a deep breath and sighed. The Head Archivist are now back to the Magnus Institute. For a few seconds, Luwen wonders if the others also felt uncomfortable.

Luwen got up from his bed and immediately headed towards the bathroom. Half an hour later, after changing his clothes and bathing himself, he left his room.

Arriving at the first floor, Luwen are greeted by the sight of Archivist putting a book in one of the bookshelves. Slowly and carefully leaving it in the bookshelf with great care. It was a surprising sight.

Luwen slowly made his way toward Mr.Miller. He had made sure that his steps aren't heavy and wouldn't resounded through the clear ebony floor of the Institution. Despite his effort, when Luwen are close and near, Mr.Miller still noticed his presence.

" Good morning, Mr.Gardner. How are you? "

The head archivist turned to face him and bid his greetings. He has a slight smile on his face, looking peaceful, serene yet profoundly ambiguous. His thoughts are totally unknown and a complete mystery.

" Welcome come back Mr.Miller. "

Luwen says. He didn't answered the question. He was certain that the question was just a basic courtesy but there is no need to answer them; as he knows that Mr.Miller wouldn't mind even he didn't replied to his question.

His guess maybe was right. The ambiguous smile become more prominent. The coal ink eyes stared at him with a glint of amusement beneath the glasses.

" And I appreciate your welcome Mr. Gardner. I am glad to be back to my Magnus Institute. "

The head archivist started strolling. Luwen not needing to be ordered or requested, followed after him. Their steps are slow and casual as they are surrounded by a very long array of bookshelves. Everytime and then, the Head Archivist would glance for a blink on some books and look at them in amusement.

" And, I am glad to see you again Mr.Gardner. " The head archivist pause and turn. " Hmmmm.... Interesting. " a pair of eyes focused on him intently. Observing.. " I can see that you have progressed with your acting method. Did you discover it? "

Just like the other moments, it was like all of those countless eyes from the shadows or something from everywhere have stared and focused on him intently at the same time. It was this feeling of unease and a complicated mix of fear, anxiousness and others– Luwen would never get used to them. Still, just like the past months or weeks, he endured the feeling. Persisting with his little determination and will; he even wondered why he haven't gone mad yet.. maybe it would happen in the near future.

" I am not still certain with the rule, Mr.Miller..." Glancing, he said those words hesitantly. "..but I think I am near on grasping them. "

" Good. "

Mr.Miller nodded in approval. A few minutes of silence after, Luwen started to feel uncertain whether he should leave or not. He was just following Mr.Miller on his strolling, while the head archivist eye's are darting towards the books. He felt nervous and fearful while he followed the head archivist. Does he know? Is the head archivist aware of what happened? Such fearful thoughts are running inside his mind. Every minute that was spent with silence, his mind was running amok. So it was both a relief and a feeling of anxiousness and fear when the head archivist started speaking again.

" The book... "

A feeling of relief and confusion.

" Did you already started on reading them? "

Luwen felt surprise and enlightened. So, it was the Head Archivist..He was the who was responsible for those books.

" I still haven't started Mr.Miller. " Luwen replied.

The head archivist then briefly look at him before saying " Then, you should start sooner or later. All of the information in the book is important. It was better for you to start learning about them. "

Luwen nodded his head. He didn't question the Head Archivist about it. He was already used to it with Mr.Miller sometimes recommending him a book and reading them to learn new knowledge about the world of beyonders and useful things. He was a good teacher, Luwen respected him because of that reason. Still, it would never erase the death of his family and the Innocents in the train incident; as well as his hatred and fear towards them, the entities.

No matter what, he hated them. They are killers... Murderers who bathe their bodies in the blood of Innocents. They have done many vile and immoral deeds against the norm. They are evil. The opposite of good. The opposition of Kindness and Righteousness. Him and Everything in the Magnus Institute– They are the antimony of White; against the morals of normal people. The Magnus Institute is a secret organization aligned with evil, the archenemy of goodness.

No attachment— those two words; Luwen always remind himself with them inside his mind. Don't care and don't be kind. He would never belong to the Institution. For him, he would forever be just an outsider; perhaps, he would even become a traitor or betrayer.

Someday, he would repay them. There is only one path to repay the institute for all of the deeds that they have done to him. It wasn't easy. This was an arduous path of complicated journey. He can't afford to make a mishap. No attachment; Luwen would get his revenge. For his family and the Innocents.

" You should go now to your Seniors, they must be waiting for you to have a breakfast with them, Mr.Gardner. "

No attachment— Luwen made his way to the 2nd floor and ate breakfast with the other members of the Magnus Institute.

Sorry, I wouldn't be able to post every week or some few days after anymore... sigh..I really hate summer season now because there are frequent brownouts and our internet connection isn't still back

megurashimonocreators' thoughts