
Part IV, Chapter II - Summer

"You didn't tell me you had a wife!" exclaimed Jane. We rushed to our vehicles.

"No time to explain! Follow me!" cried Peter, entering his car and making a U-turn. We followed him to our destination.

Peter put his phone away from his ear and into his pocket when we reached his house. His wife ran up to his arms before we even reached the door.

"What do you mean i'm in danger?" she asked.

"We'll tell you everything inside" answered Peter. "This is my wife Summer"

She wore a bright yellow robe and her eyes were still dry from waking up.

"My name is William Habitat and this is Jane Surname" I introduced, cringing upon saying our last names "Don't mind our last names"

Peter, wrapping his right arm around his wife, led us inside. We explained to her everything that had had happened. Peter learned the things he never knew before and finally understood.

"That part of the song could mean anything" she pointed out.

"Yeah but," said Peter "Because I saw my full name written on a letter, it indicates that the enemy knows my name, and therefore knows a thing or two about us"

"Why not have the police force with you on this?"

"The fact that he has information about us could mean putting others in danger if they were to be involved. I mean, look at you, you didn't do anything and here we are"

"So now what?"

"I saw an X on my Calendar marked today" said I "It might mean it's the day he will strike upon you. So, as of now, we will try keep you alive until we figure who this Cupcake is"

"Why is he called Cupcake?"

"We don't know either" said Jane.

"Now" I interrupted "I do need to solve the mystery of my sister's corpse. I find the answer, I find him. When I was taking a trip through memory lane because of the coffee given by Cupcake, my sister, in my mind, asked if I remember"

"Remember what?"

"Everything that night, the important details, how she died, or so I thought she did two years ago. I'm remembering something, a small detail in the tip of my tongue I just need to focus!" I stood up "I need to take a closer look in my house."

"I'll help" Jane stood up. I gestured for her to sit back down.

"No, you need to stay here and protect Summer with Peter! I need to focus and I need to make sure there are no distractions. Besides, I started all this, whatever it is I did in the past"

Jane sat back down and I walked out of the house and into my car. There was no traffic, for, it was 1:40am and I could speed my way through without traffic. The traffic lights blinked yellow and the lamp posts illuminated the streets. First, I bought a coffin from a 24/7 funeral home before going home and into the hidden underground bedroom to bury my siser's corpse, for real this time. I had brought my old unused shovel, the same one I used to dig her grave. The coffin tied up on the roof of the car. I did not bury her in a Cemetery, I do not remember why, but I remembered where it was. My own custom gravestone still stood where I had placed it. I decided to dig out the first coffin I buried, to see if there was still anything inside. I opened it and saw a corpse which I compared with the other one. They both had the same jawline, facial features, body, and rotting smell. The only difference was that the first one is more skeletal and covered in living maggots. I ended up walking in circles around the two corpses and thinking with my hands clutched behind my back before deciding to dig another hole and bury the two next to each other. I took a ride home and ventured forth into Emily's room trying to recall what I should. I stood there thinking, I sat and lied on her bed and opened and closed her cabinet. I even crawled all over.

"Do you remember?" asked Emily, in my mind.

"The last thing you asked of me before saying goodnight was, if you ever disappear, if I ever outlive you, I must go forward in all my beliefs and continue living even when its dying"

"That's a good boy. And what can you deduce?"

"That scream I heard. It wasn't you getting murdered, it was you getting kidnapped. But that doesn't explain how the corpse perfectly resembled you"


"I need more time"

"You solved the death of a stranger within a conversation"

"Yeah, but your death happened long ago and i'm very emotional right now! Now shut up, I need more fucking time!" I had not realized I screamed very loud, and alone. I walked outside looking for a possible way someone could climb to her window. The wall was very clean and there was no possible way anyone could have climbed. I then walked all over my house, including the hidden underground bedroom that now reek of the smell of a rotting corpse when I was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. I picked it up to hear a crying Jane.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You need to come back here, now!" she hung up. I rushed back to my car and sped my way through the dark and empty streets. I reached the house and followed the cries of my friend upstairs and into the bedroom. Peter was on the bed and Jane was applying pressure to his wound with a brown jacket. Summer layed on the floor with her hands on her mouth, traumatized and crying.

"What the fuck happened?" I panicked upon entering.

"We didn't see it coming. We heard a scream and that's when we ended up in this situation" cried Jane "Summer wasn't the target, she was the bait!"

Peter clenched his teeth tightly trying to bare the pain. He moaned non-stop.

"Peter" I came to him "Peter, don't worry, i'll call an ambulance"

"We already tried that. Receptions are off and the hospital is too far away!"

"It's okay" said Peter, his voice cracking and heavy.

"Don't try to speak"

"Let him!"

"Atleast Summer is safe"

Summer stood up to come to him and hold his hand.

"I regret" he had a hard time speaking. He paused between words "Not. Having. Kids. I. Love. You"

He stopped shaking and his body relaxed. Jane checked his pulse and shook her head. She took the now-bloodied brown jacket off. We stood in a circle mourning his death and crying. Summer, his wife, cried the hardest pumping his chest with both hands hoping he'd come back to life, then falling to the floor in realization that she had lost her husband.

"I'm sorry" I said in condolence.

"It wasn't your fault" she implied, hugging Jane, who patted her back for comfort. It was 4:30am, but there was no time for sleep. Jane and I did not want to go back to the coffee shop because of what had happened before, we could not even describe whomever modified our coffee because everything was too much of a blur. Instead, we sat in my car, parked infront of Peter and Summer's house, to calm down before continuing anything. We watched Peter's body get taken away by two men.
