

I try to snatch the charm back but he quickly slips it into his front pocket while saying "I like it better when you don't wear that. I get why you're wearing it... half-witch... half-shifter. I've never seen anything like it and until I met you, I thought it was impossible."

I reach deep for strength as I keep reminding myself not to kill the Alpha but he keeps pushing it. I glare at him as he takes a sip of water and says "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone else about you and if I can help it, I will keep it so that no one finds out what you really are."

I narrow my eyes at him and ask "Why?" He leans on the wall in front of me and says "Because I don't want anything to happen to you." We stare at each other in silence and I can't help but feel like running. There was so much more he wasn't saying...

His intense amber eyes feel like they're able to see through me while undressing me at the same time. I try to clear my head as I say "Well... you kind of screwed that up already. Everyone at that meeting who saw me leave, now knows that I can do something witches shouldn't be able to."

His dark eyebrows come together as he says "That was never my intention. I just wanted to stop you from leaving." I roll my eyes and say "Yes, well not only did that not work, but you also brought the attention of the oldest Vampire in the City down on me!"

His eyebrows nearly become one as he sets the glass of water down and says "I don't think he'll be a problem. He only does that to get under my skin but if he does bother you, let me know and I'll take care of him."

I rub my temples and say "You're missing my point. Look, I'm sure you're a nice guy and great in bed but I'm not interested. I stick to myself and that's the way I like it." He takes a step closer and stares down at me with those intense amber eyes.

I lift my chin and meet his intense stare with one of my own. "Your wolfie powers won't work on me so stop trying," I say with a dry look causing Xander to break out into a sexy smirk. "Are you sure you aren't interested in my bedroom skills? I can give you a small sample..." He says lifting his finger up to my cheek causing me to growl.

His amber eyes intensify at the sound and before I know it, my back is up against the wall with him pressed up against me. His nose is against the side of my neck and with a growl of his own, he says "Don't make those noises around me unless you really do want to end up under me..."

His low voice, laced with a soothing growl makes me shiver as his scent washes over me like a summer storm but he never actually touches me. I close my eyes and fight for control when there's suddenly a knock at the front door.

At first, nothing happens. No one moves but when the knock comes again, Xander pushes away from the wall and looks at me one last time before turning around and walking out without another word.

After I hear them drive off, I slowly slide to the floor and let out the breath I was holding. The man was entirely too hot... and powerful. His power was almost just as intoxicating as his scent. Binx slowly waltzes into the kitchen and says "Now that your done acting like a cat in heat, feed me, I'm hungry."

I snort in laughter and lean my head back against the wall as I say "A cat in heat huh..." Binx watches me silently before asking "He's extremely powerful... he could be a good ally or a bad enemy. You should be careful with him. You know how territorial and possessive male Alphas can be."

"Yes, yes, I know," I say as I push up off the ground. I fix Binx his dinner and head off to bed. I really hope no one was paying attention when I left the meeting but my gut was telling they had... and they will be showing up with questions.

The next day, I drive to work and walk in to find Shelly on the phone. She replies with simple answers and after a few quiet moments, she hangs up the phone with a sigh. I arch my eyebrow at her and say "Do I want to ask?"

I blow on my coffee and take a sip as she fixes her purple rimmed glasses and says "That was the head Vampire Ambrose... he made an appointment for tonight." I choke on my coffee and cringe when it almost comes out of my nose.

I sputter and take the napkin Shelly holds out to me with a strained smile. She tsks and says "I wonder why the Vamper leader himself wants to meet you? I guess something bad must have happened for him to come all the way here himself."

I clean the coffee off my face and use my magic to erase the coffee stains on my shirt. The one day I decide to wear a white shirt... I clear my throat and say "Whatever it is... It won't be good. I'll be in my office if you need me."

I walk over and refill my coffee cup before walking into my dark office. I use my magic to turn the lights on as I walk over to my desk. When I see the mess I left the other day, I use my magic to straighten the several papers on the desk as I sit down and turn on the computer.

After checking my email and responding to a few others, my first client for the night shows up. Shelly knocks on the door and as I say "Come in" She opens the door to reveal a middle-aged human woman.

Shelly hands a folder to me and says "This is Mrs. Tanner. Please have a seat." Mrs. Tanner looks around with fear before sitting down in the chair on the other side of my desk. I give her a polite smile and ask "Would you like some coffee?"

Mrs. Tanner gives me a strained smile and shakes her head no as she says "No, thank you though." I nod and sit down, flipping the folder open and asking "So what brings you to Super Natural Investigations?" She nervously licks her lips and says "My... my husband is possessed."
